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Remember Its about Tyranny (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 7, 2012
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Denio Junction
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A while back it was noted the 2nd amendment was not about protecting one's home from a robbery, not about target shooting, or hunting. It was about tyranny and the needs of the people to keep and bear arms to protect their freedoms. Quickly the anti gun zealots pointed out air planes, tanks, and smart bombs made this obsolute and one proud liberal noted Egypt as a country who changed its tyrannical government without a gun. I couldn't help but think about that post by that individual when CNN aired this video on their web site:
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Caution - its not easy to watch.
A while back it was noted the 2nd amendment was not about protecting one's home from a robbery, not about target shooting, or hunting. It was about tyranny and the needs of the people to keep and bear arms to protect their freedoms. Quickly the anti gun zealots pointed out air planes, tanks, and smart bombs made this obsolute and one proud liberal noted Egypt as a country who changed its tyrannical government without a gun. I couldn't help but think about that post by that individual when CNN aired this video on their web site:
CNN Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Caution - its not easy to watch.

If protestors in Egypt were armed, it would be more like Syria most likely.

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