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Riddle me this. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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My guess, when trump loses and the dems take control of government, the deficit and debt hawks will be back in full voice squawking very loudly.

I want to know why when republicans are in control they always want to lower taxes and then complain about the debt and deficit? I don't understand it? It reminds me of the old joke, I've cut this board three times and it's still short. Can someone explain republican thinking to me? Trickle down is bs, lower taxes creates jobs, more bs. So what is it?
My guess, when trump loses and the dems take control of government, the deficit and debt hawks will be back in full voice squawking very loudly.

I want to know why when republicans are in control they always want to lower taxes and then complain about the debt and deficit? I don't understand it? It reminds me of the old joke, I've cut this board three times and it's still short. Can someone explain republican thinking to me? Trickle down is bs, lower taxes creates jobs, more bs. So what is it?
If you understand Democrat thinking...and I mean REALLY understand their thinking...then you also understand Republican thinking.

It's the same for both of them: Spread their particular brand of bullshit to satisfy the useful idiots, while continuing to do what their big money donors and lobbyists tell them to do...which, concerning the deficit and debt, means doing nothing.
Tax Day Becomes Protest Day - WSJ
If you understand Democrat thinking...and I mean REALLY understand their thinking...then you also understand Republican thinking.

It's the same for both of them: Spread their particular brand of bullshit to satisfy the useful idiots, while continuing to do what their big money donors and lobbyists tell them to do...which, concerning the deficit and debt, means doing nothing.
I would love to answer you mycroft but you dismissed me earlier.
My guess, when trump loses and the dems take control of government, the deficit and debt hawks will be back in full voice squawking very loudly.

I want to know why when republicans are in control they always want to lower taxes and then complain about the debt and deficit? I don't understand it? It reminds me of the old joke, I've cut this board three times and it's still short. Can someone explain republican thinking to me? Trickle down is bs, lower taxes creates jobs, more bs. So what is it?
They are conservatives in name only, has been that way for decades, and if one did not know it from the past the last 4 years should have opened their eyes to the truth.
Politicians can tax you and pass laws to control your behavior. Doesn't matter which party if they're in power for any length of time they will become corrupt. Term limits people! It's the only solution.
You shouldn't be surprised, the answer is, they're lying.

Remember what I say: their only real agenda is plutocracy, meaning for a few to have all the wealth and power. The words are meant to deceive.

So, the tax cuts for the rich are to further concentrate wealth with the rich.

And the complaining about the debt is meant to prevent Democrats spending wealth to help the people. In fact, debt is their goal, their policy - it's called "starve the beast" and goes back to Reagan, and COMPLAINING about the debt gives them political cover for CAUSING the debt, which also goes back to Reagan.
My guess, when trump loses and the dems take control of government, the deficit and debt hawks will be back in full voice squawking very loudly.

I want to know why when republicans are in control they always want to lower taxes and then complain about the debt and deficit? I don't understand it? It reminds me of the old joke, I've cut this board three times and it's still short. Can someone explain republican thinking to me? Trickle down is bs, lower taxes creates jobs, more bs. So what is it?

Two big issues--education and propaganda.

While our universities are world-class, the quality of our grammar and high school education systems varies widely depending on one's state.

So, we've got a lot of high-school grads who can't locate the United States on a world map--who can scarcely identify themselves in a graduating class photo, for that matter--who think that the term inflation has to do with breast implants, that Mexicans speak Mexican, that global warming is a complex hoax designed to get a payday for scientists, that the earth is the center of the galaxy, that undocumented immigrants have no rights under the Constitution, that vaccines cause autism, Obama Kenya--you know the rest--that the sun orbits the earth, and then there's the flat earth stuff, the 9/11 conspiracies, and that's just off the top of my head.

On top of it, we have Fox News--their national news division--Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and a variety of other media personalities jackhammering their brains on a daily basis over a span of decades with a healthy mix of conspiratorial and/or race-based nonsense, mostly designed to keep them afraid and buying adult diapers and reverse mortgages.

And so with such weak educations, goofy beliefs, and poor critical thinking skills, as well as their propensity to believing virtually anything as long as it is crammed into their deficient brains often, they will literally do whatever is required of them.

They're just robots now, and they've been programmed to whine about X on cue and completely ignore X on cue as well.

So yeah, as soon as Biden takes over, you'll know what they're going to say here, almost word for word, as long as you listen to Rush's daily show first.

They no longer have any control over their own thinking.
You shouldn't be surprised, the answer is, they're lying.

Remember what I say: their only real agenda is plutocracy, meaning for a few to have all the wealth and power. The words are meant to deceive.

So, the tax cuts for the rich are to further concentrate wealth with the rich.

And the complaining about the debt is meant to prevent Democrats spending wealth to help the people. In fact, debt is their goal, their policy - it's called "starve the beast" and goes back to Reagan, and COMPLAINING about the debt gives them political cover for CAUSING the debt, which also goes back to Reagan.
A person after my own heart. I think reagan started the downfall of the middle class and the push to move money from the bottom to the top. Even though he was not only a union member but the president of the screen actors guild one of his first moves was to try to disable the air traffic controllers union because they had the audacity to tell the flying public it wasn't safe. Let us not forget we had a market crash under his administration and how much he added to the debt and deficit with his star wars program. Reagan is the reason bush sr. had to take back his promise of no new taxes. He had no idea of just how much damage reagan had done fiscally and so he had to raise taxes.

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