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Report: 'Anonymous' in trump administration to reveal themselves in October (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Political Leaning
I saw an interview, with John Brennan IIRC, where he said Anonymous has said they'll reveal themselves in October, and have more to say on how they've tried to protect the country. Add them to the long list who have been close to trump and are his enemies, telling the truth about him.
Mike Pence don't rite that good.
It's not Melania. It's an official.
Yeah, and it's someone who at least still worked for the administration in fall 2018. Doesn't necessary have to still be part of it. Actually considering how few people from 2018 that still are around it's verty likely the person has been fired for or left for an unrelated reason. Would be funny if it's Sarah Huckabee Sanders, because then she called herself a coward. Would be even funnier if it was Hope Hicks, but she left in 2017 already so it can't really be her. If it turns out to be Kellyanne Conway, I will just say: well played.

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