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Roommate refuses to get a job! What do I do? (1 Viewer)

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I can not keep it without transportation, that is the problem. Also the person letting me use the car originally said there was no problems but since our other room mate is using it too they are now suddenly upset. I am going to need to call in a lot of favors since my other room mate wont get off his ass and get a job! They say they are looking but they do not go the extra mile like I have been, and anytime I say hey lets go do job stuff a lot of times they get upset and say "No no im tired. Lets go out tomorrow, I dont want to look for work today". The only reason I found this job was because its in the city, and since I live in the middle of no where there we often have like 30 people fighting over one position doing something minor like "Working at hotopic" since that is the only opening once every five months, if we are lucky.

Don't you want to move? At least close to your work, so you don't have to depend on a car that isn't even yours?

If I were you, I'd move to the city. You're only borrowing a car. What happens if for some reason you don't have a car?
And you're stuck in the middle of nowhere?

Practicality-wise, it's better to move somewhere close to work, to the grocery store, clinic, etc.., And at the same time, you can be free from free-loading roomate. You've got a stressful situation at home. That's not good.
Originally Posted by MisterLogical View Post
I can not keep it without transportation, that is the problem. Also the person letting me use the car originally said there was no problems but since our other room mate is using it too they are now suddenly upset.

Let me get this straight - the owner of the car didn't know that your room mate will also use his car?

Wow. Of course the owner will be upset! If I were the owner of that car, I'd take my car back from you!
I'm doing you the favor of letting you use my car for free- the least you could do is at least give me some consideration, and respect me and my property.
I can not keep it without transportation, that is the problem. Also the person letting me use the car originally said there was no problems but since our other room mate is using it too they are now suddenly upset. I am going to need to call in a lot of favors since my other room mate wont get off his ass and get a job! They say they are looking but they do not go the extra mile like I have been, and anytime I say hey lets go do job stuff a lot of times they get upset and say "No no im tired. Lets go out tomorrow, I dont want to look for work today". The only reason I found this job was because its in the city, and since I live in the middle of no where there we often have like 30 people fighting over one position doing something minor like "Working at hotopic" since that is the only opening once every five months, if we are lucky.
Your roommate is what we, my generation call a sponge. They will suck you dry, financially and mentally. Send them on their way.
Your roommate is what we, my generation call a sponge. They will suck you dry, financially and mentally. Send them on their way.

that could be a bit difficult depending on their situation.
if his roommate is not on the lease then he can have him removed and ask the landlord to change the locks.

if his roommate is on the lease then he has to give 30 days notice to his roommate or get a court order of eviction.
he simply can't kick him out.

now he can remove himself from the lease if he can get an agreement with the apartment owner and his roommate to take over the apartment.
there are a lot of sticky legal issues here. one reason I never had a roommate.
that could be a bit difficult depending on their situation.
if his roommate is not on the lease then he can have him removed and ask the landlord to change the locks.

if his roommate is on the lease then he has to give 30 days notice to his roommate or get a court order of eviction.
he simply can't kick him out.

now he can remove himself from the lease if he can get an agreement with the apartment owner and his roommate to take over the apartment.
there are a lot of sticky legal issues here. one reason I never had a roommate.

Reason not to have a roommate on the lease. And not sure if there is a lease???
Reason not to have a roommate on the lease. And not sure if there is a lease???

eh some apartment places make any people staying in the apartment sign a lease.
this is to protect them from the people staying there.
eh some apartment places make any people staying in the apartment sign a lease.
this is to protect them from the people staying there.

I realize that, and deposits and such. Just not sure if this place he has, if he signed a lease.
Many states don't care these days. Evictions can take months.
Me and my room mate share a car, that we borrow from a friend but its not really ours. Our friend said we can use it as long as we pay them for gas. I had a job but it was minimum wage and it was temporary so it only lasted a few months. So I got a new job recently and its long hours, it has 12 hour shift for 6-7 days a week. I agreed since I running out of money and need a new one. My room mate had a warehouse job too but they recently got fired. They wont say why, or even bother asking the employer why they got fired they just kind of said "Whatever" and left the job. So I recently told my friend where to go and who to talk to in order to get a job with the company I am working with right now, however they said they do not feel like working 10 hour shifts. I am really angry, since the idea was to get us both jobs with this company so we could go to work together and I would not be taking the car from him and he would not have to struggle getting a job while I am at the warehouse because I took the only form of transportation. I am really angry. What do I do about this? When anyone asks them about anything or why they do stuff they just quietly walk away and ignore you. This is frustrating. When they screw up they do not care why, or try to fix it they just kind of leave. This is pissing me off. How do I make them TRY?

Ultimatum. Set a date for eviction.
Me and my room mate share a car, that we borrow from a friend but its not really ours. Our friend said we can use it as long as we pay them for gas. I had a job but it was minimum wage and it was temporary so it only lasted a few months. So I got a new job recently and its long hours, it has 12 hour shift for 6-7 days a week. I agreed since I running out of money and need a new one. My room mate had a warehouse job too but they recently got fired. They wont say why, or even bother asking the employer why they got fired they just kind of said "Whatever" and left the job. So I recently told my friend where to go and who to talk to in order to get a job with the company I am working with right now, however they said they do not feel like working 10 hour shifts. I am really angry, since the idea was to get us both jobs with this company so we could go to work together and I would not be taking the car from him and he would not have to struggle getting a job while I am at the warehouse because I took the only form of transportation. I am really angry. What do I do about this? When anyone asks them about anything or why they do stuff they just quietly walk away and ignore you. This is frustrating. When they screw up they do not care why, or try to fix it they just kind of leave. This is pissing me off. How do I make them TRY?

Since my girls hit 18 they knew the score. Rent or walk. Only exceptions were fullntime school or job training.
Since my girls hit 18 they knew the score. Rent or walk. Only exceptions were fullntime school or job training.

He last showed up in 2016. I doubt he'll see it
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