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Scientists discover distant 'mirror image' of the Earth and the sun (1 Viewer)

Just over 3000 Ly away?

Thats only 920 Parsecs!

Road trip!
I think they are making stuff up!


Name Number
Million 1 x 106
Billion 1 x 109
Trillion 1 x 1012
Quadrillion 1 x 1015
Quintillion 1 x 1018
Sextillion 1 x 1021
Septillion 1 x 1024
Octillion 1 x 1027
Nonillion 1 x 1030
Decillion 1 x 1033
Undecillion 1 x 1036
Duodecillion 1 x 1039
Tredecillion 1 x 1042
Quattuordecillion 1 x 1045
Quindecillion 1 x 1048
Sexdecillion 1 x 1051
Septendecillion 1 x 1054
Octodecillion 1 x 1057
Novemdecillion 1 x 1060
Vigintillion 1 x 1063
Unvigintillion 1 x 1066
Duovigintillion 1 x 1069
Trevigintillion 1 x 1072
Quattuorvigintillion 1 x 1075
Quinvigintillion 1 x 1078
Sexvigintillion 1 x 1081
Septenvigintillion 1 x 1084
Octovigintillion 1 x 1087
Nonvigintillion 1 x 1090
Trigintillion 1 x 1093
Untrigintillion 1 x 1096
Duotrigintillion 1 x 1099
Ten-duotrigintillion (or Googol) 1 x 10100
Skewer's Number 1 x 10130
Centillion 1 x 10303
Googolplex 1 x 1010100
Skewes' Number skewes number

As you can see, for most of the chart, the power of 10 increases by three for each new number, which means you add three extra zeros to the end of the number to get the next number.
Now, if we wanted to travel to Alpha Centauri, we would have to know how fast our spaceship is travelling. The fastest rockets move at about 20,000 mph. Suppose we launch one at 20,000 miles per hour toward Alpha Centauri. How long would it take to get there?

Well, distance travelled equals speed times time, so the time it takes to travel a distance is that distance divided by the speed, or

4 light-years / (20,000 miles / hour)

Now this isn't terribly illuminating. We need to convert units so that we can do the division. There are 6 trillion miles in a light-year (approximately), so the distance we need to go is 6 trillion miles / light-year times 4 light-years, or 24 trillion miles. So, this trip would take 1.2 billion hours. There are 24 hours a day and 365.25 days per year, so this time in years is 137 thousand years.

137,000 years to the closest star.

History for humanity started about 5,000 years ago, so 137,000 years is a very long time.
I think they are making stuff up!


Name Number
Million 1 x 106
Billion 1 x 109
Trillion 1 x 1012
Quadrillion 1 x 1015
Quintillion 1 x 1018
Sextillion 1 x 1021
Septillion 1 x 1024
Octillion 1 x 1027
Nonillion 1 x 1030
Decillion 1 x 1033
Undecillion 1 x 1036
Duodecillion 1 x 1039
Tredecillion 1 x 1042
Quattuordecillion 1 x 1045
Quindecillion 1 x 1048
Sexdecillion 1 x 1051
Septendecillion 1 x 1054
Octodecillion 1 x 1057
Novemdecillion 1 x 1060
Vigintillion 1 x 1063
Unvigintillion 1 x 1066
Duovigintillion 1 x 1069
Trevigintillion 1 x 1072
Quattuorvigintillion 1 x 1075
Quinvigintillion 1 x 1078
Sexvigintillion 1 x 1081
Septenvigintillion 1 x 1084
Octovigintillion 1 x 1087
Nonvigintillion 1 x 1090
Trigintillion 1 x 1093
Untrigintillion 1 x 1096
Duotrigintillion 1 x 1099
Ten-duotrigintillion (or Googol) 1 x 10100
Skewer's Number 1 x 10130
Centillion 1 x 10303
Googolplex 1 x 1010100
Skewes' Number skewes number

As you can see, for most of the chart, the power of 10 increases by three for each new number, which means you add three extra zeros to the end of the number to get the next number.

Dammit.....you just ruptured my brain cell.

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