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Russia charges soldiers over Polish plane wreck theft (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 1, 2006
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Political Leaning
BBC News - Russia charges soldiers over Polish plane wreck theft

Quote(Russian prosecutors say four soldiers have been charged with stealing the credit cards of a passenger killed when the Polish president's plane crashed in Russia in April. Russia initially denied both the theft and arrests had taken place.)

Quote(this is a highly embarrassing admission by the Russian authorities - having initially denied the allegations.)

Now all the Russians need do is return ALL the confidential documents that were also being carried by Poland's Leaders.

Naturally the Chief thief PUTIN and his other KGB puppets will absolutely deny that these have been stolen.

It would not surprise me to hear that the Russians had in some way caused this aircraft to crash.
I don't think thety caused the accident unless the Russians have figured out how to control weather. But what this does show is what I always knew about Russians. They are all theifs. lol.

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