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Should men be allowed to vote? (1 Viewer)

Should men be allowed to vote?

  • Yes, they should vote excatly the way their masters tell them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Dec 1, 2005
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La-la Land
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In this country.... (wait for the poll)
Ummm. I voted yes because voting is a freedom everyone in this DEMOCRATIC country deserves. I'm so sorry but this is a stupid poll.:thumbdown
I voted, yes, everyone deserves a political voice, except for a certain member of this site - who shall remain nameless, those that matter know who I mean - who wears his ass on his sleeve like its a friggin' diamond cufflink.
americanwoman said:
Ummm. I voted yes because voting is a freedom everyone in this DEMOCRATIC country deserves. I'm so sorry but this is a stupid poll.:thumbdown
This poll is called comeuppance.:2wave:
Ethically, I would have to say that everyone deserves a political voice; but this chance was too good to pass up. I picked "A."
I say, fair's fair: we allowed white men to vote for 80 years without allowing African-Americans to vote; we allowed men of all races to vote for another 40 years without allowing women to vote. We should balance that out: 40 years of just women, another 80 years of everybody but white men. And while we're at it, white Southerners should be slaves for another 200 years . . . or is that going too far?
galenrox said:
BAM! The old switcheroo! I'm on to you happykat!

I think the obvious answer should be "E - If Galen gives his approval of their voting abilities"

Looks like I also forgot "F - if the scary kitty lossens its claws enough to free the little rats" :2razz: :mrgreen:
Funny one, Hurricane Kat, but methinks we should get back to reality with 'Should women be allowed to vote'? Afterall, a woman isn't groomed to understand, let alone actually rule or govern in a male-oriented political society. Let's keep it real here.
It's obvious that all non-libertarians should not be allowed to vote... unless they vote for libertarians.
I suppose so yes, but no matter what we vote for we always lose, there is always a Politician who get's into power.

Women are more easily manipulated into voting for a particular political party through good propaganda, they are also more easily manipulated when in positions of power, this means in a female run governmnet there is more room for a behind the scenes Shadow Gov. to run things and pull strings.
Mickyjaystoned said:
Women are more easily manipulated into voting for a particular political party through good propaganda, they are also more easily manipulated when in positions of power, this means in a female run governmnet there is more room for a behind the scenes Shadow Gov. to run things and pull strings.

My prediction: you will be reamed out for that little tidbit.
Mickyjaystoned said:
I suppose so yes, but no matter what we vote for we always lose, there is always a Politician who get's into power.

Women are more easily manipulated into voting for a particular political party through good propaganda, they are also more easily manipulated when in positions of power, this means in a female run governmnet there is more room for a behind the scenes Shadow Gov. to run things and pull strings.

Aww, 30 and still no head?
Wait, WHAT? How in the hell do you back this up?

Facts back themselves up, i was not making a sexist statement but more a pshychological fact that i have learnt through my experiance in cohorting with diplomats.

By all means take offense though.

Anyway the Original post can't be serious, should men be allowed the vote??


If it wasn't for men we wouldn't have too vote, that is IMO a bad thing.
Mickyjaystoned said:
Facts back themselves up, i was not making a sexist statement but more a pshychological fact that i have learnt through my experiance in cohorting with diplomats.

Hint: it's psychological.

:lol: :lol:
vergiss said:
Aww, 30 and still no head?

I don't believe this is fair Vergiss. He has probably given a lot of head. I think pmskid is probably in the same category.
tryreading said:
I don't believe this is fair Vergiss. He has probably given a lot of head. I think pmskid is probably in the same category.

Hah! :lol: Nicely done.

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