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RightConservative: Spammer and/or Attention Whore (1 Viewer)

Simon W. Moon

DP Veteran
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
What good does he bring to the board?

He's started 22 threads. Of the 22 OP's he's written only 2. And one of those was his 'welcome-to-the-board' thread in which he made three of the posts. So more 90% of the threads he starts are merely a snippet of someone else's work and a link to his website.

As lame and lazy as it is to post just a link to someone else's work (or even just an excerpt w/ link) as an OP w/o offering any of your own thoughts on the matter, it's even worse when there's no intention of engaging in debate
and the sole motivation is merely free advertising.

There's no evidence that he has an intention of debate.
In these 21 threads (not counting his welcome thread) he's only made 37 posts. This means he has more OPs than replies to his credit. It's an average of less than one rejoinder per thread. Sadly, many of these are merely a sentence or two or less. He doesn't even average an entire reply in his own threads.

He has never posted in anyone else's thread. Not even once. How can anyone make the case that he's here at Debate Politics to debate when more than half of everything he posts is merely someone else's words and much of the other half consists of trite one-liners? How can anyone make the case that he's here at Debate Politics to debate when he posts exclusively to his own threads? How can anyone make the case that he's here at Debate Politics to debate when most of what he does post to his own threads are merely one liners that rarely serve to advance the ideas of the OP?

Since he's obviously not here to debate, why's he here? Apparently all that he wants of Debate Politics is to have a place plant links to his websites for free.

If something isn't done to encourage and/or require RightConservative to participate as a regular member contributing more than attention whoring and spam, he'll not be the last of his kind to mooch the board's bandwidth.
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It's comments like this that make me want to pull the plug on the UNFIT thread!
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