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Russian Territory Under Attack as Ukraine Shells Border Checkpoint—Official (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Russian Territory Under Attack as Ukraine Shells Border Checkpoint—Official


A Russian checkpoint in the Kursk region near the Ukrainian frontier was shelled on Friday, a regional official said, in the latest sign that the war is spreading beyond Ukraine's borders. The governor of Russia's Kursk region, Roman Starovoyt, said in a statement on the Telegram messaging app that mortar shells were fired at the checkpoint in the village of Krupets, close to the Ukrainian city of Sumy, at around 8.00 a.m. local time. Starovoyt said Russian border guards and military "suppressed" the firing positions with retaliatory fire. "There were no casualties or damage," he wrote. He did not make clear if the shells had been fired from inside Ukrainian territory and it was not known if there were any casualties on the Ukrainian side. It's not the first time that Russian officials have accused Ukraine of shelling checkpoints and Russian targets across the border, including in the Kursk region. There have also been a number of mysterious incidents on Russian territory, such as an explosion and blaze at an oil depot and damage to a railway line. Although Kyiv denied responsibility, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman earlier this month blamed the attacks on Ukrainian forces and threatened to strike "decision-making centers" in Kyiv in retaliation.

According to the Russian-language Novye Izvestia media outlet, Ukrainian forces this week fired mortars at the villages of Nekhoteyevka, Zhuravlyovka and Golovchino in the Belgorod region and fired at a checkpoint in the Bryansk region. Starovoyt said on April 25 that two Ukrainian drones were shot down in the region by Russian air defense systems. Blasts have been heard in the Russian city of Kursk this week, with video posted on social media purportedly showing the explosions. A local Telegram channel post said that four Russian military personnel had died in the Kursk explosion, although this has not been confirmed and Starovoyt said there were "no casualties," Newsweek previously reported. The regional governor wrote in a post on his Telegram channel that the explosions occurred at 2.45 a.m. on Wednesday, April 27, and that "the details of the incident are being clarified." "According to preliminary data, the air defense system worked," Starovoyt wrote. "There are no casualties or destruction," the governor said.

One cannot easily assign credibility to statements by Russian border officials.

On the other hand, Russian facilities such as fuel/ammunition depots supporting the war effort, or Russian artillery units shelling towns in Ukraine from Russia, are all legitimate military targets for Ukraine according to international law.
Does “international law” factor in when one side thumbs its nose at the law?
Does “international law” factor in when one side thumbs its nose at the law?

No, but doing so doesn't negate the respective laws. Military targerts in Russia are fair game.
Russian Territory Under Attack as Ukraine Shells Border Checkpoint—Official


One cannot easily assign credibility to statements by Russian border officials.

On the other hand, Russian facilities such as fuel/ammunition depots supporting the war effort, or Russian artillery units shelling towns in Ukraine from Russia, are all legitimate military targets for Ukraine according to international law.

Even if they weren't only shelling legitimate military targets, I feel like there are exceptions to be made when another country begins an unprovoked invasion of a smaller neighbor while completely ignoring all international laws and targeting its civilians. Only a fool fights fair when their opponent is fighting dirty.

At this point after what Russia has done in Ukraine, I have NO problem with Ukraine engaging in any and all terrorist activities inside Russia as long as Russian troops are on Ukrainian soil.
Even if they weren't only shelling legitimate military targets, I feel like there are exceptions to be made when another country begins an unprovoked invasion of a smaller neighbor while completely ignoring all international laws and targeting its civilians. Only a fool fights fair when their opponent is fighting dirty.

At this point after what Russia has done in Ukraine, I have NO problem with Ukraine engaging in any and all terrorist activities inside Russia as long as Russian troops are on Ukrainian soil.

Ukraine has every right to take the fight to Russians as well. On that we are in a rare agreement:)

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