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Republicans Leaving Trump Boat! (1 Viewer)

I suspect that as we get closer to campaign season, Republicans from Congress to local dog catcher are beginning to realize that Trump is hurting them. Their own internal polling is showing a growing dissatisfaction with anyone associated in any way with Trump. With him at the top of the ticket, everyone downstream is going to pay a price.

Unfortunately, they cannot come out against Trump until the primaries are over, lest Trump turn his base on them like rabid dogs. And, since Trump will be on the ticket, they will pay a price with the general electorate in November.
My CT sense is tingling. Something in this Scaramucci/Trump flap feels staged. :shrug:
My husband puts country before guns. It's what decent people with brains do. And he knows that by getting rid of Trump there is a chance that the GOP can rebuild. As it stands, it's dying out daily.

Their recent actions will make it very hard for me to ever trust them or vote for them again.

I used to vote mostly Republican as my main issues were gun, hunting and trapping rights along with environmental issues.

Since then the Republicans are no longer protecting the environment and I have had children.

It became clear that the Republicans are the party of instant gratification who have absolutely no long term ideas.

I want things to be better for my kids future, not worse...
My husband puts country before guns. It's what decent people with brains do. And he knows that by getting rid of Trump there is a chance that the GOP can rebuild. As it stands, it's dying out daily.

So your gun loving husband would gladly vote to lose his second amendment rights and gun confiscation because he doesn't like Trump?
Surrrrrrrrre he would.
Once again Trump goes after loyal-to-him people as Scaramucci is among those like Cohen, Sessions and Sanders who are loyalists but now are out of favor and with the possible exception of Sessions now against Trump.

In addition, there is a growing number of Republicans that want some other Republican-other-than-Trump in the White House in 2020.

Every single day there are new Republican defections from the Trump vision and no NEW additions.

How Trump and his supporters expect to win in 2020 with more problems, less solutions, over 17 promises not-kept, economy slipping into recession, Trade War caused by him raging, his popularity staying consistently below 45% as well as defections occurring but additions not is beyond reason.

No worries. There were plenty of leftists who jumped off the socialist wagon to vote for DJT. I'm sure there will be again.

Word of caution though. It appears leftists are falling for the same propaganda put out there by the MSM Hate Machine as in 2016. When the left lost, it caused a great wailing because the left believed Globalist Granny "had it in the bag."
One problem with your numbers is that you did not mention that in 2016 the number of undecided voters was 25% and on a recent poll it was 10%. The probabilities favor that most of the 15% that are no longer undecided, have gone to the Democratic side

What it means is they will never vote for tax payer funded free healthcare for Illegals, Decriminalization of Illegals, the demise of DHS and ICE, or some old idiot like Biden. Most have already made up their minds.

Scaramucci is a perfect example of a voter that is Republican but has stated he will not vote Democratic but will NOT vote for Trump. That uptick could be for that reason as Republican voters sign up in an attempt to vote Trump down versus another Republican candidate. trying to get the Republican party "back on track".

That might mean something if you knew what you were talking about. Scaramucci was voting for the Obama team then switched right in the middle of the election. All he is looking for is air time. Trump dumped him after a week of his idiocy.
One problem with your numbers is that you did not mention that in 2016 the number of undecided voters was 25% and on a recent poll it was 10%. The probabilities favor that most of the 15% that are no longer undecided, have gone to the Democratic side. That means that the "small" percentage uptick in registered Republican voters is not enough to overcome that. In addition, what guarantees that the uptick in Republican voters is not an uptick that will vote against Trump and not for Trump. Scaramucci is a perfect example of a voter that is Republican but has stated he will not vote Democratic but will NOT vote for Trump. That uptick could be for that reason as Republican voters sign up in an attempt to vote Trump down versus another Republican candidate. trying to get the Republican party "back on track".

Keep in mind that there are now 2 parties within the Republican party with one of those being the Trump party and the other being the not-for-Trump party.

Gallup did show that in 2016 25% of all Americans disliked both Trump and Clinton, this included 54% of all independents.

One in Four Americans Dislike Both Presidential Candidates

Also according to CNN exit polls, 12% of all independents voted third party, against both Trump and Clinton. So you're right on there.


Now if you go back to the generic presidential vote, question 68. You'll see 29% of independents say they'll vote for Trump, 30% for the Democratic candidate along with 20% stating it depends. I take that "It depends," crowd means their vote will be decided by whom the Democrats nominate. Nominate the right candidate, most of that 20% will vote Democratic, nominate the wrong candidate, they very well could vote third party again. Against both Trump and whomever is the Democratic nominee. My take on that anyway.

Now it's hard to realize that there are two parties within the GOP. Question 81A shows 68% of Republicans have a very favorable view of Trump vs. 9% who view him very unfavorable. The very favorable and very unfavorable are strong opinions or views of Trump. The somewhat's which I left out are wishy washy and can change easily. The very favorable's and very unfavorable's don't change much.


Having 10% or so in the never Trump category is about the same percentage as in 2016 when 88% of Republicans voted for Trump, 8% for Clinton and 4% third party. That'a 12% adding up Clinton's and third party votes in 2016. The same percentage when you add up the very unfavorable and somewhat unfavorable together. Not much has changed in my opinion.

I expect Trump to get roughly the same 88% from Republicans that he received in 2016. Independents could be very different. Trump won them 46-42 over Hillary with 12% voting third party. We know those 12% don't like Trump. They'll probably either vote third party again if they don't like who the Democrats nominate or vote Democratic if they do. Anyway you look at it Trump is in trouble among independents. Go back to question 81A, 23% of independents view Trump very favorably, 38% very unfavorably. Again discounting the somewhat's which can change their view of him in a heartbeat. That's a minus 15 points among independents, a group he won by 4 points over Hillary. Not a good omen for Trump.

worst yet, go to question 99, run for reelection. 33% of independents want Trump to run for reelection, 46% do not. A minus 13 points there in a group he won in 2016 by 4 points. For me what all this is stating, it all boils down to whom the democrats nominate for 2020. The right candidate, the Democrats win in a landslide. The wrong candidate, another 2016 is a possibility. I wouldn't write that off. Not yet anyway.
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No worries. There were plenty of leftists who jumped off the socialist wagon to vote for DJT. I'm sure there will be again.

Word of caution though. It appears leftists are falling for the same propaganda put out there by the MSM Hate Machine as in 2016. When the left lost, it caused a great wailing because the left believed Globalist Granny "had it in the bag."

One problem with your thinking. The left did not lose in 2016, Hillary lost. She was a flawed person as a person. Big difference!
One problem with your thinking. The left did not lose in 2016, Hillary lost. She was a flawed person as a person. Big difference!

Come on. Republicans crucified her for years with Benghazi.
Russia hacked the DNC and sunk her campaign with wikileaks, while Trump cheered them on. Sanders voters chief among the pissed off..already pissed Bernie lost, they just needed a nudge.
Comey put his finger on the scale with his October Surprise.

Hillary lost the EC for a lot of reasons, some her own failings, and some not.
So your gun loving husband would gladly vote to lose his second amendment rights and gun confiscation because he doesn't like Trump?
Surrrrrrrrre he would.

Trump has been anti gun his whole life, if you think he is going to protect our second amendment rights you are crazy.

The NRA has been exposed for the Russian backed phony organization they have become, they are just a fund raising branch of the Republican party a d they have been castrated.

With the current anti gun movement trump will fold, actually he already has by giving into red flag and universal background checks.
Republicans were the reason we have the Brady bill and background checks (supported by the NRA) they are not the second amendment protectors they pretend they are.

And trump is an anti gun liberal pretending to be a Republican because he loves uneducated people and he has conned a lot of them.

Personally he never had me fooled...
So your gun loving husband would gladly vote to lose his second amendment rights and gun confiscation because he doesn't like Trump?
Surrrrrrrrre he would.

Trump has been anti gun his whole life, if you think he is going to protect our second amendment rights you are crazy.

The NRA has been exposed for the Russian backed phony organization they have become, they are just a fund raising branch of the Republican party a d they have been castrated.

With the current anti gun movement trump will fold, actually he already has by giving into red flag and universal background checks.
Republicans were the reason we have the Brady bill and background checks (supported by the NRA) they are not the second amendment protectors they pretend they are.

And trump is an anti gun liberal pretending to be a Republican because he loves uneducated people and he has conned a lot of them.

Personally he never had me fooled...
Come on. Republicans crucified her for years with Benghazi.
Russia hacked the DNC and sunk her campaign with wikileaks, while Trump cheered them on. Sanders voters chief among the pissed off..already pissed Bernie lost, they just needed a nudge.
Comey put his finger on the scale with his October Surprise.

Hillary lost the EC for a lot of reasons, some her own failings, and some not.

and your point is?

The poster I was responding to was saying the the Democrats were the same "party" as in 2016 and that is why they would lose in 2020. I said that Hillary was why they lost in 2016 but the "party platform" would not be the reason they would lose in 2020. You actually supported and made my point.
Their recent actions will make it very hard for me to ever trust them or vote for them again.

I used to vote mostly Republican as my main issues were gun, hunting and trapping rights along with environmental issues.

Since then the Republicans are no longer protecting the environment and I have had children.

It became clear that the Republicans are the party of instant gratification who have absolutely no long term ideas.

I want things to be better for my kids future, not worse...

Same here GD. I look at my 3 kids and I'm ashamed of the fact that I'm leaving the world a worse place than I found it, and much of that is due to the actions of the party I supported for so long. Too long.
Trump has been anti gun his whole life, if you think he is going to protect our second amendment rights you are crazy.

The NRA has been exposed for the Russian backed phony organization they have become, they are just a fund raising branch of the Republican party a d they have been castrated.

With the current anti gun movement trump will fold, actually he already has by giving into red flag and universal background checks.
Republicans were the reason we have the Brady bill and background checks (supported by the NRA) they are not the second amendment protectors they pretend they are.

And trump is an anti gun liberal pretending to be a Republican because he loves uneducated people and he has conned a lot of them.

Personally he never had me fooled...

The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming but they ain't got you fooled. :lamo
The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming but they ain't got you fooled. :lamo

Thank you for your well thought out and articulate response.

Now go do hour homework and get back to me when you can discredit anything I said...
and your point is?

The poster I was responding to was saying the the Democrats were the same "party" as in 2016 and that is why they would lose in 2020. I said that Hillary was why they lost in 2016 but the "party platform" would not be the reason they would lose in 2020. You actually supported and made my point.
I agree that the party wasn't the reason, I'm just saying Hillary was only part of the reason Hillary lost. Russia, Trump/Wikileaks, Comey, all had a big hand in the debacle too.
Thank you for your well thought out and articulate response.

Now go do hour homework and get back to me when you can discredit anything I said...

How do you do homework on nonsense claims? Everything you stated is just so out of touch with reality you would actually have to break down each sentence.

Trump has been anti gun his whole life, if you think he is going to protect our second amendment rights you are crazy.

Yet you were all over Trump when he wanted to arm teachers with concealed carry, go for special training, and eliminate gun free zones, removed the Obama-era executive branch gun regulations, he terminated Operation Choke Point, the first president since Ronald Reagan in 1983 to speak at the National Rifle Association's annual convention, began the process of loosening regulations for certain small-arms exports and changing the agency giving approval from the State to Commerce Department, Trump's commission on school safety released its final report, which among other positive recommendations, called for more armed guards in schools, ending an Obama Administration race-based school discipline policy,

And now you are spouting hes anti gun? You clearly have no clue.

The NRA has been exposed for the Russian backed phony organization they have become

Liberals came undone when they found out 3 lifetime members of the NRA were Russian. No conspiracies, just 3 Russians who were lifetime members and now the NRA is Russia backed? More idiocy of Liberals.

Republicans were the reason we have the Brady bill and background checks (supported by the NRA) they are not the second amendment protectors they pretend they are.

Backing regulations and background checks doesn't make you anti gun or anti second amendment. More Liberal idiocy.

And trump is an anti gun liberal pretending to be a Republican because he loves uneducated people and he has conned a lot of them.

Now Trump is a Liberal?

There is so much foolishness in these statements its quite clear how desperate Liberals have become. Just over the top idiots.
It sounds like Democrats should have this one in the bag. Too bad their frontrunner is an angry, bumbling idiot.

Not compared to trump he's not. But hopefully we'll get Bernie or Elizabeth and fix the country a lot.
Not compared to trump he's not. But hopefully we'll get Bernie or Elizabeth and fix the country a lot.
Sorry I have to agree with the NYT that Sanders and Warren seem more interested in playing paddycake on Fantasy Island than coming up with realistic proposals.
Sorry I have to agree with the NYT that Sanders and Warren seem more interested in playing paddycake on Fantasy Island than coming up with realistic proposals.

Well, you are quite wrong, then. And I doubt that's what the NYT said.
Well, you are quite wrong, then. And I doubt that's what the NYT said.
Oh, I get to take credit for paddycake, but Fantasy Island is all theirs.
Oh, I get to take credit for paddycake, but Fantasy Island is all theirs.

Oh, so you aren't misrepresenting opinion columnist Frank Bruni's opinion published as an opinion column, as being something The New York Times said?
Oh, so you aren't misrepresenting opinion columnist Frank Bruni's opinion published as an opinion column, as being something The New York Times said?
Opinion column in what paper?

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