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Records by Maskhadov (1 Viewer)



Here come two of the records (followed by no comments) made by Maskhadov and taken from his personal files. The recordings were received from a credible source in the city of Grozny (Chechen Republic, Russian Federation) and translated into English.

(August/September, 1999)
"In Kandahar, Sheik (n. Usama bin Laden) had a meeting with the leaders of Pakistanis from the MUM (n. Movement of Muslim Ulemas) and three commanders of special Taliban movement units. I was deputized by Gorets (n. Highlander - a call sign or moniker).

From the report by Gorets: "We were discussing the questions of sabotage coordination in Asmara, Khosta, Pol-e 'Alam and Kandahar (all in Afghanistan). On the initiative of Fazl-ul-Rahmon, we exchanged detailed data on Russian military facilities in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan.
Sheik made terms with Pakistanis for interaction organization. He therefor furnished four scout teams each numbering 10-15 people. "
On 26 September in Shahikot, Gorets had a meeting with Sheik and chief instructors of training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan. During the meeting they were discussing issues concerning recruitment of new mujahedeens to undergo training and various financial matters (well done, Gorets!)
In all, there were eleven people there, including vice-consul of Afghanistan in Peshawar Muhammad Vali Naimi.
It was said at the meeting that during October '99 1270 people undergone training in the five camps owned Sheik. Among them, 325 people in Kandagar camp, 240 in Baar-1 and 270 in Baar-2 Khosta training camps.
Naimi said he had already sent 14 demolition men, their route lying from Peshewar, Beit al-Ansar (house of followers), as part of his cooperation with Chechen representation in Kabul.
Sheik told chief instructors to specially mind recruiting and training of those who originate from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and are capable of speaking Russian (which is very good).
Sheik will ask his companions for financial support of training. The money will be transferred via banks in Amsterdam, Dublin and London. All in all it will be about $500-600 thousand.
60% of the fundings taken from Egypt ("Al-Jihad" and "Islamic Group"), Jordan ("Prophet Muhammad's Army"), Pakistan ("Guerrilla Movement" and "Society of Muslim Ulemas") and Saudi Arabia as well as London "Committee on Vested Rights Protection" and "Front of Islamic Salvation (FIS)" will be given to recruit, train and convey militants to Chechnya.
Sheik said that 22 people will be sent from Sudan to Chechnya. Those guys used to fight in Afghanistan (very good - they already have some fighting experience!). 15 people will arrive from Morocco and Abu Anasa will give 9 demolition specialists. Sami ul Haq also will give 20 fighters of his...."

(six years later)
"166 mujahedeens are undergoing training in Vaziristan (n. Pakistan).
The instructors originate from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Yemen and (the main point!) the U.S. and England!..
Among those in Vaziristan there are Afghans, Tadjiks, Uzbeks, Arabs and our guys from Shatoi, Vedeno, Urus-Martan and Kestins.
My plans:
April - two groups in fives heading Moscow thro Dushanbe.
May - three groups in fives heading Ekaterinburg thro Khojend and Tashkent.
June - three groups in fives heading Rostov thro Dushanbe, Bishkek and Tashkent.
July - four groups in fives - heading Baku thro Dushanbe, Khojend and Tashkent.
August - five groups in fours heading Baku thro Dushanbe, Khojend and Tashkent and seven groups in 10-15s heading Ichkeria thro Tbilisi and Pankisi Gorge (I think Magomad can do it).
21 groups go to Ichkeria, one group goes to the Ural, one group to Moscow and one more to Rostov.
Not to forget to give a task to the Limped to have a talk with the Moneyman (n. Zakaev and Berezovski)...."

Can you imagine things of the sort taking place somewhere?
How'd you come across these?
maXimuS said:
In Kandahar, Sheik (n. Usama bin Laden) had a meeting with the leaders of Pakistanis from the MUM (n. Movement of Muslim Ulemas) and three commanders of special Taliban movement units. I was deputized by Gorets (n. Highlander - a call sign or moniker).

gorets: /gor´ets/, n.
The unknown ur-noun, fill in your own meaning. Found esp. on the Usenet newsgroup alt.gorets, which seems to be a running contest to redefine the word by implication in the funniest and most peculiar way, with the understanding that no definition is ever final.
maXimuS said:
Can you imagine things of the sort taking place somewhere?

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