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Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control... [W:137] (1 Viewer)

Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

I have no idea what you are babbling about was I not clear? Why do you think your vague references and generalities have any significance?

You obviously do because you tried to explain it in a previous post and distance yourself from your original comment.

Insulting me does not change what you wrote or that it agrees with my post that you replied to.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

There is no duty to obey a bad law and obeying it is not a successful defence. It also interferes with states power and I agree citizens do have redress by objecting. Blind obedience is for slaves and serfs. However doing so may well annoy a government that can feel confident in prosecuting such an individual/group without repercussion. Which is why it is better for government to fear the people.

I am all against anarchy. The law is the law. Don't like the law, change it.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

I am all against anarchy. The law is the law. Don't like the law, change it.

The first step to getting a bad law changed is to break it and go to court.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

You obviously do because you tried to explain it in a previous post and distance yourself from your original comment.

Insulting me does not change what you wrote or that it agrees with my post that you replied to.

Do not attempt to define my motives to suit your foul agenda again. I explained why I agreed and unless you can prove different keep your self congratulatory and idiotic thoughts to yourself. The truth cannot be insulting especially when you demonstrate it so aptly. You earn every comment you think is an insult. If you want it to stop the answer is obvious.
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Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

I am all against anarchy. The law is the law. Don't like the law, change it.

Disobedience of a bad law is not anarchy it is a duty. The NAZI tried that one and found out orders like laws are not to be carried out if bad and most certainly not if harmful to others. Surely we have not become people slavishly beholden to government for everything we do not even think or object any more?

A court will review a bad law if it can be shown to be bad by being applied to somebody. It is what is called a test case by forcing a charge under that law.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

If a law is passed and ratified then it's constitutional until lawfully ruled otherwise. Until then, a law officer must enforce all of the law. Not place himself above the law to pick and choose.

Care to explain how a bad law is changed with obedience and acceptance of the rubbish you have stated?
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

Yes it does. And a tiny nasty infection can ruin the entire bodies sense of well being as well.

It's in action right here. Gun control is a disease. An infectious disease its advocates spread knowing it will injure the patient but they simply turn a blind eye the the blood on their hands.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

Do not attempt to define my motives to suit your foul agenda again. I explained why I agreed and unless you can prove different keep your self congratulatory and idiotic thoughts to yourself. The truth cannot be insulting especially when you demonstrate it so aptly. You earn every comment you think is an insult. If you want it to stop the answer is obvious.

You seem embarrassed that you made a post supporting one of mine. Its okay - you don't have to be. You agreeing with me is all right.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

It's in action right here. Gun control is a disease. An infectious disease its advocates spread knowing it will injure the patient but they simply turn a blind eye the the blood on their hands.

The American people say differently.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

The American people say differently.

I have no idea what this propagandistic disease ridden statement means. But it is an example of the disease called band waggoning. Was that your intention?
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

You seem embarrassed that you made a post supporting one of mine. Its okay - you don't have to be. You agreeing with me is all right.

Your statement are completely insane. I showed why I made the statement but apparently you cannot comprehend. Are you challenged in understanding the English language or is the not sufficient fuel for the working parts of comprehension?
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

I am all against anarchy. The law is the law. Don't like the law, change it.

If it is coming from the Feds changing it is not always all that easy. Why not stick to the Constitution and Bill of Rights and if the Feds want to violate them using unconstitutional laws then they can try and enforce them themselves.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

I have no idea what this propagandistic disease ridden statement means. But it is an example of the disease called band waggoning. Was that your intention?

Actually it is called the will of the people. It is a basic principle and is absolutely fundamental to our system of government.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

Your statement are completely insane. I showed why I made the statement but apparently you cannot comprehend. Are you challenged in understanding the English language or is the not sufficient fuel for the working parts of comprehension?

You don't have to be embarassed that you made a post which supported one I made. Its okay.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

You don't have to be embarassed that you made a post which supported one I made. Its okay.

You don't have to repost your butt ripped conjecture and pretend you know what I intended. It was clear to anyone who read my post. I know your obsession will not let go of this lie but it is obvious to all that you were winging way out of your depth and knowledge. I understand how embarrassed you must feel in getting it wrong once again. I'm sorry I cannot help that and suggest you in future do not try and claim you know what others are thinking. I'm trying to humour you as I can imagine how painful that must be to you to be busted like this.

That is twice you have not answered my question.

Your statements are completely insane. I showed why I made the statement but apparently you cannot comprehend. Are you challenged in understanding the English language or is the not sufficient fuel for the working parts of comprehension?
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

Actually it is called the will of the people. It is a basic principle and is absolutely fundamental to our system of government.

Straw-man Haymarket. The FREE WILL of the people is something completely different in comparison to the indoctrinated will of the people. How come you get it wrong so often?

I'm also going to say irrelevant to my post.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

Police officers who refuse to enforce the law they are paid to enforce should be fired for dereliction of duty and a refusal to do their jobs.


Federal agencies do not have state powers. Due to the Constitution’s structure of dual sovereignty, the feds have no authority to enforce state laws. Furthermore, states cannot be compelled to enforce federal laws.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

You don't have to repost your butt ripped conjecture and pretend you know what I intended.

BUTT RIPPED?!?!?!?!?!?!

Why are you being so insulting?

I know your obsession will not let go of this lie but it is obvious to all that you were winging way out of your depth and knowledge. I understand how embarrassed you must feel in getting it wrong once again. I'm sorry I cannot help that and suggest you in future do not try and claim you know what others are thinking. I'm trying to humour you as I can imagine how painful that must be to you to be busted like this.

I am sure you believe this. But none of it is true.

That is twice you have not answered my question.

What question?

Your statements are completely insane.

earlier you pronounced the vast majority of the American people INSANE by your standards. So this means nothing.

I showed why I made the statement but apparently you cannot comprehend

It was thoroughly comprehended the first time your worth it. Thank you for supporting me on that issue.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

Straw-man Haymarket. The FREE WILL of the people is something completely different in comparison to the indoctrinated will of the people. How come you get it wrong so often?

I'm also going to say irrelevant to my post.

Where do you get these rules you seem to quote as if from thin air?
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...


Federal agencies do not have state powers. Due to the Constitution’s structure of dual sovereignty, the feds have no authority to enforce state laws. Furthermore, states cannot be compelled to enforce federal laws.

I believe we are talking about local officials refusing to enforce the law.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

Where do you get these rules you seem to quote as if from thin air?

I have absolutely no idea of what rules you are babbling about.

What is difficult to understand that the German people for instance did not make an informed decision to murder Jews. Have you any idea why they accepted such inhumanity? I think you have a very good idea since gun control uses the same tactics and techniques.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

BUTT RIPPED?!?!?!?!?!?!

Why are you being so insulting?

Asked and answered

I am sure you believe this. But none of it is true.

Who give a rats rear end about what you think. In this event you are delusional and I have told you so. I gave you my reasons, there is no capital gain for you.

earlier you pronounced the vast majority of the American people INSANE by your standards. So this means nothing.

An appeal to popularity in no way refutes what I claimed. Are you suggesting the people who believed the earth was flat were not suffering from an induced delusion they could easily have proved false?

It was thoroughly comprehended the first time your worth it. Thank you for supporting me on that issue.

Your thanks are noted but not for the reasons you gave.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

I have absolutely no idea of what rules you are babbling about.

What is difficult to understand that the German people for instance did not make an informed decision to murder Jews. Have you any idea why they accepted such inhumanity? I think you have a very good idea since gun control uses the same tactics and techniques.

The rules are your own pronouncements that you make as if they were commandments 11 on up given to Moses as he came down from the mountain top believing he had spoken to a higher authority.

here is an example from the previous page

The FREE WILL of the people is something completely different in comparison to the indoctrinated will of the people.

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about in your second paragraph about germans and jews.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

Who give a rats rear end about what you think.

That would be obviously yourself. You seem to care a great deal what I think and spend countless posts replying to what I think.
Re: Sheriffs' Group Calls on Officers: Refuse to Enforce Gun Control...

That would be obviously yourself. You seem to care a great deal what I think and spend countless posts replying to what I think.

No I spend countess posts trying to correct lies from people who simply do not have a clue what I think but seek to try and falsely convince others they do. Get over it, there is no way you can know what I think and your claims you do are really patently stupid.

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