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Sanders vs Trump; The Choice is So Clear. Sanders deserves Zero Votes. Mash's Appeal to Democra (1 Viewer)

When you can not see that trump kills kittens for breakfast you can not be taken seriously

I am so sorry you turned him for killing your kittens. Soon you will feel so good that you turned him in.
I am so sorry you turned him for killing your kittens. Soon you will feel so good that you turned him in.

Your post was so ridiculous it deserved my response. Lol

Communist? You make me laugh
I am 81. I have raised 10 wonderful children. A number of them hold college degrees.

So given I voted purely for Democrats commencing with John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, the Democrat losers who lost up to Carter who I voted for, I truly need not defend the fact I used to be a very loyal Democrat. I simply did not understand democrats for those earlier presidents. They claim they are for the people. I believed that nonsense. I think when I visited Communist countries, it cured me but took time for me to finally reject the Democrats and their failed ideology. Being a Democrat is akin to being in the Jonestown Cult. I never will drink that kool aid the Democrats use.

Given your age I can see where there are only 'communists'. We used to chant- "kill a commie for Mommy" back in my day. Yeah the good ol' days when you ducked under a desk, people were building bunkers in their back yards for A-Bomb protection. Cuban Missile Crisis, the revolts in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Berlin Wall, Berlin Blockade….

Oh the good old days, Lawrence Welk would play us off in a mushroom cloud yellow haze. :)

Well I guess you haven't noticed, many European countries are now democratic socialists. Not Commies. Not herding people onto communes or routine long lines for basic consumer goods. None of that blocking outside media.

The world has changed since our salad days. The unit I served in as a tripwire in the Fulda Gap is no more- demobilized. There is only one Germany. Russia may still be an enemy (not the least bit commie anymore) but the Warsaw Pact is as dead as the 3rd AD.

I know you're old and change isn't always easy (I still have a flip phone) but calling everyone left of you a commie is passe.

Oh and I was a loyal Republican till Reagan pissed on us and called it trickle down.... :peace
When you do not see that Sanders is a communist , it shows you simply can't be taken serious.

Again, because I want to see you do yourself proud, c'mon...

Please cite and detail the positions that he holds or promotes that are communist.

(Hint: I know you can't and won't, so this is purely rhetorical)

Step up to the mic.
Again, because I want to see you do yourself proud, c'mon...

Please cite and detail the positions that he holds or promotes that are communist.

(Hint: I know you can't and won't, so this is purely rhetorical)

Step up to the mic.

You do not rule my life.
Given your age I can see where there are only 'communists'. We used to chant- "kill a commie for Mommy" back in my day. Yeah the good ol' days when you ducked under a desk, people were building bunkers in their back yards for A-Bomb protection. Cuban Missile Crisis, the revolts in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Berlin Wall, Berlin Blockade….

Oh the good old days, Lawrence Welk would play us off in a mushroom cloud yellow haze. :)

Well I guess you haven't noticed, many European countries are now democratic socialists. Not Commies. Not herding people onto communes or routine long lines for basic consumer goods. None of that blocking outside media.

The world has changed since our salad days. The unit I served in as a tripwire in the Fulda Gap is no more- demobilized. There is only one Germany. Russia may still be an enemy (not the least bit commie anymore) but the Warsaw Pact is as dead as the 3rd AD.

I know you're old and change isn't always easy (I still have a flip phone) but calling everyone left of you a commie is passe.

Oh and I was a loyal Republican till Reagan pissed on us and called it trickle down.... :peace

Change was harder for me when I was a very loyal Democrat. I know about the Fulda Gap. I served in the 3rd ID at Schweinfurt when the communists has real power.
I have been into the former East Germany. I learned from some East Germans that they bought the communism nonsense for the same reason Democrats buy the Democrat nonsense. Reagan did not trickle down he used ACRS and it works great.
When you do not see that Sanders is a communist , it shows you simply can't be taken serious.

Yep. Sanders is clearly a communist. Even Bloomberg recognized that in the debate.
I am 81. I have raised 10 wonderful children. A number of them hold college degrees.

So given I voted purely for Democrats commencing with John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, the Democrat losers who lost up to Carter who I voted for, I truly need not defend the fact I used to be a very loyal Democrat. I simply did not understand democrats for those earlier presidents. They claim they are for the people. I believed that nonsense. I think when I visited Communist countries, it cured me but took time for me to finally reject the Democrats and their failed ideology. Being a Democrat is akin to being in the Jonestown Cult. I never will drink that kool aid the Democrats use.

Robert, you are a great and accomplished man. The leftwingers insulting you can't hold a candle to you.
Change was harder for me when I was a very loyal Democrat. I know about the Fulda Gap. I served in the 3rd ID at Schweinfurt when the communists has real power. I have been into the former East Germany. I learned from some East Germans that they bought the communism nonsense for the same reason Democrats buy the Democrat nonsense. Reagan did not trickle down he used ACRS and it works great.

I too visited East Germany- they weren't communists but subject to a tyrannical bureaucracy. Not even close to commie. East Germans in Berlin were an odd mix, you could get a female for 5 bucks and they spied on each other. Not a good place to hear what anyone really thinks.

I'd say change has always been hard for you. You seem unable to see modern democratic socialism and can only say COMMIE... :roll:

Like I said hiding under your desk has made quite the impression on you and what a commie is.

You claim to have been a very loyal democrat and know what commies are... but I'd say until the democrats started pushing equal rights you were very loyal, can't see where anyone thinks the Republicans are for the people (certain groups like scared white folks and the uber rich) but certainly they have a very narrow concern range. Certainly don't mind spending the nation into deeper debt even as the economy is strong (raiding the federal piggy bank like they want us to believe only the democrats are doing.)

You seem to have stopped educating yourself on governance systems in the 60's- visiting East Berlin just seems to have cemented that long ago era in your mindset- try learning about modern European nations and their versions of democratic socialism. I have visited other nations in Europe since the fall of the Iron Curtain. No long lines for food. No one shoe fits all. Some very nice cars, electronics, friendly females and tasty adult beverages. (music was a bit weird but like I said, friendly females)

Nice homes and low crime... democratic socialism...

Just try saying the phrase once... :peace
I too visited East Germany- they weren't communists but subject to a tyrannical bureaucracy. Not even close to commie. East Germans in Berlin were an odd mix, you could get a female for 5 bucks and they spied on each other. Not a good place to hear what anyone really thinks.

I'd say change has always been hard for you. You seem unable to see modern democratic socialism and can only say COMMIE... :roll:

Like I said hiding under your desk has made quite the impression on you and what a commie is.

You claim to have been a very loyal democrat and know what commies are... but I'd say until the democrats started pushing equal rights you were very loyal, can't see where anyone thinks the Republicans are for the people (certain groups like scared white folks and the uber rich) but certainly they have a very narrow concern range. Certainly don't mind spending the nation into deeper debt even as the economy is strong (raiding the federal piggy bank like they want us to believe only the democrats are doing.)

You seem to have stopped educating yourself on governance systems in the 60's- visiting East Berlin just seems to have cemented that long ago era in your mindset- try learning about modern European nations and their versions of democratic socialism. I have visited other nations in Europe since the fall of the Iron Curtain. No long lines for food. No one shoe fits all. Some very nice cars, electronics, friendly females and tasty adult beverages. (music was a bit weird but like I said, friendly females)

Nice homes and low crime... democratic socialism...

Just try saying the phrase once... :peace

You of all people should know better. In my case, I was born a Democrat,. but you rejected republicanism to actually join the Democrats. Naturally you want to defend yourself. Sadly you simply are not able to. Sell socialism to somebody else. No thanks.
Yep. Sanders is clearly a communist. Even Bloomberg recognized that in the debate.

Trump loves Communists, but don't take anyone's word on it. Just ask Kim jung UN, North Korea's brutal, murderous dictator. Trump fell in love with this Communist after a few 'beautiful letters' KJU wrote the POTUS.
Trump has lost $1.4 billion since he was inaugurated three years ago. All in service of the American people. A very generous man. Just the opposite of Sanders who has used political office to enrich himself.

No, he hasn't. To assert that he has is to admit to lying. He relies on the American people being rubes, suckers and easy marks with the aid of the Senate.

Why do you support the destruction of the United States?

Trump has lost $1 billion in personal wealth since running for president

Tsk. Leftwingers who challenge Mash on facts end up with egg on their face and another lost debate.
That's funny. Please cite and detail the positions that he holds or promotes that are communist.

(Hint: I know you can't and won't, so this is purely rhetorical)

Step up to the mic.

Bernie Sanders in 1970s pushed for nationalization of major industries - Business Insider

Let’s see nationalizing all major industry in America? Sounds awfully a lot like seizing the means of production.

He also has praised the Soviet Union, Cuba, the Sandinistas, and Venezuela under Chavez and Maduro.

So yeah. Communist.
He should declare bankruptcy like 5 deferment cadet fake bone spurs narcissist scumbag.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

He also could’ve tried being a winner at literally anything in life other then being a commie windbag from Vermont.

Did Trump issue that threat before or after the love letters and the face to face meetings ? I haven't heard Trump's response to that top military brass telling America that North Korea is building nukes faster than any country on the planet a couple of weeks ago either. Have you ?
You of all people should know better. In my case, I was born a Democrat,. but you rejected republicanism to actually join the Democrats. Naturally you want to defend yourself. Sadly you simply are not able to. Sell socialism to somebody else. No thanks.

Well to be honest your world view is set in the 50's to 60's, times have changed. In your case you have fully embraced socialism. You are 81- do you use Medicare and Social Security retirement? Do you take advantage of the many state funded senior care programs? No need to sell it to you, you are a card carrying member.... ;)

Now my leaving the Republican Party- I saw it standing for the very rich, the suppression of rights to appease the religious right, vilifying rather than helping the less well off, and quite good at lying about how making the rich richer would somehow benefit the rest of us.

I have to shake my head when the elderly demand gubmint out of their life- but don't touch social security or medicare!!!! :roll:

Enjoy your socialist benefits while bad mouthing the system... it is alright, so many other 'conservatives' do the same thing... :peace

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