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Report: Kremlin casts troop withdrawal as ‘goodwill’ gesture (1 Viewer)


Dark Brandon Acolyte
Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2017
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine’s Kyiv region as “a gesture of goodwill” ordered by President Vladimir Putin, according to a Russian state news agency Tass release about an interview with French TV channel LCI.
“We decided to take this step as a gesture of goodwill to create favorable conditions for negotiations. We can make serious decisions in the course of negotiations, and therefore President Putin ordered the withdrawal of troops from the region,” Peskov said in a broadcast scheduled for Wednesday evening, Tass reported. (Source)
Wow, what a kind and benevolent move from Putin. All the equipment Russian troops left on their way out must have been a gesture of goodwill as well. Plus all the donations to the Ukrainian farmers in these trying times.
Such a generous leader.

I wonder what piece of territory Putin will give up next to show his support for the people of Ukraine?
Such goodwill lol....


Who in the blank cares what the Russian leadership says?

The West should center its attention on how to really punish the Butcher and his cronies for their war crimes.

Today on TV the American Attorney-General insulted us by somberly promising to punish the Butcher's cronies.


By depriving one of them of his yacht!

The Butcher was probably laughing his posterior off when the interpreter explained the Attorney General's words in Russian.
Wow, what a kind and benevolent move from Putin. All the equipment Russian troops left on their way out must have been a gesture of goodwill as well. Plus all the donations to the Ukrainian farmers in these trying times.
View attachment 67384151
Such a generous leader.

I wonder what piece of territory Putin will give up next to show his support for the people of Ukraine?
If he was sincere he would order an investigation into the crimes of humanity being carried out by his own Army.

He is not sincere, he is old school Soviet Empire. Always was, always will be. Russia is no different, they luv the whip. The hope for Democracy was doomed with that drunk Yeltsin. Putin was his chosen man to keep the old boys network going.

Who in the blank cares what the Russian leadership says?

The West should center its attention on how to really punish the Butcher and his cronies for their war crimes.

Today on TV the American Attorney-General insulted us by somberly promising to punish the Butcher's cronies.


By depriving one of them of his yacht!

The Butcher was probably laughing his posterior off when the interpreter explained the Attorney General's words in Russian.

Always remember, the Russian Constitution forbids the extradition of Russians to face trial abroad.

Why do you suppose that is?
They call it goodwill, I call it bogus.

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