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Senate passes criminal justice overhaul, handing Trump (and Jared Kushner) a win (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2017
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Libertarian - Right
A big win for the POTUS, Kushner, and mostly for Americans who are or have been incarcerated for non-violent crimes.

Senate passes criminal justice overhaul, handing Trump a win

The Senate passed a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill on Tuesday night, handing a significant victory to President Trump
and senators who lobbied to advance the legislation before the end of the year.

Senators voted 87-12 on the legislation, which merges a House-passed prison reform bill aimed at reducing recidivism with a handful of changes to sentencing laws and mandatory minimum prison sentences.

Its passage is also a win for Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, who took on criminal justice reform as one of his primary policy goals and who has lobbied individual senators to back the bill for months.

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I'm glad for it. Its a win for everyone and should have happened forever ago. The three strike policy was trash and went against double jeopardy. Its a little frustrating that change didn't happen until a rich (white) man was personally effected, but if that's what it took, that's what it took. "The First Step Act," I hope it lives up to its name and they continue to reform the system.
I'm glad for it. Its a win for everyone and should have happened forever ago. The three strike policy was trash and went against double jeopardy. Its a little frustrating that change didn't happen until a rich (white) man was personally effected, but if that's what it took, that's what it took. "The First Step Act," I hope it lives up to its name and they continue to reform the system.

Three strikes is typically applied to VIOLENT offenders, as a rule, but yes, this will be mostly good, I'm convinced.

Of course, there will be mistakes, some "bad eggs" might hit the streets mistakenly...and, of course, the TDS Fake News Left with then IMMEDIATELY BLAME TRUMP...while ignoring the violence of illegals....as usual.
Three strikes is typically applied to VIOLENT offenders, as a rule, but yes, this will be mostly good, I'm convinced.

Of course, there will be mistakes, some "bad eggs" might hit the streets mistakenly...and, of course, the TDS Fake News Left with then IMMEDIATELY BLAME TRUMP...while ignoring the violence of illegals....as usual.

I think Democrats will have trouble blaming Trump for problems caused by the bill since in the Senate they voted for it unanimously.
I think Democrats will have trouble blaming Trump for problems caused by the bill since in the Senate they voted for it unanimously.

Nope. That level of hypocrisy is their trademark.
A big win for the POTUS, Kushner, and mostly for Americans who are or have been incarcerated for non-violent crimes.

Senate passes criminal justice overhaul, handing Trump a win

The Senate passed a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill on Tuesday night, handing a significant victory to President Trump
and senators who lobbied to advance the legislation before the end of the year.

Senators voted 87-12 on the legislation, which merges a House-passed prison reform bill aimed at reducing recidivism with a handful of changes to sentencing laws and mandatory minimum prison sentences.

Its passage is also a win for Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, who took on criminal justice reform as one of his primary policy goals and who has lobbied individual senators to back the bill for months.

I'm trying to figure out why the Republicans and trumpco supported this. Typically the GOP has been the opposite. Hopefully we arent missing something in the fine print. Like what happened to the investments in private prisons? Are those divested? Again, in surprised by the people who are ape crazy about criminals.

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