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Russian election collusion, Trump, part II. I guess no collusion when Putin is on trump's campaign (1 Viewer)

Sand Castle

DP Veteran
Jan 8, 2019
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Slightly Liberal
Giuliani Pleads Ignorance On Bombshell Report That His Ukraine Contact Is A Russian Spy
The Trump attorney claims he had no idea Andrii Derkach, who fed him baseless dirt smearing presidential candidate Joe Biden, was working with the Kremlin.
Giuliani Pleads Ignorance On Bombshell Report That His Ukraine Contact Is A Russian Spy
The Trump attorney claims he had no idea Andrii Derkach, who fed him baseless dirt smearing presidential candidate Joe Biden, was working with the Kremlin.

Giuliani has lots of shady characters as pals. No one else wants to play with him.
Giuliani Pleads Ignorance On Bombshell Report That His Ukraine Contact Is A Russian Spy
The Trump attorney claims he had no idea Andrii Derkach, who fed him baseless dirt smearing presidential candidate Joe Biden, was working with the Kremlin.

That's a lie. Giuliani was informed by Ukrainian government officials in late 2018 that Andrei Derkach was a Russian intelligence agent.

In his vitae, Derkach graduated with a PhD in Law from the Dzerzhinsky Higher School in Moscow 1993. This is common knowledge.

This was better known as the KGB University in Russia, and was renamed the Academy of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation in 1995.

His PhD thesis: "Organization and Conduct of Meetings with Secret Agents"

GOP Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), and GOP Representatives Devin Nunes (R-CA) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) are also collaborating with Mr. Derkach.
Oh, and Attorney John Durham, appointed by AG William Barr to discredit the Mueller Investigation, has also interviewed Andrei Derkach.

Last week Durham's longtime top aide - Norah Dannehy - resigned from the Durham investigative team.

Her friends say she resigned because of political pressure from AG William Barr to produce a report (by October) before its work is complete.

In other words, Barr wants something negative about Mueller's Russia conclusions before the November 3 election. Barr's "October surprise".

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