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Republicans do not govern, they rule. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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For those who have been around DP for a while you've heard me say this before and the gop is about to prove it once again if the scotus strikes down R v W against the will of the majority of americans. Never mind it has almost fifty years of precedent and never mind the justices trump appointed said they would not strike down Roe, it appears it's about to happen and as far as I'm concerned this is standard operating procedure for the gop.

Watch what they do, not what they say.
For those who have been around DP for a while you've heard me say this before and the gop is about to prove it once again if the scotus strikes down R v W against the will of the majority of americans. Never mind it has almost fifty years of precedent and never mind the justices trump appointed said they would not strike down Roe, it appears it's about to happen and as far as I'm concerned this is standard operating procedure for the gop.

Watch what they do, not what they say.

It won't stop with abortion. Get ready for the Christian Republic of America to quickly rival the Islamic Republic of Iran in terms of how "moral" and God-fearing it becomes.
It won't stop with abortion. Get ready for the Christian Republic of America to quickly rival the Islamic Republic of Iran in terms of how "moral" and God-fearing it becomes.
The 'christians' will be more than willing to impose their idea of sharia law on america and call it god's will. To me, these people are nazi fascists in training.
Actually Republicans hate the same people ISIS do. They hate the same people Hitler did. The difference is a different sky daddy.
Actually Republicans hate the same people ISIS do. They hate the same people Hitler did. The difference is a different sky daddy.

And there still isn't even a speck of credible or compelling evidence to prove that their alleged sky hero exists.

Not everyone can be as open to democracy as Democrats were when they arbitrarily decided on what mandates they wanted these past few years. The faux outrage has been overused
Not everyone can be as open to democracy as Democrats were when they arbitrarily decided on what mandates they wanted these past few years. The faux outrage has been overused

Arbitrarily trusted science and wanted people to live LOL

The USA has the highest covid death rate per capita in the world, because of Trump.
For those who have been around DP for a while you've heard me say this before and the gop is about to prove it once again if the scotus strikes down R v W against the will of the majority of americans. Never mind it has almost fifty years of precedent and never mind the justices trump appointed said they would not strike down Roe, it appears it's about to happen and as far as I'm concerned this is standard operating procedure for the gop.

Watch what they do, not what they say.
Everyone has an opinion.
Arbitrarily trusted science and wanted people to live LOL

The USA has the highest covid death rate per capita in the world, because of Trump.
We all understand Democrats are useless shitbags that can’t accomplish anything, only care about controlling people while lying to got so, and don’t want to help people, but after a year in control you need to stop trying to blame other for their failures. Biden watched far more people than Trump die.
For those who have been around DP for a while you've heard me say this before and the gop is about to prove it once again if the scotus strikes down R v W against the will of the majority of americans. Never mind it has almost fifty years of precedent and never mind the justices trump appointed said they would not strike down Roe, it appears it's about to happen and as far as I'm concerned this is standard operating procedure for the gop.

Watch what they do, not what they say.
Let's see, democrats control the white house, house of representatives, senate and nearly every large city from top to bottom but the GOP rule and not govern. cuckoo, cuckoo
P.S. Supreme Court are not politicians.
You will be able to vote at the local level if they pass it. You are having a meltdown over nothing at this point.
For those who have been around DP for a while you've heard me say this before and the gop is about to prove it once again if the scotus strikes down R v W against the will of the majority of americans. Never mind it has almost fifty years of precedent and never mind the justices trump appointed said they would not strike down Roe, it appears it's about to happen and as far as I'm concerned this is standard operating procedure for the gop.

Watch what they do, not what they say.
LOL. Turning the decision over to the states and the people to decide is the opposite of authoritarian rule. Do you even read what you write? Do you understand the world around you? Its not possible for anyone with a clue to post such nonsense
Arbitrarily trusted science and wanted people to live LOL

The USA has the highest covid death rate per capita in the world, because of Trump.
Thats a lie. The US does not have the highest per capita death rate in the world and even if it did, more people died under Biden than Trump. Try and make an honest argument please.
Thats a lie. The US does not have the highest per capita death rate in the world and even if it did, more people died under Biden than Trump. Try and make an honest argument please.

Have you heard of google? The rate in Australia is 5 and in the USA is something like 600. If some country managed to beat you, that's pretty damn impressive
LOL. Turning the decision over to the states and the people to decide is the opposite of authoritarian rule. Do you even read what you write? Do you understand the world around you? Its not possible for anyone with a clue to post such nonsense

Letting people vote on human rights at all is authoritarian. It's fascism
LOL. Turning the decision over to the states and the people to decide is the opposite of authoritarian rule. Do you even read what you write? Do you understand the world around you? Its not possible for anyone with a clue to post such nonsense

If you think for a second that Republicans next stop won't be a national Ban, that is delusional.

Of course they will attempt to push it.

Second the rights of women being taken away in Red States is still horrific and shouldn't be allowed.

Not that you care, because it's all just a clown show to you.
If you think for a second that Republicans next stop won't be a national Ban, that is delusional.

Of course they will attempt to push it.

Second the rights of women being taken away in Red States is still horrific and shouldn't be allowed.

Not that you care, because it's all just a clown show to you.
Another stupid post from you.

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