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Rohrbacker Defends Abramoff (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
On one hand, we have a congressman who tells us that Jack Abramoff is just misunderstood and has been unfairly judged. On the other hand, you have the object of the congressman's affections, who has been convicted on 3 counts. Who has been unjustly critisized? I would like to know the answer to that.

The editor for the Project for the OLD American Century sums it up nicely:
Why would Rorhbacker defend Abramoff so vehemenently? Does Rohrbacker also have something to hide?
Apparently so.
Originally posted by danarhea:
Why would Rorhbacker defend Abramoff so vehemenently? Does Rohrbacker also have something to hide?
You have no idea how much this p!sses me off! I reside in his district. He is my Representative. I can't wait until he comes up for re-election. He is definately not getting my vote.

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