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Same old story (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Most all the the democrats that say they are running for President are giving us the same old story. They all want to raise taxes and drop tons more regulations on us.

How in any way shape or form do they think the government is entitled to, or is smarter about how my money is spent. Then too more regulations only mean that people are losing more of their freedoms.
Most all the the democrats that say they are running for President are giving us the same old story. They all want to raise taxes and drop tons more regulations on us.

How in any way shape or form do they think the government is entitled to, or is smarter about how my money is spent. Then too more regulations only mean that people are losing more of their freedoms.

I'd say Trump will be the primary reason Democrats have another blue wave in 2020. He has alienated virtually everyone except the brain dead.
Most all the the democrats that say they are running for President are giving us the same old story. They all want to raise taxes and drop tons more regulations on us...

If I were you then, I'd vote for Trump in 2020....along with the 35-37% of hard core Trumpists.

The rest of the country is voting for Democracy and common sense.
If I were you then, I'd vote for Trump in 2020....along with the 35-37% of hard core Trumpists.

The rest of the country is voting for Democracy and common sense.
Democracy is more regulations to take away more of peoples freedoms????
Democracy is more regulations to take away more of peoples freedoms????

to people who blame others for their failures-the Dems are the answer. For those who fail to succeed and are envious of the wealthy-Dems are the answer. For those who think it is unfair for a homeowner or shopkeeper to use deadly force against a violent criminal -dems are the answer. For those who think Unions should have more power-Dems are the answer. For those who think abortion and/or gay rights are the most important parts of the bill of rights, Dems are the proper party to support.
Regulations are for people that are to lazy or stupid to think for themselves.
Regulations are for people that are to lazy or stupid to think for themselves.

No, regulations are for people who think banks ought to have some fiduciary responsibility for safeguarding their depositors' funds.

Regulations are for people who think that industrial toxins produced in one state ought not be dumped in the drinking water of another state.

Regulations are for people who think that the thousands of commercial truckers and bus drivers on our highways should have enough rest that they don't fall asleep at the wheel and endanger others.

Regulations are for people who think that pharmaceutical sales reps ought not be allowed to make unsubstantiated therapeutic claims about their products or spend thousands of dollars wining and dining their client doctors to influence their prescribing habits.

Regulations are for people who think pilots ought to have sufficient training before they take to the skies.

Regulations are for people who know from experience that left to their own devices, too many other people will not do the right thing without being compelled to do so by regulations.
No, regulations are for people who think banks ought to have some fiduciary responsibility for safeguarding their depositors' funds.

Regulations are for people who think that industrial toxins produced in one state ought not be dumped in the drinking water of another state.

Regulations are for people who think that the thousands of commercial truckers and bus drivers on our highways should have enough rest that they don't fall asleep at the wheel and endanger others.

Regulations are for people who think that pharmaceutical sales reps ought not be allowed to make unsubstantiated therapeutic claims about their products or spend thousands of dollars wining and dining their client doctors to influence their prescribing habits.

Regulations are for people who think pilots ought to have sufficient training before they take to the skies.

Regulations are for people who know from experience that left to their own devices, too many other people will not do the right thing without being compelled to do so by regulations.

Do you realize how many Fed regulations there are on the books??????? Look it up.
Democracy is more regulations to take away more of peoples freedoms????

No, Democracy is for doing what makes sense for a country to run well, or don't you want that? A country cannot run well if 1% have all the money and 99% are working just to make them even more richer. When it was a more even distribution of money, this country was the best place to live in. Now even illegal aliens are leaving in higher numbers than those that want to come here. The country is becoming the garbage can of the rich.

Is that what you want?
Do you realize how many Fed regulations there are on the books??????? Look it up.

It doesn't matter how many there are as long as there are enough to protect us from abuse. Your post(s) suggest you want the abuse to continue. What are you, a masochist?
Regulations are for people that are to lazy or stupid to think for themselves.

Ever heard of greed? Do you honestly think the rich are going to stop from making themselves richer because of principles?
to people who blame others for their failures-the Dems are the answer. For those who fail to succeed and are envious of the wealthy-Dems are the answer. For those who think it is unfair for a homeowner or shopkeeper to use deadly force against a violent criminal -dems are the answer. For those who think Unions should have more power-Dems are the answer. For those who think abortion and/or gay rights are the most important parts of the bill of rights, Dems are the proper party to support.

For those that think there should be more fairness and more equality for all, the dems are the answer. For those that believe that abuse of power and uncontrolled greed are bad, the dems are the answer. For those that believe we are a family and not just a place for individuals to take advantage of those less gifted, the dems are the answer.
Most all the the democrats that say they are running for President are giving us the same old story. They all want to raise taxes and drop tons more regulations on us.

How in any way shape or form do they think the government is entitled to, or is smarter about how my money is spent. Then too more regulations only mean that people are losing more of their freedoms.

Spent in such inefficient ways, like a wall. And those regulations are killing us, we want smaller less intrusive government...now hand that bill over to me to sign to make bible study ok in public school. Say one thing, do another, that's the GOP of today.
Do you realize how many Fed regulations there are on the books??????? Look it up.

So what? The right has been brainwashed by their leadership for years, it's paying off. You guys now reject what your own eyes and ears tell you in favor of a president who is a serial liar.

Like government and taxes, republicans hate regulations because every republican I have ever come across says the same dumb things you have been taught to think for the past four decades.
to people who blame others for their failures-the Dems are the answer. For those who fail to succeed and are envious of the wealthy-Dems are the answer. For those who think it is unfair for a homeowner or shopkeeper to use deadly force against a violent criminal -dems are the answer. For those who think Unions should have more power-Dems are the answer. For those who think abortion and/or gay rights are the most important parts of the bill of rights, Dems are the proper party to support.

For those who think Americans, and Trump's cabinet members, should get their info about what Trump and Putin talk about behind closed doors - The Russian press, which is controlled by a former KGB leader, is the answer.
Do you realize how many Fed regulations there are on the books??????? Look it up.

No regulation was created in a vacuum. Every regulation has in its genesis a problem that it is trying to address. We can debate the effectiveness of any particular regulation and alternatives to deal with the problem if you like.

I'm of the generation in which automobile manufacturers fought tooth and nail against even offering seat belts as an option. "People will think cars are not safe!" was their argument.

I can remember when major waterways had tons of detergent suds along their banks until the government forced the manufacturers to remove phosphates from their products.

There was a time when Listerine was allowed to make unsubstantiated health benefit claims. Cigarette makers could claim endorsements from doctors!

There used to be a car called the Ford Pinto which would tend to explode into flames whenever struck from behind because the gas tank was positioned between the rear bumper and the rear axle. Nobody gets to sell a car with that configuration today.

So, share with us a regulation that you hate and let's discuss why that regulation exists in the first place.

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