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Rigged (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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On the first day of the Republican convention, on a day when Donald Trump should be touting the [difficult to identify] things that his administration has accomplished for the American people during the past 3½ years of his stewardship, or articulating his presidential vision for the next four years (the GOP has no official 2020 policy platform / apparently policy is anything Trump feels it is on any particular day), what does Trump talk about? None of the above. Trump again stated something he declared last week.....

"The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is 'rigged'" — Donald Trump on 17 August 2020.

Let's think about that. It is an accusation no other US president has ever uttered. I can't remember any national, state, county, city, or local candidate saying such a thing. Ever. Why is Donald Trump leveling such a flammable charge? Well, Donnie doesn't like mail-in voting. Don't get me wrong, he likes it just fine for himself, and for Melania, and for members of his family and his administration. He even like it for a perennially red state like Florida where the senior retirees typically vote Republican (although I can't even begin to understand why). In Trumps viewpoint, mail-in voting is fine for everyone that votes for Trump. But for no one else. Trump has this notion, one of his infamous 'gut feelings', that the more ballots that are cast by mail, the worse it is for the Republican party. He doesn't have any evidence to back up this assertion, because the evidence states that there is actually a Democrat/Republican balance when it comes to mail-in voting. Just a few days ago the Republican Secretary of State for Washington state, which votes exclusively by mail, says there are no problems at all and voter-fraud is minuscule. Indeed, that is another wild Trump complaint, fraud will be rampant! But the evidence says otherwise.....

Explainer: Fraud is rare in U.S. mail-in voting. Here are the methods that prevent it

The Data Proves Mail-In Voting Is Safe From Fraud & COVID-19

Low rates of fraud in vote-by-mail states show the benefits outweigh the risks

Does Mail-In Voting Increase Voter Fraud? We Did the Math. The Answer Is No.

Just to be on the safe side, in late May Trump appointed a major campaign donor ($2.5 million) to be his new Postmaster General. What Louis DeJoy neglected to mention to Congress is that he planned to ruin the Post Office from within. Well, "improve efficiency" by removing/destroying automatic sorting machines, mailboxes, ending all overtime, and initiating scheduling rules that guarantee chaos. All of this mind you in the midst of a deadly pandemic and just a few months before Election Day and, you guessed it, tons of mail-in voting because of the pandemic. The intent of DeJoy (and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchen who searched for someone like DeJoy) is to make a total mess of mail-in voting and delay Election Day results. This is a way for Trump to claim the system is rigged against him. Intentionally ruin the system, and then whine about the intentional mess when there is a backlog of votes.
"The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is 'rigged'" — Donald Trump on 17 August 2020.

There was a poll the other day that stated Trump is losing to Biden in the five key battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. National polls also show that the approval numbers for Donald Trump are in the toilet. And yet Trump is saying publicly that the only way he can lose this election is if it is 'rigged". If Trump wins according to the tabulations, he will of course accept that. But if he loses the popular vote, the battleground states, the Electoral College, and Biden is declared the winner, well, that result could only happen because the election was 'rigged'. Trump might even appeal to the courts and refuse to concede the results.

"The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is 'rigged'" — Donald Trump on 17 August 2020.

Think about that accusation long and hard. Trump is setting the November 4 table. He is telling everyone up front and loudly. There is no way Donald Trump can legitimately lose the election.
our mafia president needs southern males to rise up and fight for him.
As usual, he is projecting. Trump has invited foreign interference publicly and no doubt privately. This time around, Russians will have a cooperating administration AND 4 years more of practice while we have apparently done nothing to safeguard our systems.

Plus he is trying to rig it in other ways too - USPS games, disinformation on mail in voting and other disinformation targeting voter suppression, he has had ideas about stopping counting prematurely and is also laying groundwork for challenging the election results.

No doubt he will continue to try to rig the election in all kinds of creative ways his Cult comes up with.
On the first day of the Republican convention, on a day when Donald Trump should be touting the [difficult to identify] things that his administration has accomplished for the American people during the past 3½ years of his stewardship, or articulating his presidential vision for the next four years (the GOP has no official 2020 policy platform / apparently policy is anything Trump feels it is on any particular day), what does Trump talk about? None of the above. Trump again stated something he declared last week.....

"The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is 'rigged'" — Donald Trump on 17 August 2020.

Let's think about that. It is an accusation no other US president has ever uttered. I can't remember any national, state, county, city, or local candidate saying such a thing. Ever. Why is Donald Trump leveling such a flammable charge? Well, Donnie doesn't like mail-in voting. Don't get me wrong, he likes it just fine for himself, and for Melania, and for members of his family and his administration. He even like it for a perennially red state like Florida where the senior retirees typically vote Republican (although I can't even begin to understand why). In Trumps viewpoint, mail-in voting is fine for everyone that votes for Trump. But for no one else. Trump has this notion, one of his infamous 'gut feelings', that the more ballots that are cast by mail, the worse it is for the Republican party. He doesn't have any evidence to back up this assertion, because the evidence states that there is actually a Democrat/Republican balance when it comes to mail-in voting. Just a few days ago the Republican Secretary of State for Washington state, which votes exclusively by mail, says there are no problems at all and voter-fraud is minuscule. Indeed, that is another wild Trump complaint, fraud will be rampant! But the evidence says otherwise.....

Explainer: Fraud is rare in U.S. mail-in voting. Here are the methods that prevent it

The Data Proves Mail-In Voting Is Safe From Fraud & COVID-19

Low rates of fraud in vote-by-mail states show the benefits outweigh the risks

Does Mail-In Voting Increase Voter Fraud? We Did the Math. The Answer Is No.

Just to be on the safe side, in late May Trump appointed a major campaign donor ($2.5 million) to be his new Postmaster General. What Louis DeJoy neglected to mention to Congress is that he planned to ruin the Post Office from within. Well, "improve efficiency" by removing/destroying automatic sorting machines, mailboxes, ending all overtime, and initiating scheduling rules that guarantee chaos. All of this mind you in the midst of a deadly pandemic and just a few months before Election Day and, you guessed it, tons of mail-in voting because of the pandemic. The intent of DeJoy (and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchen who searched for someone like DeJoy) is to make a total mess of mail-in voting and delay Election Day results. This is a way for Trump to claim the system is rigged against him. Intentionally ruin the system, and then whine about the intentional mess when there is a backlog of votes.

You didn't watch his speech, did you?
"The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is 'rigged'" — Donald Trump on 17 August 2020.

There was a poll the other day that stated Trump is losing to Biden in the five key battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. National polls also show that the approval numbers for Donald Trump are in the toilet. And yet Trump is saying publicly that the only way he can lose this election is if it is 'rigged". If Trump wins according to the tabulations, he will of course accept that. But if he loses the popular vote, the battleground states, the Electoral College, and Biden is declared the winner, well, that result could only happen because the election was 'rigged'. Trump might even appeal to the courts and refuse to concede the results.

"The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is 'rigged'" — Donald Trump on 17 August 2020.

Think about that accusation long and hard. Trump is setting the November 4 table. He is telling everyone up front and loudly. There is no way Donald Trump can legitimately lose the election.

I see the same thing happening this time as last and I can't figure out why people are not asking one question
He says the election is rigged , well if it is. why isn't he telling us in who's favor?
He said all this last time and the way it looks now he was right it was rigged IN HIS FAVOR
Probably one of the VERY few times he has told the truth and people don't know what to do, HE told the truth and I don't believe it , the country must be in shock and doesn't know how to react OMG Trump actually told the truth
Have a nice day
CaughtInThe;1072508608Oour mafia president needs southern males to rise up and fight for him.[/QUOTE said:
No, he needs northern males to do it. Southern males are going to vote for Joe Biden. No need to tell you why.
You didn't watch his speech, did you?

Doesn't matter. They're prepping the field for when Biden loses.
3 more Trump speeches to go!
The only way Trump wins is if the election is rigged
The conman cheats at everything in order to win. Trump is cheating right in front of American eyes and doesn't care. Mr. Putin would be able to tell us much more about his puppet's cheating. The scumbag is so narcissistic, that he refuses to admit that he may just lose the election and no rigging would be involved. He's an egotistical scumbag and a danger to our citizens and our country as a whole. The bastard doesn't deserve to win an election, hoping all patriotic Americans get out and vote this douche out in November.

I suspect I will watch at least as many minutes of the GOP convention as I did the DNC convention---zero.

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