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Senate delays vote on controversial Trump judicial nominee (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
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Apr 18, 2013
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Senate delays vote on controversial Trump judicial nominee


Thomas Farr (l) and his mentor segregationist Senator Jesse Helms.

The Senate delayed a final vote on a controversial Trump judicial nominee because Republicans are currently short of the votes to confirm him. The vote on Thomas Farr, originally set for Thursday, is now scheduled to take place next week. Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), who voted in favor Wednesday of moving forward with Farr's nomination, is undecided on confirming the judge, according to a source. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) was not present for the vote. All 49 Senate Democrats have said they plan to vote against him along with Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) who has vowed to block all judicial nominees until Republican leadership brings to the floor legislation to protect special counsel Robert Mueller. Farr can't lose any additional Republican votes. Earlier this week, Democrats blasted Farr for defending a North Carolina voter ID law for that an appellate court struck down for targeting African-American voters. In addition, they criticized Farr for his role as a campaign lawyer for former Sen. Jesse Helms in 1990. Helms’ campaign sent postcards targeting African-American voters that suggested they were not eligible to vote. Helms, a segregationist, also opposed the Civil Rights Act. Democrats also criticized Republicans for keeping the seat open for twelve years by blocking two of President Barack Obama’s judicial nominees for the role.

It's a shame such racial-voter-suppression advocates are allowed anywhere near a court bench. Vice President Mike Pence (Father White) may have to cast the decisive vote next week.

Related: Senate postpones vote on controversial Trump nominee
This seat has been open for 12 years? Go ahead, someone tell me again how well things are working up on the hill these days.

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