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Screen went weird, what to do? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
Political Leaning
DPscreen.jpgWhy does my screen look like this now?
When you hit 1000 posts they screw up your screen for a bit. It goes with the invitation to donate money.

I think it happens again at 2000.

I can't remember if it happened at 3000 or 4000.

It will go back.
When you hit 1000 posts they screw up your screen for a bit. It goes with the invitation to donate money.

I think it happens again at 2000.

I can't remember if it happened at 3000 or 4000.

It will go back.

Thank you. I wondered, I have had other banners though that didn't do that so wasn't sure.
View attachment 67248576Why does my screen look like this now?

It's a DP "rite of passage" and PBS-esque donation plea.
  • When you get to your first 1000 posts, and again for your second thousand, maybe even the third, DP makes the screen do that. It'll go away after a few more posts.
  • DP presumes that since one's found 1000 reasons to post something here, and since the forum itself exists, one's a good target to hit up for money.
The screen change freaked me out when it happened. I had no idea what was going on and thought my PC had been hacked, gotten a virus or something.

I was livid when I found out that the screen change was an unannounced yet intentional "surprise" DP "pushed" to my screen. When I saw the "won't you donate" request, I thought, "You have the gall to freak me out like that and then ask me for money? Are you unfamiliar with the phrase 'nobody likes surprises?'"

When you hit 1000 posts they screw up your screen for a bit. It goes with the invitation to donate money.

I think it happens again at 2000.

I can't remember if it happened at 3000 or 4000.

It will go back.

"Invitation." Yeah, that's one way to put it. LOL

I was livid when I found out that the screen change was an unannounced yet intentional "surprise" DP "pushed" to my screen. When I saw the "won't you donate" request, I thought, "You have the gall to freak me out like that and then ask me for money? Are you unfamiliar with the phrase 'nobody likes surprises?'"


Yeah, I had a similar thought. Wondering what percentage of people responded well (in a monetary sense) to the site looking broken. Kinda like someone asking me for money right after I've stubbed my toe on the doorjamb.
Yeah, I had a similar thought. Wondering what percentage of people responded well (in a monetary sense) to the site looking broken. Kinda like someone asking me for money right after I've stubbed my toe on the doorjamb.

Someone like the doorman. Yep.
Yeah, I had a similar thought. Wondering what percentage of people responded well (in a monetary sense) to the site looking broken. Kinda like someone asking me for money right after I've stubbed my toe on the doorjamb.

The Board runs on donations. A year or so ago, Board was not meeting the donations needed to pay the bills. And the request went out on the Board for donations.

IMHO it was Schweddy who was putting in the shortfalls.
Not fair.

Those that can, should consider a donation, those that cannot, well do not as people here will understand.
I am sure there are a larger number of those that can afford to donate a few dollars now and again

Right now the Board, as you can note, near end month has reached 77.5 %
The Board runs on donations. A year or so ago, Board was not meeting the donations needed to pay the bills. And the request went out on the Board for donations.

IMHO it was Schweddy who was putting in the shortfalls.
Not fair.

Those that can, should consider a donation, those that cannot, well do not as people here will understand.
I am sure there are a larger number of those that can afford to donate a few dollars now and again

Right now the Board, as you can note, near end month has reached 77.5 %

Fair enough. Xelor and I were simply commenting on how odd it seemed to couple a push for donations with a puzzling screen which looked like the site was buggy.
Fair enough. Xelor and I were simply commenting on how odd it seemed to couple a push for donations with a puzzling screen which looked like the site was buggy.

I realize that. Now should they change it, yep.
The reason I mentioned donations is we have a number of members that were not aware of when the shortfalls reached a crisis point for the Board
The screen is buggy due to an issue with the coding. I'll try to work on this in the next week or so.

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