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Robots (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Oaxaca, Mexico
Political Leaning
"Ford Europe has installed a pair of 'collaborative robots' on its production line in Cologne, Germany, ostensibly to help fit shock absorbers to Fiestas.But in a video that the company just released, you can see their real purpose - making coffee for the workers.
The robots, which were developed in collaboration with German robotics firm KUKA Roboter, are about a metre tall and equipped with sensors that stop them if they detect obstacles in their path."
Ford's factory robots make coffee and give fist bumps | TechRadar

The video was quite interesting. I have a friend who rants that of course businesses will have to support every who doesn't work because robots are taking all the jobs. The video is of what's being called collaborative robots and was interesting.

"Ford Europe has installed a pair of 'collaborative robots' on its production line in Cologne, Germany, ostensibly to help fit shock absorbers to Fiestas.But in a video that the company just released, you can see their real purpose - making coffee for the workers.
The robots, which were developed in collaboration with German robotics firm KUKA Roboter, are about a metre tall and equipped with sensors that stop them if they detect obstacles in their path."
Ford's factory robots make coffee and give fist bumps | TechRadar

The video was quite interesting. I have a friend who rants that of course businesses will have to support every who doesn't work because robots are taking all the jobs. The video is of what's being called collaborative robots and was interesting.

I'm afraid this is just the wee tip of the iceberg for whats coming, though. the robots we have now that can move and act somewhat independently are rudimentary compared to what will be there 10-20 years from now, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind about this.

then if it costs less to use robots in menial jobs then they will more than likely be used. we need to push space exploration because we are going to need the resources available off planet to drive a basic income (with capitalism still in place for those who have highly valuable skills), otherwise there is going to be a great societal upheaval, imho. we definitely don't want to go backwards, which such an upheaval might precipitate.

it still might not work , of course. oh well.
"Ford Europe has installed a pair of 'collaborative robots' on its production line in Cologne, Germany, ostensibly to help fit shock absorbers to Fiestas.But in a video that the company just released, you can see their real purpose - making coffee for the workers.
The robots, which were developed in collaboration with German robotics firm KUKA Roboter, are about a metre tall and equipped with sensors that stop them if they detect obstacles in their path."
Ford's factory robots make coffee and give fist bumps | TechRadar

The video was quite interesting. I have a friend who rants that of course businesses will have to support every who doesn't work because robots are taking all the jobs. The video is of what's being called collaborative robots and was interesting.

For whom will they cook coffee, when the workers have been replaced? Do you think the robots might learn that too. ;)
I'm afraid this is just the wee tip of the iceberg for whats coming, though. the robots we have now that can move and act somewhat independently are rudimentary compared to what will be there 10-20 years from now, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind about this.

then if it costs less to use robots in menial jobs then they will more than likely be used. we need to push space exploration because we are going to need the resources available off planet to drive a basic income (with capitalism still in place for those who have highly valuable skills), otherwise there is going to be a great societal upheaval, imho. we definitely don't want to go backwards, which such an upheaval might precipitate.

it still might not work , of course. oh well.

We are in the middle of the coming societal upheaval.
We are in the middle of the coming societal upheaval.

well maybe... i'd say this is a very minor slight shake well before the main epicenter goes nuts.
For whom will they cook coffee, when the workers have been replaced? Do you think the robots might learn that too. ;)

Ah, yes, the normal Luddite paranoia. Just think of all the farm workers thrown out of work by tractors or even metal plows. Oh, the horror.

As the article, and video explained, the robots lift and hold heavy parts while the workers bolt them in place. Oh, that's a job millennials are dying to have.
We are in the middle of the coming societal upheaval.

That start when young people instead of having to consider what kind of work they wanted to do had to start considering whether or not they wanted to work.
well maybe... i'd say this is a very minor slight shake well before the main epicenter goes nuts.

There might, indeed, be a tipping point, if we let it go and do not restructure society to adapt.
That start when young people instead of having to consider what kind of work they wanted to do had to start considering whether or not they wanted to work.

I think that is about right. But it is not usually at this time a consequence of robots yet. It is more the lack of attracting capital by labor in the competition for it.

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