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Russia is killing civilians ‘for pleasure', says Ukraine President Zelensky at the UN Security Council (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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hey. you guys that sided with Putin/Russia. how ya feeling now?

"Describing alleged atrocities in Ukraine’s Bucha, Zelensky said.people “were killed in their apartments, houses... civilians were crushed by tanks while sitting in their cars in the middle of the road, just for their pleasure”.

He told the Council, including Moscow’s envoy, that women were raped in front of their children, and that civilians had their throats slashed, limbs cut off and tongues cut out."

Just heard an "expert" on CNN (I have returned to CNN for its Ukraine coverage) opine that we should not be astonished by the brutish behavior of Russian soldiers.

According to him, Russian soldiers have been acting that way since at least World War II.

And more recently, they showed similar savagery in the Chechen areas, Syria, etc.
Just heard an "expert" on CNN (I have returned to CNN for its Ukraine coverage) opine that we should not be astonished by the brutish behavior of Russian soldiers.

According to him, Russian soldiers have been acting that way since at least World War II.

And more recently, they showed similar savagery in the Chechen areas, Syria, etc.
Does anyone know if Tucker Carlson has tried to weasel his way out of his comments or if he's doubled down?
Does anyone know if Tucker Carlson has tried to weasel his way out of his comments or if he's doubled down?

Carlson is still a Kremlin mouthpiece, suggesting the atrocities in Bucha could have been staged.
Carlson is still a Kremlin mouthpiece, suggesting the atrocities in Bucha could have been staged.

Sane people in our country are currently fighting some of the most evil Americans we've ever had.

And I predicted it all back in the 1970s and 1980s because I grew up with them.
Carlson is still a Kremlin mouthpiece, suggesting the atrocities in Bucha could have been staged.
Got a quote on that? There is really no reason for anyone to believe you otherwise.

Sane people in our country are currently fighting some of the most evil Americans we've ever had.

And I predicted it all back in the 1970s and 1980s because I grew up with them.
Who are these 'evil Americans' you speak of? Is your man-crush Sean Hannity one of them?
Great. Thank you. There is one person here who supports Russia. Everyone else supports Ukraine. The poster said "you guys" suggesting that there are many, many more. He was lying. That was obvious when he said it and even more obvious now. Again. Thank you.
Great. Thank you. There is one person here who supports Russia. Everyone else supports Ukraine. The poster said "you guys" suggesting that there are many, many more. He was lying. .

No one was lying. The Russian supporters are well known.
No one was lying. The Russian supporters are well known.
They arent known to me. But if they are known to you then address them individually rather than pretending they are some sort of majority here. Only the divisive left could turn an issue where there is virtual unanimity of thought into a partisan war zone.:rolleyes:
They arent known to me. But if they are known to you then address them individually rather than pretending they are some sort of majority here. Only the divisive left could turn an issue where there is virtual unanimity of thought into a partisan war zone.:rolleyes:

Do it yourself. No one dances to your whims Fletch.

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