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"russia" accuses Israel of backing ‘neo-Nazis’ in Kyiv as diplomatic row grows (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Moscow hits back at Israeli criticism of Sergei Lavrov’s claim that Adolf Hitler ‘had Jewish blood’

They must be getting desperate now. The word nazi gets misused a lot but my belief is that the Israeli people have a good understanding of what it means.

It looks like this:


Moscow has played the PROPAGANDA nazi-card for ages

Israel , according Moscow :
a commie Tito, according Moscow :
I'm probably giving WAY too much benefit of doubt, but some of the shit Israel is doing to Gaza is kinda like what the Nazi's did.

But that doesn't make Russia's crazy argument that Ukraine is filled with Nazis any closer to true.
I'm probably giving WAY too much benefit of doubt, but some of the shit Israel is doing to Gaza is kinda like what the Nazi's did.

But that doesn't make Russia's crazy argument that Ukraine is filled with Nazis any closer to true.

First off, not it is not. Not even close.

But let us pretend for the sake of argument that it was: Both of us know that the Russian government doesn't care for one minute about what is done to Palestinians in Gaza either out of principle or expedience.
Let us not pretend that the Russian government cares for one minute about what is done to Palestinians in Gaza either out of principle or expedience.
100% agree on that.

It would not surprise me at all to find out that they're doing something similar to some of the Ukrainian population if they hang around long enough.

I read a translated internal propaganda article about how they'd need to reeducate the Nazism out of Ukrainians or something. Edit: I probably am not remembering that exactly right, and can't seem to relocate the article thus far.
What is wrong with us as a human race that so many people buy into this complete bullsh**?
What is wrong with us as a human race that so many people buy into this complete bullsh**?

People who know what they are doing is utterly wicked have to work extra hard to convince themselves they are the heroes of their own story.
What is wrong with us as a human race that so many people buy into this complete bullsh**?
We're humans.

Humans are not logical creatures, unless they try to be.
What is wrong with us as a human race that so many people buy into this complete bullsh**?
not many westerners (Muscovites are natural slaves, they always support wars, tsars, and moscow imperialism) buy into this complete bullsh**, very few our members promote Putin´s imperialist narratives here

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Fox News on Wednesday that Russia's attempts to smear him with comparisons to Adolf Hitler are a form of propaganda modeled after Joseph Goebbels' tactics, which indoctrinated German people in antisemitic Nazi ideologies.

Why it matters:
Zelensky, who is Jewish, is a regular target of Russian disinformation campaigns. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov attempted to justify the comparison to Hitler on Sunday by falsely claiming that Hitler had "Jewish blood" — prompting Israel's government to publicly rebuke him.

  • The Russian government has pushed the false narrative that Ukraine is dominated by Nazis and used it to justify the unprovoked invasion.
What he's saying: "These are the showings of chauvinism and nationalism," Zelensky told Fox News' Griff Jenkins through an interpreter.

  • "They are following the same concept of the Goebbels and using the same methodology, and the reaction I think is to weaken the world to these phrases of Lavrov.""

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