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Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wanted (1 Viewer)

Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

Oh noes, "the Washington Elite" hates Cruz. Good.

Cruz likes being hated. :lol:
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

Cruz likes being hated. :lol:

He should. Not about to change.
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

I have to wonder do right wingers watch this stuff and touch themselves? Clearly Ted Cruz isn't in Ronnie's league. Not in a million years.
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

I have to wonder do right wingers watch this stuff and touch themselves? Clearly Ted Cruz isn't in Ronnie's league. Not in a million years.

none of the current crop can touch Reagan, the republicans lost a lot when he left the WH, and they were left with bob dole
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

Ted Cruz is the closest living thing to Ronald Reagan we're ever gonna have in our lifetimes. I don't know what more I can say about Ted Cruz. I also like Marco Rubio, in comparison to other options and choices. People get mad at me for that... There isn't perfection in a candidate.

I'd like to know how Trump supporters feel about his words. Do you agree with him or do you think Trump is closer to being like Reagan?

Was Reagan a Fundamentalist Christian? I don't remember him near as verbose as Cruz is about religion.
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

Ted Cruz is the closest living thing to Ronald Reagan we're ever gonna have in our lifetimes. I don't know what more I can say about Ted Cruz. I also like Marco Rubio, in comparison to other options and choices. People get mad at me for that... There isn't perfection in a candidate.

I'd like to know how Trump supporters feel about his words. Do you agree with him or do you think Trump is closer to being like Reagan?

cruz is a joke. i just hear some guy the other day saying cruz got illegal loans from wall st during his senate bid and didnt declare them until a few years after the fact. just another crook. and that cr@p he pulled on ben carson.
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Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

none of the current crop can touch Reagan, the republicans lost a lot when he left the WH, and they were left with bob dole

My biggest issue with Ronnie was how his actions led to the mentally ill being set free. It spiked the homeless problem big time,
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

Was Reagan a Fundamentalist Christian? I don't remember him near as verbose as Cruz is about religion.

Not until after the attempt on his life--at which point he believed in divine intervention.
Even Goldwater got sick of Reagan and the Religious Right.

Reagan choosing "Voodoo" Bush-41 should tell us that both VP candidates are on the two stages.
I now lean to Trump choosing Rubio .
Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters...

My biggest issue with Ronnie was how his actions led to the mentally ill being set free. It spiked the homeless problem big time,

I noticed this has become the fad for liberals to say. The desire to bash Reagan has led liberals to advocate oppression for millions of people.

Deinstituonalization needed to happen. What Reagan and a lot of conservatives failed to do, however, was actually build up the community infrastructure that was needed. It's what we are still fighting for to this day and the ADA is a big weapon to that end.

So please don't say having us "set free" was a bad thing.
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

My biggest issue with Ronnie was how his actions led to the mentally ill being set free. It spiked the homeless problem big time,

were these people in federal institutions?
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

Ted Cruz is the closest living thing to Ronald Reagan we're ever gonna have in our lifetimes. I don't know what more I can say about Ted Cruz. I also like Marco Rubio, in comparison to other options and choices. People get mad at me for that... There isn't perfection in a candidate.

I'd like to know how Trump supporters feel about his words. Do you agree with him or do you think Trump is closer to being like Reagan?

None of them is "like" Reagan. Not Trump, not Cruz, not Rubio. Cruz isn't the closest, that would be Trump. He's right about that last though, "There isn't perfection in a candidate". That's always been true, all candidates, every party.
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

None of them is "like" Reagan. Not Trump, not Cruz, not Rubio. Cruz isn't the closest, that would be Trump. He's right about that last though, "There isn't perfection in a candidate". That's always been true, all candidates, every party.

Trump is closest to Reagan?

I believe Rushbro said today that Trump was to the left of Michael Moore . :lamo
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

Not until after the attempt on his life--at which point he believed in divine intervention.
Even Goldwater got sick of Reagan and the Religious Right.

Reagan choosing "Voodoo" Bush-41 should tell us that both VP candidates are on the two stages.
I now lean to Trump choosing Rubio .

Ah...guess I didn't pay attention to Reagan's divine intervention. I do remember Reagan pandering to the "religious right". But Reagan was an actor. And he did a lot of acting in the White House. :lol:

Jerry Falwell, the moral majority, yadda, yadda, yadda. They tried like hell to turn us into some kind of evangelical theocracy. Despite the voters being a bit lacking in education in civics/government, they didn't buy into the Moral Majorities bull****. Thanks goodness.
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

None of them is "like" Reagan. Not Trump, not Cruz, not Rubio. Cruz isn't the closest, that would be Trump. He's right about that last though, "There isn't perfection in a candidate". That's always been true, all candidates, every party.

How is Trump similar to Reagan?
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

Trump is closest to Reagan?

I believe Rushbro said today that Trump was to the left of Michael Moore . :lamo

Yes, of the three mentioned Trump is indeed the closest to Reagan. Reagan was fairly liberal in his early years. Remember this guy was the toast of Hollywood. President of the Screen Actor's Guild. In fact, his tenure was marked by his excellent negotiation skills.

Add to this that any conservative icon of the past would generally be considered liberal to moderate today. Conservative meant something different, usually having to do with economics and defense and not as much emphasis on the social stuff.
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Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

How is Trump similar to Reagan?

Both actors?

Off Topic...

I do like your new avatar, Josie.
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters...

I noticed this has become the fad for liberals to say. The desire to bash Reagan has led liberals to advocate oppression for millions of people..

Let's polish that turd shall we? I have had more than my share of experience with mental illness. By a stroke of luck I was spared the ravages of Huntington's disease. I have three siblings currently in memory care from it (it's genetic and it's a wicked disease), a 4th passed from dementia. Some people are simply unsafe on the streets. So spare me the "Oppression" canard. Sure there indeed were some that could and did function after their release. But countless others suffered immensely. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous or just plain naive at best.

Deinstituonalization needed to happen.

Ahh no. St. Ronnie screwed the pooch on this deal. It's well documented. Approximately 500,000 mentally ill patients were released as a result. So no, the floodgates should have remained closed.

What Reagan and a lot of conservatives failed to do, however, was actually build up the community infrastructure that was needed.

As if they gave a flying ****.

It's what we are still fighting for to this day and the ADA is a big weapon to that end.

Yes ADA was and is a good thing.

So please don't say having us "set free" was a bad thing.

Honestly, if in fact you were incarcerated, then you of all people should know many who couldn't and didn't cut it on the outside. Glad for you that your life is better. But we both know you're incapable of speaking for those who couldn't cut, of which there thousands upon thousands.
Re: Rush Limbaugh's comments on the candidates -- Opinions from Trump supporters wan

State and federal.

this is not hostile to you, but explain how the executive of the constitution does what you said he did, since the executive must follow the laws made by congress.

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