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Rod Rosenstein is a Zionist Traitor [W:78] (1 Viewer)

Does that mean you hate Trump like I do, since--you know--he puts what is best for America behind his own interests and the foreigners who he owes money too?

Didn't think so.

I don't actually hate anyone & I voted for neither Trump nor H. Clinton
I don't actually hate anyone & I voted for neither Trump nor H. Clinton
I didn't vote for either one myself. But, that doesn't erase the fact that Trump is selling us out for his own personal gain. Hell, that writing is on the wall.
I am not at all concerned with the religious faith of Congressmen or other decision makers in US Government. What does concern me is the country to which they are most loyal when they are shaping US Foreign Policy.
I do not think that anyone in political office should be allowed to hold Dual Citizenship to ANY other country as is the case in Israel's Knesset.
Repeated administrations have almost unconditionally aided and abetted innumerable Israeli War Crimes & violations of International Law and even fought wars for Israel(1) that have not been in America's best interest so someone in US Government is responsible for this counterproductive "Israel First" US Mid East Foreign Policy.
I do not think that every member of the Jewish faith in US Government is loyal to Israel over the US and recognize the fervor with which "Christian Zionists" and Christian Evangelists support any & every pro Israel government initiative regardless of the harm it may do to the US, its citizens & troops.

I think it is enough to say that one cannot loyally serve two masters.

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

Since there is no requirement for people serving in elective office to disclose citizenship you - or the websites you pointed to - are guessing.

We probably should know if our elected hold dual citizenships but we don't because no one collects that information on them.

The true nature of trump's inner stephen miller revealed.

We've never seen anything like these trump hit ads against a government employee, calling him steen versus stine, with scary music.

As with calling mull-er mule-er. It's more trumpian carnival barking ...
If I'm not mistaken, Israel currently has a "Nationality Law" (aka Loyalty Law) that prohibits individuals with dual citizenship from being Knesset members. In order to have Israeli citizenship one has to swear to be loyal to Israel first.

Since the 40 members of the US Senate & and House(1) now have Israeli citizenship, they have sworn to be loyal to Israel first.
Unfortunately, not only US Senators & Congressmen are policy makers whose first loyalty it to Israel.(2)

Because so many of America's politicians & policy makers are Zionist "Israel Firsters" I think that it is unlikely that we will see any essentially necessary initiative to
expel these ethically compromised individuals from office to make way for policy makers whose loyalty is to America's best interest first.


(2) "Members in US politics who hold dual US/Israeli citizenship: (2013)"
Members in US politics who hold dual US/Israeli citizenship: – InvestmentWatch

I will take your word for it regarding the Israeli rules on dual citizenship for its elected officials. Australia has a similar law--dual citizenship is allowed EXCEPT for those holding public office. Would that the US had such common sense rules.

The domestic enemies cause far more damage to constitutional governance in this country than any foreign enemy.
Forty members?
Out of a total of 535?
That's only a little over 7% of membership.
Seems as if the overwhelming majority of patriotic true Americans would be able to swat this pesky group out of the way.
Of course, the jooz only make up 3% of the world's population, but they still manage to control everything.
I guess controlling congress with 7% of membership is a cakewalk for Israel.

I like how this site mispells the "dual" in dual citizenship as "duel".

Geez, these lists are really outdated--including the "updated" one.
Feingold, Boxer, Levin and now Franken are gone from the Senate.
Weiner, Frank, Giffords, Grayson, Harman are gone from the House.

But but ... adelson and Jerusalem ...
The only thing Rosenstein cares about is ISRAEL, and he helped to frame Trump specifically to prevent anyone not "approved" by ISRAEL from seeing the TRUTH of the FBI files that O, W and Billy Clinton all kept from the US public...


911 and climate change

Rod Rosenstein was likely knee deep in defense and oil stocks on 911, and if he was, that should be enough to convict him of treason and put his ass where it needs to be - in front of a US firing squad.

then, in that case, you should telegraph Fuhrer Trump's office straight away so, he can have his SS capture the enemy & take him to Disney World
Ha-ha......better throw in Benghazi and Uranium One while your at it.;)

Trey Benghazi has certainly bitch-slapped the trump crowd, now that he's retiring.
Rep. Gowdy can forget about that Circuit Court opening now.

And we need to talk college and HS wrestling. Penn State/Ohio State was a true classic ...
And we need to talk college and HS wrestling. Penn State/Ohio State was a true classic ...
Missed the dual, but I'll watch a replay.
I'm really focused on HS as the state meet approaches.
Missed the dual, but I'll watch a replay.
I'm really focused on HS as the state meet approaches.

We've got a motel this Friday for HS sectionals, our 2nd round. 12 kids down to 4 with true wrestle-backs like D1 college.

I got my wife a Hyatt next weekend for state; 5-day weekend for her, she's earned it ...
We've got a motel this Friday for HS sectionals, our 2nd round. 12 kids down to 4 with true wrestle-backs like D1 college.
Our section meets start next weekend, with the various sub-section competitions.
State meet March 2 and 3.

I got my wife a Hyatt next weekend for state; 5-day weekend for her, she's earned it ...
Good for you/her!!
I'm stuck at a crummy Super 8, but the price was right.:)
Since there is no requirement for people serving in elective office to disclose citizenship you - or the websites you pointed to - are guessing.

We probably should know if our elected hold dual citizenships but we don't because no one collects that information on them.

If the web site I cited was "guessing", I suspect that the number of Israeli citizens in US Government would be higher than 40 since the US has the absolute most pro Israel Mid East Policy of any other country in the world.
If the web site I cited was "guessing", I suspect that the number of Israeli citizens in US Government would be higher than 40 since the US has the absolute most pro Israel Mid East Policy of any other country in the world.

That's the thing about guesses. Anyone can make them. I could guess 0 and my guess is just as valid as yours. And just as unprovable.
I am not at all concerned with the religious faith of Congressmen or other decision makers in US Government. What does concern me is the country to which they are most loyal when they are shaping US Foreign Policy.
I do not think that anyone in political office should be allowed to hold Dual Citizenship to ANY other country as is the case in Israel's Knesset.
Repeated administrations have almost unconditionally aided and abetted innumerable Israeli War Crimes & violations of International Law and even fought wars for Israel(1) that have not been in America's best interest so someone in US Government is responsible for this counterproductive "Israel First" US Mid East Foreign Policy.
I do not think that every member of the Jewish faith in US Government is loyal to Israel over the US and recognize the fervor with which "Christian Zionists" and Christian Evangelists support any & every pro Israel government initiative regardless of the harm it may do to the US, its citizens & troops.

I think it is enough to say that one cannot loyally serve two masters.

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

My point is that your references for support of your claim of dual citizenship of Jewish members of congress are unconvincing.
That's the thing about guesses. Anyone can make them. I could guess 0 and my guess is just as valid as yours. And just as unprovable.

The primary difference between your "guess" & mine is that mine is supported by numerous credible sources.

Simply google "Israeli citizens in US Government" & face the reality that we've got foreigners making decisions that affect the lives of loyal Americans.
Someones elevator is stuck in the basement. Zionist traitor.....hmmm time to get a tiki torch for you.
My point is that your references for support of your claim of dual citizenship of Jewish members of congress are unconvincing.

Just because you are unconvinced that Israeli citizens are making policy for Americans doesn't mean that they are not.

I would suggest that you simply view the additional references to Israeli citizens making policy for America by Googling "Israeli Dual Citizens in US Government" but it sounds like you are happy with Israelis making policy for Americans.

I and other loyal Americans are not.
Just because you are unconvinced that Israeli citizens are making policy for Americans doesn't mean that they are not.

I would suggest that you simply view the additional references to Israeli citizens making policy for America by Googling "Israeli Dual Citizens in US Government" but it sounds like you are happy with Israelis making policy for Americans.

I and other loyal Americans are not.

Get back to me when you can adequately back up your speculations.
Just because you are unconvinced that Israeli citizens are making policy for Americans doesn't mean that they are not.

I would suggest that you simply view the additional references to Israeli citizens making policy for America by Googling "Israeli Dual Citizens in US Government" but it sounds like you are happy with Israelis making policy for Americans.

I and other loyal Americans are not.

Just because you believe that they are does not mean that they are.
The primary difference between your "guess" & mine is that mine is supported by numerous credible sources.

Simply google "Israeli citizens in US Government" & face the reality that we've got foreigners making decisions that affect the lives of loyal Americans.

We may. I don't know.

I did what you suggested and looked at the top 5 sites, 6 if include reddit, which I don't because it's largely a cesspool of stupidity. All look to be cut-and-paste jobs of the same data without attribution or any supporting evidence. In short it looks to be a bunch of people who quoted a single source that for all we know was come up with by some guy who pasted a bunch of jewish sounding names on a dartboard, threw darts and then and wrote down the ones he hit.

That really isn't creditable in my book.
Get back to me when you can adequately back up your speculations.

Give us a post when you go from eyes wide shut to eyes wide open. Besides the eyes, of course, is the cognitive functions of the brain. :peace
Give us a post when you go from eyes wide shut to eyes wide open. Besides the eyes, of course, is the cognitive functions of the brain. :peace

All I'm asking for is credible back up for assertions. This seems to be beyond your capabilities.
Get back to me when you can adequately back up your speculations.

The fact that the American government unconditionally supports, funds & excuses almost every Israeli War Crime, Human Rights & International Law Violation is far from "speculation".

The fact that Israeli lobbies successfully extract $ Trillions from American taxpayers is not "speculation"

The fact that giving ANY aid to Israel is illegal under the Symington Amendment is not "speculation".

The fact that the fatally flawed Iraq War was largely driven by AIPAC(1) is not "speculation"

You'd have to be either blind or supportive of Zionist machinations in US Government not to see that many in US Government are putting the interests of Israel's Right Wing government over America's best interests & have been for decades.

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003
The fact that the American government unconditionally supports, funds & excuses almost every Israeli War Crime, Human Rights & International Law Violation is far from "speculation".

The fact that Israeli lobbies successfully extract $ Trillions from American taxpayers is not "speculation"

The fact that giving ANY aid to Israel is illegal under the Symington Amendment is not "speculation".

The fact that the fatally flawed Iraq War was largely driven by AIPAC(1) is not "speculation"

You'd have to be either blind or supportive of Zionist machinations in US Government not to see that many in US Government are putting the interests of Israel's Right Wing government over America's best interests & have been for decades.

AIPAC Executive Director Howard Kohr; N.Y. Sun, Jan. 2003

Links to proof please.

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