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Re: Garland nomination (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 2, 2013
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Now that the the Dems are flip flopping and saying an SC appointment SHOULDN't be made in an election year, what do you think would have happened even if the GOP HAD let the nomination go forward?
Would they have smeared him with lies like the Dems did with Kavanaugh?

Would thy have made up so BS reasons to declare him unfit like the Dems did with Gorsuch?
Seems the dems have flip-flopped to support the Republican position from 2016.

Where did the Republicans go?
Now that the the Dems are flip flopping and saying an SC appointment SHOULDN't be made in an election year, what do you think would have happened even if the GOP HAD let the nomination go forward?
Would they have smeared him with lies like the Dems did with Kavanaugh?

Would thy have made up so BS reasons to declare him unfit like the Dems did with Gorsuch?

The Trumpist actually thinks this is a clever turnaround that he can deploy to justify the GOP having its cake and eating it too.

No, that is not what "Dems" think. There is nothing inconsistent in thinking that there shouldn't be some election year rule about nominations, but since the GOP invented one to justify stealing Garland's seat, the GOP should be bound by its own made-up rule and not nominate anyone to replace RGB.
The Trumpist actually thinks this is a clever turnaround that he can deploy to justify the GOP having its cake and eating it too.

Are you still pretending that the Dems wouldn't be doing the *exact* same thing if the table were turned?
( rhetorical- we all know the answer)
T. There is nothing inconsistent in thinking that there shouldn't be some election year rule about nominations, but since the GOP invented one to justify stealing Garland's seat, the GOP should be bound by its own made-up rule and not nominate anyone to replace RGB.
How did they 'steal ' Garland's seat? They held the Senate .
You think they would have confirmed Garland even with this 'made up rule"
( rhetorical - we all know the answer).

Dems have already been schooled as to why this year is different than 2016
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