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Rename University of Edinburgh Building for George Floyd? (1 Viewer)

Rename University of Edinburgh Building for George Floyd?

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  • Philosophers Lives Matter

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DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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Edinburgh University has renamed its David Hume Tower over the philosopher's "comments on matters of race".
The building, which will be used as a student study space this academic year, will now be known as 40 George Square.
An online petition claiming David Hume "wrote racist epithets" and calling for the building to be renamed has been signed more than 1,700 times.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - an update | The University of Edinburgh

David Hume- highly influential Scottish Enlightenment philosopher, historian, economist, librarian and essayist. Hume is known for his highly influential system of philosophical empiricism, skepticism, and naturalism. Hume argued against the existence of innate ideas, positing that all human knowledge derives solely from experience. Influenced
virtually all subsequent Western philosophy, especially Ayer, Blackburn, Borges, Deleuze, Dennett, Einstein, Fodor, Hamann, Hamilton, Husserl, Jefferson, James, Kant, Mackie, Madison, Mill, Popper, Reid, Russell, Schopenhauer, Smith, Marx, Keynes


George Floyd- Couldn't Breathe


The Scots are certainly free to choose their course, but they will find themselves in a sorry state of advanced regression by tossing out men like David Hume in favor of George Floyd. I'm afraid that the US has become a bad influence on the world, and we've exported our racial mania to the UK, Ireland and Europe. They're getting this schizophrenia from us now. Absolutely tragic results will ensue.
I've spent time in the now ex-David Hume Tower. Architecturally it's hardly a worthy tribute to a great philosopher.
I've spent time in the now ex-David Hume Tower. Architecturally it's hardly a worthy tribute to a great philosopher.

It's not a very stunning building from an architectural perspective. but I think honoring a Scottish titan of academic influence makes more sense than an American who fought the law and the, law won.
It's not a very stunning building from an architectural perspective. but I think honoring a Scottish titan of academic influence makes more sense than an American who fought the law and the, law won.

Well, no, they're just renaming it 40 George Square according to your article. Oh, remember Gary Hart? I saw him give a talk in the adjacent building at some point before his presidential ambitions futzed.
David Hume- highly influential Scottish Enlightenment philosopher, historian, economist, librarian and essayist. Hume is known for his highly influential system of philosophical empiricism, skepticism, and naturalism. Hume argued against the existence of innate ideas, positing that all human knowledge derives solely from experience. Influenced
virtually all subsequent Western philosophy, especially Ayer, Blackburn, Borges, Deleuze, Dennett, Einstein, Fodor, Hamann, Hamilton, Husserl, Jefferson, James, Kant, Mackie, Madison, Mill, Popper, Reid, Russell, Schopenhauer, Smith, Marx, Keynes


George Floyd- Couldn't Breathe


The Scots are certainly free to choose their course, but they will find themselves in a sorry state of advanced regression by tossing out men like David Hume in favor of George Floyd. I'm afraid that the US has become a bad influence on the world, and we've exported our racial mania to the UK, Ireland and Europe. They're getting this schizophrenia from us now. Absolutely tragic results will ensue.

you must be joking ! i did not vote , cos its pure madness and i am 120% sure putin is behind this story , its RT product , what connection has had afro - American ex - criminal (or his death) to University of Edinburgh?
I have a feeling that at least 90% of the people using the building don't care what its called as long as its well maintained.
you must be joking ! i did not vote , cos its pure madness and i am 120% sure putin is behind this story , its RT product , what connection has had afro - American ex - criminal (or his death) to University of Edinburgh?

What connection has had Putin to Edinburgh?

Not everything is Russia, Russia, Russia....
I would rather it be named in honour of Tamir Rice
Well, no, they're just renaming it 40 George Square according to your article. Oh, remember Gary Hart? I saw him give a talk in the adjacent building at some point before his presidential ambitions futzed.

It's part of a bigger problem of American culture adversely affecting Britain and Europe. BLM now exists in your country, despite there being no comparable situation of police brutality against the black community there. Scotland barely even has a black community of significance.
What was your opinion on putting the Churchill statue in a giant metal enclosure, in order to protect it from vandals? Was that a bit of diversity progress?
you must be joking ! i did not vote , cos its pure madness and i am 120% sure putin is behind this story , its RT product , what connection has had afro - American ex - criminal (or his death) to University of Edinburgh?

The link leads to the University of Edinburgh, not RT.
If you want to know who really is behind this, you should look towards upstate NY, where a vengeful, diminutive rodent resides.

In Scotland, Loyalists lead a Black Lives Matter backlash | openDemocracy
The University of Edinburgh's student body is made up of only 0.7 per cent black students, which is the lowest among top British universities. Nationally, around three per cent of the British public identifies as black but they are harder to spot in Scotland. The University's Equality & Diversity Committee was founded only a decade ago.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - an update | The University of Edinburgh
The link leads to the University of Edinburgh, not RT.
If you want to know who really is behind this, you should look towards upstate NY, where a vengeful, diminutive rodent resides.

In Scotland, Loyalists lead a Black Lives Matter backlash | openDemocracy

"pro IRA and Black Lives Matter graffiti" a mess as i expected. and Putin is fueled even this conflict in Europe /USA , as usual
Russian-sponsored disinformation and the Black Lives Matter movement | International Journalists' Network
How Black Lives Matter Has Been Coopted by Russia’s Government and Its Opposition
Putin’s liberal foes reject Black Lives Matter - Coda Story
you must be joking ! i did not vote , cos its pure madness and i am 120% sure putin is behind this story , its RT product , what connection has had afro - American ex - criminal (or his death) to University of Edinburgh?
Why the f*ck would Russia care what a university in Edinburgh is called. It's claims like this that makes people not believe the actual Russian interference in other countries democratic processes.
I wonder what Robert the Floyd would have thought of something like that.
Why the f*ck would Russia care what a university in Edinburgh ....
do you know , why the golden horde was from day 1 in war with the western civilization? https://www.rbth.com/history/332313-mongol-invasion-was-reason-russia-formed
do you know , why the golden horde was from day 1 in war with the western civilization? https://www.rbth.com/history/332313-mongol-invasion-was-reason-russia-formed
The Golden Horde was in the Middle Ages, has very little to do with Russia, except they conquered most of it. And the reason Muscowy rose to dominance among the Russian states was their resistance against the Golden Horde. And no, the Mongols would have faced problems once the open plains of eastern and central Europe changed to the Alps and the forrests of Central Germany. They were no well equipped to fight outside open terrain, relying on cavalry.

And none of this still has anything to do with a university in Edinburgh.
The Golden Horde was in the Middle Ages, has very little to do with Russia, except they conquered most of it. And the reason Muscowy rose to dominance among the Russian states was their resistance against the Golden Horde. And no, the Mongols would have faced problems once the open plains of eastern and central Europe changed to the Alps and the forrests of Central Germany. They were no well equipped to fight outside open terrain, relying on cavalry.

And none of this still has anything to do with a university in Edinburgh.
Lithuania lost it's number 1 village idiot and someone gave him access to the internet
The Golden Horde was in the Middle Ages, has very little to do with Russia, except they conquered most of it. And the reason Muscowy rose to dominance among the Russian states was their resistance against the Golden Horde. And no, the Mongols would have faced problems once the open plains of eastern and central Europe changed to the Alps and the forrests of Central Germany. They were no well equipped to fight outside open terrain, relying on cavalry.

And none of this still has anything to do with a university in Edinburgh.


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