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Reminder: White Liberals Hate Living in Black Neighborhoods (1 Viewer)


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Jan 29, 2015
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White Liberals Hate Living in Black Neighborhoods

Chris Hayes the liberal talking head says he's afraid of black people. By saying it, he joins the ranks of Ta-Nehisi Coates, who wrote a whole book about it; Jesse Jackson, who worried out loud that one of them was going to mug or murder him; Al Sharpton, who left blackville the second he had the chance; James Baldwin, who told us to love Americans and then exiled himself to France; Barack Obama, who lives in alabaster Kalorama and sent his kids to white schools; and Maxine Waters, who got so rich riling up her constituents that she was able to move away from them.... Black celebrities aside, one thing you ever see a white liberal do is move into a black neighborhood. Chris Hayes won't because he's already lived near one, and he says he hated it. White liberals have a list of reasons they avoid them – not getting punched in the face again, in Chris's instance. Rate of crime. A superior level of order. Cleanliness. Proximity to the businesses they actually work at. That kind of thing. It isn't white supremacy when liberals do it, though, because they aren't considered white supremacists. They're telling you they're scared, but they're also beating their chests. They love black people. They just prefer to live anywhere but black neighborhoods.... Chris Hayes is pretty honest about all this, and he expresses himself in bouts of self-contradiction. He says "broken windows policing" is evil right before admitting, in part, that after it, "New York went from rundown and dangerous to glossy and glamorous." He wants officers hamstrung while admitting that the process led big cities to the "biggest jump [in homicides] since 1971."

Our rulers and the Professional Grievance Industry profit handsomely from denying this very basic principle. That Black athletes and politicians "relocate" immediately upon being able to afford to do so is irrefutable proof. Remember the Oprah's and the Barack Hussein's racist "preacher" Rev. J.Wright? He lives far from Chicongo in a 90% plus white gated community.
The dirty little secret is that blacks are among the first to self-segregate on athletic teams and in high schools, colleges and universities. Heck, they even do it in Congress! Other cultures, once they assimilated, tended to help one another. For example, Italians, Jews and the Irish tended to pull other Italians, Jews and Irish up as they advanced from the bottom rung as immigrants. Other than talk, successful Blacks tend to pull the ladder up behind them once they've individually "made it". We've been ordered to accept "tolerance" and "diversity" in the face of mountains of evidence that neither can work without limitation and free will, and our rulers do not want limitations or for us to make our own decisions, less their financial gravy train go off the track.
We've been ordered to accept "tolerance" and "diversity" in the face of mountains of evidence that neither can work without limitation and free will, and our rulers do not want limitations or for us to make our own decisions, less their financial gravy train go off the track.
America has gradually, over the past 100 years and thanks to a combination of Gramsci's Long March Through the Institutions[https://archive.org/details/ConceptOfHegemony20/page/n1] and Barack Hussein's racially charged "fundamental transformation", morphed into something the Founders would not recognize.
It will be interesting to see how many whites remain in the "Democrat Party" in the next 20 years. With all the third world immigration combined with the inculcation of resentment and hatred against whites that white elites have foolishly overseen, it is but a matter of time before they find themselves on the outside looking in as regards their own party. They have set a train wreck in motion that they are powerless to stop and any attempts to steer the party agenda from a leadership position will soon be regarded as a joke.
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Of course white communists don’t want to live near blacks. They only want the blacks in the conservative neighborhoods. You won’t see them in The Hamptons. Or in Cape Cod. Or Nantuket. Why do you think barry lives where he does? That neighborhood is so white as soon as a housemaid opens a new packet of 300 thread count sheets, they magically jump onto the bed and all the creases disappear.
Of course white communists don’t want to live near blacks. They only want the blacks in the conservative neighborhoods. You won’t see them in The Hamptons. Or in Cape Cod. Or Nantuket. Why do you think barry lives where he does? That neighborhood is so white as soon as a housemaid opens a new packet of 300 thread count sheets, they magically jump onto the bed and all the creases disappear.

American Thinker is nothing but conservative BS. It's trash, not worth a second look and the topic is also just sheer crap.

Notes: American Thinker is a conservative daily online magazine dealing with American politics, foreign policy, national security, Israel, economics, diplomacy, culture and military strategy. The American Thinker demonstrates a right bias through wording and story selection. They have also failed a few fact checks such as this one. (7/18/2016) Updated (6/26/2017)

Use a broad brush much?
OP: See, Liberals hate living with dirty, thieving, mean, evil, raping, murdering blacks. That means they're the racists.
American Thinker is nothing but conservative BS. It's trash, not worth a second look and the topic is also just sheer crap.

Notes: American Thinker is a conservative daily online magazine dealing with American politics, foreign policy, national security, Israel, economics, diplomacy, culture and military strategy. The American Thinker demonstrates a right bias through wording and story selection. They have also failed a few fact checks such as this one. (7/18/2016) Updated (6/26/2017)


And here is what Chris Hayes A Colony in a Nation is really discussing. The OP was disingenuous at best, the worst at his worst.

OP: See, Liberals hate living with dirty, thieving, mean, evil, raping, murdering blacks. That means they're the racists.

Agreed. I think it less of a matter of heritage or race, and more a matter of common values.

A simple example, I value a well maintained and well kept house, yard, such as I keep mine, and no crime. I'm less concerned about what color or race my neighbors are, and more concerned that my neighbors keep theirs in similar condition.
American Thinker is nothing but conservative BS. It's trash, not worth a second look and the topic is also just sheer crap.

Notes: American Thinker is a conservative daily online magazine dealing with American politics, foreign policy, national security, Israel, economics, diplomacy, culture and military strategy. The American Thinker demonstrates a right bias through wording and story selection. They have also failed a few fact checks such as this one. (7/18/2016) Updated (6/26/2017)


I’ve been reading that very same opinion here on the New York Post. Sorry. I’ve newly begun reading the Boston Herald also after Miss Cohen did her mini expose in it. Do everyone worth two ****s here a favore and reconcider your Pravda leanings.
I often see on forums like these a refrain from some right winger towards some liberal that goes something like "Well why don't you go live in South central!" As if showing a little sympathy toward people of color, concerns for economic inequality or a desire to see a little less discrimination means one has to go and live in a rough neighborhood - and presumably suffer the consequences of that risk as a punishment for having a soul and as a 'hard lesson' in life.

This indirect form of ad hominem says a lot more about the person who posts it: it assumes that all people in said neighborhood are indeeed horrible and that the target will come to realise that people of color don't deserve any sympathy after all if only they suffered at the hands of a burglar or gang-banger or some other stereotype.

Yes there are dangerous neighborhoods in large cities. Yes the ecnomically disadvantaged often live there: African American, latino, what have you. No, white liberals are not obliged to move there and potentially give up their safety and security. That does not mean that people shouldn't argue for the rights of all to be respected and for all shades of skin to be valued.
Hmm...., Amazon just made a deal with Mayor DeBlasio of NYC to create a Google tech Center in Long Island City, NY. This area was run down and has been gentrified

An Amazon move to Queens raises gentrification worries ...
Nov 06, 2018 · “They should demand that Amazon pay a gentrification tax to offset the negative impact of rising rents and lost small businesses the company will cause in Long Island City,” Westin said.

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