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Sestak White House scandal called 'impeachable offense' (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
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Dec 19, 2008
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Sestak White House scandal called 'impeachable offense'

Sestak White House scandal called 'impeachable offense'
'It's Valerie Plame, only bigger, a high crime and misdemeanor'

If a Democratic member of Congress is to be believed, there's someone in the Obama administration who has committed a crime – and if the president knew about it, analysts say it could be grounds for impeachment.

"This is a pretty extraordinary charge: 'They tried to bribe me out of the race by offering me a job,'" he said on Greta Van Susteran's "On the Record" program on the Fox News Channel. "Look, that's a violation of the federal code: 18 USC 600 says that a federal official cannot promise employment, a job in the federal government, in return for a political act.

Obama can.
Can't he?


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I'd be very surprised if they're ever able to link this to Obama himself. Maybe one of his aides will get nailed but that's about it.

what was the political act that they asked of sestak? he held no office

without a political act in return or something of value then how was this offer of a job an illegal action?
what was the political act that they asked of sestak? he held no office

without a political act in return or something of value then how was this offer of a job an illegal action?

Read the article.

There's enough smoke, look into it. If there's some wrong doing, act. If there's not, drop it. Don't go fishing, don't go on an inquisition, don't pull dozens of people before grand juries in hopes of catching them in perjury, don't make this front page news constantly when its not even close to the conclussion phase when most of the facts are known, and don't focus on the politics of it and who it can get rid of.

It was obnoxious with Lewinski and Clinton. It was obnoxious with Libby and Bush/Clinton. It will be obnoxious here and likely a similar effect.

Let authorities look into it, determine if there's wrong doing, and deal with it, and stop politicizing the **** out of this stuff...both sides.
If you couldn't impeach Bush for starting a war on false premises, this is a no go. And if this is a go, you might want to re-evaluate your countries values.
There's enough smoke, look into it. If there's some wrong doing, act. If there's not, drop it. Don't go fishing, don't go on an inquisition, don't pull dozens of people before grand juries in hopes of catching them in perjury, don't make this front page news constantly when its not even close to the conclussion phase when most of the facts are known, and don't focus on the politics of it and who it can get rid of.

It was obnoxious with Lewinski and Clinton.
No, no, no... Clinton tried to deny Paula Jones her day in court by lying under oath.
That is deadly serious.

During the House Impeachment they had a military officer, MD testify about lying about sex under oath.
She lost her medical license, was going to take the Bar exam (she must have been one smart lady) and lost any chance to practice law. Can't remember if she was thrown in the brig, out of the military, or both.

Clinton deserved no lesser treatment.
He should have been removed after being impeached.

It was DEMOCRATS that pushed these sexual harassment laws.
They had no exclusion for Presidents, and no exclusion for Presidents lying under oath about sex because it is embarrassing.

It was obnoxious with Libby and Bush/Clinton. It will be obnoxious here and likely a similar effect.
This was sad because what's his nuts... Fitzgerald knew it was Powell's sidekick Armitage, and kept on fishing. Huge difference. And to convict Libby for not remembering? Bogus.

Let authorities look into it, determine if there's wrong doing, and deal with it, and stop politicizing the **** out of this stuff...both sides.
I think we should find out who knows what, and let the chips fall precisely where they should. Presidents are not Kings.

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nothing there explains illegality

The MERE offering of a job in the manner Admiral Stesak has repeatedly framed is illegal.

Admiral Sestak had repeatedly stated what went down... somebody's balls are going to get smashed with a sledge hammer. It was illegal to offer him The Secretary of the Navy position in the manner it was offered. I do not believe these decisions are made by the Chief of Staff... these things go higher... ahem...

Here is the law:
We are a land of laws, not personalities... are we not?
Crimes and Criminal Procedure - 18 USC Section 600 - US Code
Sec. 600. Promise of employment or other benefit for political activity

Whoever, directly or indirectly, promises any employment, position, compensation, contract, appointment, or other benefit, provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any Act of Congress, or any special consideration in obtaining any such benefit, to any person as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity or for the support of or opposition to any candidate or any political party in connection with any general or special election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Exclusive: All 7 Republicans on Senate Judiciary Committee Ask AG Holder to Appoint Special Prosecutor to Look Into Alleged Sestak Job Offer - Political Punch

The Plum Line - Time for Sestak to clean up his mess

RealClearPolitics - Video - MSNBC's Scarborough: "Media Malpractice" For Ignoring Sestak Story
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what was the political act that they asked of sestak? he held no office

without a political act in return or something of value then how was this offer of a job an illegal action?

Sestak is presently a House member representing the 7th in PA; he assumed office in 2007.

The offering, by a White House official of a Cabinet position in exchange for Sestak dropping his Senate run appears to violate 18 USC 595:
"Whoever, being a person employed in any administrative position
by the United States, or by any department or agency thereof, or by
the District of Columbia or any agency or instrumentality thereof,
or by any State, Territory, or Possession of the United States, or
any political subdivision, municipality, or agency thereof, or
agency of such political subdivision or municipality (including any
corporation owned or controlled by any State, Territory, or
Possession of the United States or by any such political
subdivision, municipality, or agency), in connection with any
activity which is financed in whole or in part by loans or grants
made by the United States, or any department or agency thereof,
uses his official authority for the purpose of interfering with, or
affecting, the nomination or the election of any candidate for the
office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member
of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate
from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, shall be
fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or
And also 18 USC 600:
"Whoever, directly or indirectly, promises any employment,
position, compensation, contract, appointment, or other benefit,
provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any Act of
Congress, or any special consideration in obtaining any such
benefit, to any person as consideration, favor, or reward for any
political activity or for the support of or opposition to any
candidate or any political party in connection with any general or
special election to any political office, or in connection with any
primary election or political convention or caucus held to select
candidates for any political office, shall be fined under this
title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both."
I don't think he has to be holding office.

If he was going to make a run for a seat, and was offered a position in the government not to run, that would signal a breach of the law.

There's enough smoke, look into it. If there's some wrong doing, act. If there's not, drop it. Don't go fishing, don't go on an inquisition, don't pull dozens of people before grand juries in hopes of catching them in perjury, don't make this front page news constantly when its not even close to the conclussion phase when most of the facts are known, and don't focus on the politics of it and who it can get rid of.

It was obnoxious with Lewinski and Clinton. It was obnoxious with Libby and Bush/Clinton. It will be obnoxious here and likely a similar effect.

Let authorities look into it, determine if there's wrong doing, and deal with it, and stop politicizing the **** out of this stuff...both sides.

Good Old Z, making sure no one can mistake him for a Conservative.

Sestak and another politician, guy from Colo. if memory serves have both claimed that they were offered Cush Jobs not to run.

Neither of them have been willing to name names publicly though. So either two men are liars OR both are being honest. There is nothing wrong with demanding answers to such abuses of power.
Good Old Z, making sure no one can mistake him for a Conservative.

Sestak and another politician, guy from Colo. if memory serves have both claimed that they were offered Cush Jobs not to run.

Neither of them have been willing to name names publicly though. So either two men are liars OR both are being honest. There is nothing wrong with demanding answers to such abuses of power.

Please Mr. V, enlighten me as to what "isn't conservative" about my position? Specifics if you would.

I want it investigated, if there's sufficient evidence to suggest a crime I want it pursued, and if the persons found guilty I want them punished. I'm going to wager that you're not saying wanting the justice system to function isn't conservative.

Oh, I know, perhaps in your twisted hyper partisan view of what "conservative" is if one does not want to take any and every opportunity to run your "enemies" through the mud at the potential expense of the countries money and the integrity of the country and the office of the President all in the name of political points that it doesn't make one "conservative".

Oh, oh, I know...maybe its the notion that you know, just because someone has a (D) or an (R) next to their name doesn't mean you should react differently to the base principle of it...that must be what you strangely think wasn't "conservative" of me. That I thought the witch hunt and perjury traps set for scooter Libby were ridiculous, as was the non-stop constant attention to the entire relatively small issue by the media during the months and months when we didn't have all the facts and thus was just pointless speculation for political purposes, and that I'd have the audacity to think two wrongs don't make a right and that this particular issue should be handled the way I would've preferred the Plame issued to be handled.

That must be it, how strangely non-conservative of me, actually sticking to principles despite whether or not doing so will benefit "my side" and not wanting to take a law enforcement situation far from complete and make wild assumptions all in the name of dragging down the POTUS because he's a (D), regardless of whether or not anything I'm saying turns out to be true.

Yep, you got me, fake conservative I guess. At least in hyper partisan bizarro land.
You'll never get it because it will be one word vs another and that is all the excuse Liberals will need not to convict if its true.
I don't know if this will amount to anything. Blagojevich was a disgrace to corrupt politicians everywhere. Most of them are smart enough to make their actions appear perfectly legitimate.
You'll never get it because it will be one word vs another and that is all the excuse Liberals will need not to convict if its true.

One word vs. another never holds up in court if there isn't any evidence.
I don't know if this will amount to anything. Blagojevich was a disgrace to corrupt politicians everywhere. Most of them are smart enough to make their actions appear perfectly legitimate.

The longer this lingers, and if they believe they can wait this out with their propagandists playing dumb, the worse it is going to get.

The Admiral is on record multiple times stating the scenario.

We need to know who did what, who knew what, and when they knew the whats.

I expect Obama will be forthcoming immediately. He said he will run the most ethical administration ever.

Jeopardy music...

We will see how Obama justifies stopping this

Exclusive: All 7 Republicans on Senate Judiciary Committee Ask AG Holder to Appoint Special Prosecutor to Look Into Alleged Sestak Job Offer - Political Punch

In a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder today, all seven Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee "urge the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Congressman Joe Sestak's claim that a White House official offered him a job to induce him to exit the Pennsylvania Senate primary race against Senator Arlen Specter."

The seven – Sens. Jeff Sessions of Alabama, Orrin Hatch of Utah, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Jon Kyl or Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, John Cornyn of Texas and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma – allege that the offer would appear to violate federal criminal laws, including 18 U.S.C. 600, which prohibits promising a government position “as consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity” or “in connection with any primary election or political convention or caucus held to select candidates for any political office.
And yet again we are embarassed by a liberal administration in the eyes of the world. Making unpopular decisions is one thing but the corruption is inexcusable.
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And yet again we are embarassed by a liberal administration in the eyes of the world. Making unpopular decisions is one thing but the corruption is inexcusable.

Please don't tell me you think only liberals are corrupt.
I hear it was Rahm Emanuel who offered Joe Sestak a job. This offense carries a sentence of 1 year in prison. I hope it was Emanuel and I hope he does time for it.
While it certainly seems like this violates the letter of the law, it doesn't seem all that strange. When Reagan ran against Bush for the Republican nomination in 1980, Reagan got Bush to back him by offering him the VP slot on the ticket. Technically, Reagan wasn't offering him a job but it seems very similar.
If you couldn't impeach Bush for starting a war on false premises, this is a no go. And if this is a go, you might want to re-evaluate your countries values.

false premises-the ones that the Clinton administration were proclaiming loudly and longly for several years?

do you understand the concept of "burden of proof"

the burden was on Saddam Insane to prove he did not have WMD.

he didn't

he lost

end of story
I hear it was Rahm Emanuel who offered Joe Sestak a job. This offense carries a sentence of 1 year in prison. I hope it was Emanuel and I hope he does time for it.

The odious Rahmbo as someone's prison bitch would make my year
approaching guys in the shower would have new meaning to him
I hear it was Rahm Emanuel who offered Joe Sestak a job. This offense carries a sentence of 1 year in prison. I hope it was Emanuel and I hope he does time for it.

He could not offer it without Obama's approval. They should both be investigated.

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