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Sherrod Brown: 'We have a president who’s a racist' (1 Viewer)


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Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said Sunday that President Trump is a racist.

“This country hasn’t dealt well with issues of race. We have a president who’s a racist," Brown, who is considering running for president in 2020, said during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."
When questioned by MSNBC's Chuck Todd, Brown cited his advancement of the 'Birther' movement directed at former president Obama & his open discrimination against renting apartments he owned to black people. I don't know if he mentioned the Central Park Five, who Trump still thinks are guilty of rape & murder & should be executed despite their having been exonerated based on evidence.
Historically low black unemployment
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Alice Johnson

And so, so much more that make Obama and Democrats look like the party of people who want to see ALL blacks never rise up out of poverty, crime, broken families and poor education.

Everything this racist bigot is spewing is ancient history. What Trump has done in 2 years blows away what Obama didn't do in 8.
If Trump had a dollar.....

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said Sunday that President Trump is a racist.

“This country hasn’t dealt well with issues of race. We have a president who’s a racist," Brown, who is considering running for president in 2020, said during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."
When questioned by MSNBC's Chuck Todd, Brown cited his advancement of the 'Birther' movement directed at former president Obama & his open discrimination against renting apartments he owned to black people. I don't know if he mentioned the Central Park Five, who Trump still thinks are guilty of rape & murder & should be executed despite their having been exonerated based on evidence.

Still waiting for all the "RACIST" quotes and actions the left keeps LYING ABOUT.

Here..let me SAVE YOU SOME TIME: The NEW YORK COURTS decided "walfare = BLACK"... not the Trumps. Their concern was INCOME, not SKIN COLOR, in their rental practices.

"MUSLIM" is not a "RACE".

Pointing out that illegals have committed MANY CRIMES against Americans =/= "calling all Mexicans criminals".

And :...~ " But I thought I should put out a comment as to what's going on in Charlottesville. So, again, I want to thank everybody for being here, in particular I want to thank our incredible veterans. And thank you, fellas. Let me shake your hand.

They're great people. Great people. But we're closely following the terrible events unfolding in Charlottesville, Virginia. We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides. It's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama, this has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America. What is vital now is a swift restoration of law and order and the protection of innocent lives. No citizen should ever fear for their safety and security in our society. And no child should ever be afraid to go outside and play or be with their parents and have a good time. "


There...now LET's SEE ALL THE "RACISM" from Pres.Trump…

Trump ellis island 2.png

real donald trump nver a racist.jpg

Trump never racist 2.jpg

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said Sunday that President Trump is a racist.

“This country hasn’t dealt well with issues of race. We have a president who’s a racist," Brown, who is considering running for president in 2020, said during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."
When questioned by MSNBC's Chuck Todd, Brown cited his advancement of the 'Birther' movement directed at former president Obama & his open discrimination against renting apartments he owned to black people. I don't know if he mentioned the Central Park Five, who Trump still thinks are guilty of rape & murder & should be executed despite their having been exonerated based on evidence.
Sherrod Brown sounds like a man who's running for Trump's job!

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said Sunday that President Trump is a racist.

“This country hasn’t dealt well with issues of race. We have a president who’s a racist," Brown, who is considering running for president in 2020, said during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."
When questioned by MSNBC's Chuck Todd, Brown cited his advancement of the 'Birther' movement directed at former president Obama & his open discrimination against renting apartments he owned to black people. I don't know if he mentioned the Central Park Five, who Trump still thinks are guilty of rape & murder & should be executed despite their having been exonerated based on evidence.

Tell a lie enough times and the idiots think it's true.

I'll let you decide if Brown is the liar or the idiot.
We have a president who’s a racist'.

Why does this make a headline?

This is nothing new. This is a central tenet in Trumpism. "Hate thy person of color." It's from the latest Bible translation.

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