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SC allows N. Dakota VOTER ID's (1 Viewer)

The problem was that Congressional districts are defined based on how many people live in a given area. Can’t have people choosing where they vote based on where they have their mail delivered. They may be US citizens, but they are not residents of any State and never have been.

And there's zero evidence of that ever having been a problem.
Then why are you complaining that PO Boxes are no longer a valid address for voting purposes?

* facepalm * Because it was an unnecessary move designed to prevent legal state residents from voting. Can you read?

And, contrary to your statement, they are residents of the state they reside in.

You seem to have some real comprehension issue on this matter.
So now, in addition to BLACKS and other minorities, the Fraudocrats have declared NATIVE AMERICANS to also be TOO STUPID/INCOMPETENT to OBTAIN A PHOTO ID in 2018.


Please produce all the Native Americans who are THIS STUPID/INCOMPETENT...other than the PAID Fraudocrat Operatives (Such as Dorothy Cooper, Gloria Applewhite) to come forth and LIE about their "being unable to get an ID", only to find that they DELIBERATELY SCREWED UP THEIR OWN PAPERWORK, as INSTRUCTED TO DO by their FRAUDOCRAT HANDLERS.

They EASILY obtained FREE IDs, by filling out the form HONESTLY.
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* facepalm * Because it was an unnecessary move designed to prevent legal state residents from voting. Can you read?

And, contrary to your statement, they are residents of the state they reside in.

You seem to have some real comprehension issue on this matter.

Apparently you can’t. These people live in soveirgn Indian territory by treaty. They do not live in a State. If you are a State resident then you have a State residential address but if you’ve been using a P.O. Box to vote in a district you don’t live in then you’re out of luck.
Apparently you can’t. These people live in soveirgn Indian territory by treaty. They do not live in a State. If you are a State resident then you have a State residential address but if you’ve been using a P.O. Box to vote in a district you don’t live in then you’re out of luck.

Irrelevant. Legally they are state residents as well. There has never been any problems with them voting w/registration to a PO pox.

You're excusing disenfranchisement of US citizens for no good reason.

We're done here. You're simply not dealing in facts.

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