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Sandy Berger Pleads Guilty (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
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Political Leaning
I don’t know who he thought he was kidding when he said it was an honest mistake. He gets away with a slap on the hand, and Martha Stewart goes to jail. I would say there is a slight injustice going on here.

Apr 1, 4:21 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Former national security adviser Sandy Berger, who once had unfettered access to the government's most sensitive secrets, pleaded guilty Friday to sneaking classified documents out of the National Archives, then using scissors to cut up some of them.
Rather than the "honest mistake" he described last summer, Berger acknowledged to U.S. Magistrate Deborah Robinson that he intentionally took and deliberately destroyed three copies of the same document dealing with terror threats during the 2000 millennium celebration. He then lied about it to Archives staff when they told him documents were missing.
This is the part that really gets my goat:
However, under a plea agreement that still must be approved by Robinson, Berger would serve no jail time but pay a $10,000 fine, surrender his security clearance for three years and cooperate with investigators. Security clearance allows access to classified government materials.
Umm, hey! He willfully and purposefully destroyed security papers. Maybe we shouldn't let him near them ever again? Just a wacky thought there.
shuamort said:
This is the part that really gets my goat:Umm, hey! He willfully and purposefully destroyed security papers. Maybe we shouldn't let him near them ever again? Just a wacky thought there.

Yeah I'd be willing to bet that if somebody got caught stealing, say, even $500 from the bank they worked at, they'd never get bonded to work at another bank- ever. There'd be no 3 year ban. What the he*l?
It just makes ya wonder; What do we really know about what happened? The world opened up when I got a computer, but when people in charge shred documents to hide information, how can we find the truth of anything?
Squawker said:
It just makes ya wonder; What do we really know about what happened? The world opened up when I got a computer, but when people in charge shred documents to hide information, how can we find the truth of anything?

Well you're a smarter man then I. My world seems to get harder with the computer at times. Mine locks up, throws fits and down loads something called “spyware“ all the time. All kinds of cr*p.

As far a Mr. Berger goes I still say WTF! Surrender his security clearance for three years? I stand by my original statement- if you worked in a bank and took $500 - you’d never work in another bank- ever. This guy took top secret documents!

Pacridge said:
This guy took top secret documents!

So what was on them about 1999 security that was so sensitive? It is not hard to imagine more terrorist nutballs wanting to blow up Times Square or something. Are they afraid of telling us how close they got to doing something like that? Jebus they already knocked down the WTC in broad daylight. How shocked would we be?

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