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Seeking Clean Discussion and to Understand Pro-Choice Stance (3 Viewers)

By having unprotected sex they both invited that baby into her womb.

I already showed that most couples ARE using bc or otherwise having sex responsibly. Post 661. Why are you posting in bad faith here?
And no one has the right to take the life of another innocent human being.

Why do you value that useless innocence? Perhaps you could answer this time?

Ah, here's that useless 'innocence' that you cant explain why you value it again. Care to now? Why do you value an attribute that is only emptiness, a vacuum? There's no ability to act, no intent. Why do you give credit to something for literally 'nothing?'

And then explain how the woman is 'guilty' of something...remembering that the great majority of couples are indeed having sex responsibly (post 661)?
Women can’t be left to choose because they cannot be entrusted to choose as desired by Americas dominating religious group.

Women regardless of religion, race, age or economic influences have chosen to have an abortion in a ratio of 1 out of 3. This clearly shows that women as a whole when left to make choices are clearly incapable and are highly likely to error when formulating a selection.

A woman’s choice should not outweigh the religious beliefs of those wishing to control a woman’s option no matter what the woman’s religious beliefs are or are not. Women should be restricted by laws to doing what they are told and except the limitations to the rights extended to them.
Choices in personal life should be up for review for women who repeatedly show an independent or adverse path than that of Americas controlling religious power. Individuals should be granted the power to be able to override choices made by foolishly motivated women.

Peter Thiel a very influential republican strategist and major donor who has been the keynote speaker at numerous republican events including the 2016 Republican National Convention has espoused that the country was better off when more individuals were disenfranchised.
Mr. Thiel who has the ear and has dined with President Trump points to 1920 as one of the key points when democracy in the USA was severely damaged. He is speaking of the harm done when women were given the right to vote. He has spoken to the trust that his religious beliefs are crucial to keeping those whose beliefs differ from his from changing America as he sees it.

His faith pushes him to see that white, older males as the only true moderators of freedom in America and that those who have a different conviction than him, want to harm American democracy. Unless you are one of those people you know he is correct.

Changing, revamping or removing laws that conflict with Americas controlling religious power are the only rational way of regaining the control of the country from individuals who abuse freedom by pushing the idea that equality, inclusion and a general impartiality should somehow be the norm.
Equality, inclusion and impartiality stand in the way of control and are a severe impediment to dominance. Only through domination can America be reshaped back to the country it was in past decades when a male’s rights and a religious supremacy was prevalent and completely unquestioned.
Hello, I'd like to weigh in here because this issue has been on my mind as im sure it has been for alot of people. My personal gut feeling was always that i did not like the idea of abortion, something about it seemed wrong to me, but i always maintained that i still felt it wpuldnt be right to deny everyone else their own personal choice. I believe abletion is a perfect issue to highlight what i feel is a major factor in ANY political issue... every single human being has been wired, shaped, and formed in a 100% different way than every other person on the planet. We all came to our conclusions because we perceived the world in our own way. Men or even women who have never been put in this kind of compromising situation may never have had that "ah-ha" moment that allowed them to see the other side of this issue. I was included in that side. It was easy to say i didnt agree with it... id never been faced with the reality that the life i was building was now unexpectadly going to be turned upside down by a pregnancy.

I do believe that we as humans have to make many tough choices and sacrifices in every aspect of society. I hope we can all realize that there is really no "absolute right way" to do anything. We do our best to make decisiond that benefit the greater good.

So with abortion, i believe that it is a personal right. Like others have already stated, we impose death penalties, we restrict many rights to so many categories of people... and they are real, functioning people that would be proven in a court of law that they are competent enough to make their own decisions. I understand that a woman and fetus is a one of a kind scenario... so i think we all need to bend our conventional views on human rights. If we can be granted the power to make medical decisions for loved ones, or pull the plug, i fail to see the difference. We have always danced around our convictions when its convenient. And this issue can literally destroy lives. The child, the mother.

My personal opinion is that if you are ok with killing a mosquito, or a fish, or a deatn row inmate... why are you suddenly drawing the line at abortion. My guess is that S humans we tend to extend sympathy to certain types of beings. Babies have always been glorified bc of their innocence and cuteness. And more importantly as a symbol of hope and feeling loved and needed. The same is for animals.. why are we ok with imprisoning and slaughtering pigs and cows but lose our **** if another country kills dogs for meat. The bigger or fuzzier or lovable the animal, the harder it is for us to justify killing. Many species terminate their young... and thats AFTER birth. Lets stop pretending we are that much different. Lets be like other species and make decisions that over time allow us to thrive as a strong species.
Women can’t be left to choose because they cannot be entrusted to choose as desired by Americas dominating religious group.

Nice post...I love irony. I also love your forum name...one of the best ever!
Nice post...I love irony. I also love your forum name...one of the best ever!
Itg would be funny except we have another poster posting similar things seriously.:lamo

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