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Should I post a Clinton conspiracy theory in the new thread? (1 Viewer)

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  • yes

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • no

    Votes: 2 66.7%

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Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I want to do one in response to these ludacris theories against Bush and the Bush family. I have a pretty good one but I feel restrained by my conscience to do it, because I know that it's a load of B.S. but still I want to prove something by it; that is that, anyone can make a pretty persuasive argument for anything and it doesn't even have to have a shread of truth.

Yes/No should I post it?
I say yes....why the hell not. regardless of the amount of disinformation in these conspiracy threads, there is always some underlying data that is based on reality. I dont know about anyone else but, I think its rather entertaining to sift through the BS to find the little nuggets of truth.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I want to do one in response to these ludacris theories against Bush and the Bush family. I have a pretty good one but I feel restrained by my conscience to do it, because I know that it's a load of B.S. but still I want to prove something by it; that is that, anyone can make a pretty persuasive argument for anything and it doesn't even have to have a shread of truth.

Yes/No should I post it?

Already been done, Look at all the lies and trash, Clinton was subjectied to by the Neo Fascist Conservatives. Hell no one has tried to impeach Bush yet, even though Bush is giving plenty of Reason. you can bet that Cheney is hoping Bush will get impeached. Impeaching Bush would be like getting rid of mad dog and exchanging him for cheney, a raging maddened American hating Tiger.
dragonslayer said:
Already been done, Look at all the lies and trash, Clinton was subjectied to by the Neo Fascist Conservatives. Hell no one has tried to impeach Bush yet, even though Bush is giving plenty of Reason. you can bet that Cheney is hoping Bush will get impeached. Impeaching Bush would be like getting rid of mad dog and exchanging him for cheney, a raging maddened American hating Tiger.

Oh I'm not talking about the normal things that you've heard about I'm talking about the way out of left field total b.s. stuff like the 9-11 conspiracy against Bush, Arkancide ring any bells, lmfao, I could go into an entire rant on Waco, but like I said I feel that my character is better than that, for me to post it I need people to know that I know it's b.s. and more importantly that I know that they know that I know, it's really a matter of using the tactics of the crazy ass libs against them, oh and what exactly did the Conservatives say about Clinton that wasn't true? Actually you know what just for you pal I've made my decision I'm going to post it, it's like ten pages but I've got plenty of time, I'm going to take you from whitewater rapids with Vince Foster at Rose Law Firm, all the way to Arkancide. LMFAO It'll be up in a few full and complete with cites (in text), though I believe I lost the bibliography.

Oh and coming soon to a history forum near you the Palestinian-israeli Conflict UN partition plan - road map to peace with alot of **** that's not found in the IR text in b/w. Gonna be about a week appx. 20,000 words 25 pgs. together which I only got hard copies for. (Got the bibliography for this one.)
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You must NEVER say anything bad about "He whom shall not be blamed"...:roll:

The last thing we need around here is for people to go back a few years and see how the messes we're dealing with now got started...
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