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shooting in shopping cnetre, Munich-Germany (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Mar 8, 2015
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in expatria
Political Leaning
First emergency call to police came in about an hour ago.

Informations very unclear as yet but ranging from one to several dead, many injured.

Whole area around the centre (near the Olympic stadium) cordoned off and buyilding evacuated but reports vary between perpetrator still being inside building and having escaped.

The Munich subway has ceased operations completely.

By current account of eye witnesses one perpetrator.
First emergency call to police came in about an hour ago.

Informations very unclear as yet but ranging from one to several dead, many injured.

Whole area around the centre (near the Olympic stadium) cordoned off and buyilding evacuated but reports vary between perpetrator still being inside building and having escaped.

The Munich subway has ceased operations completely.

By current account of eye witnesses one perpetrator.

Forbid guns!
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