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Ray Lewis has a message for Black Lives Matter (1 Viewer)


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Ray Lewis Blasts Black Lives Matter For Ignoring Black-on-Black Crime: Do Black Lives Really Matter?
By Ian Schwartz
Posted on April 6, 2016

Former Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis posted a video on his Facebook page over the weekend where he ripped the Black Lives Matter movement for ignoring the problem of "black men killing black men."

In his heartfelt video commentary Lewis called out the movement for making black people feel victimized while "every day we have black-on-black crime killing each other." Lewis said there aren't any riots over this problem.

"Why do we always find ourselves the victims, and now we have the separation once again that we’re being victimized because of one bad white cop, two bad white cops, three bad white cops, killing a young black brother. But every day we have black-on-black crime, killing each other?" Lewis asked in the video.

The black community needs more men like Ray Lewis to step up and tell it like it is, because the messages from race hustlers like Al Sharpton are sending black people down the wrong path and dividing our nation.

I think I should issue this warning for some on the extreme left...

The link above contains a video with potentially offensive (religious) content.

The black community needs more men like Ray Lewis to step up and tell it like it is, because the messages from race hustlers like Al Sharpton are sending black people down the wrong path and dividing our nation.


Interesting. And he couldn't be more right.
The black community needs more men like Ray Lewis to step up and tell it like it is, because the messages from race hustlers like Al Sharpton are sending black people down the wrong path and dividing our nation.


Is this the same Ray Lewis that was sentenced to one year of probation for obstructing justice in the stabbing deaths of two men following a Super Bowl party in Atlanta ? :roll:
The black community needs more men like Ray Lewis to step up and tell it like it is, because the messages from race hustlers like Al Sharpton are sending black people down the wrong path and dividing our nation.


yea you won't see the liberal left going after him about it either.
they will simply let it slide.

to come out against what he said could be considered racist and so right now I bet they are seething mad about it.
you won't hear one word from Jesse Jackson or Sharpton.
The black community needs more men like Ray Lewis to step up and tell it like it is, because the messages from race hustlers like Al Sharpton are sending black people down the wrong path and dividing our nation.


gotta say, ray lewis certainly has insider knowledge about inflicting black-on-black crime

too bad that he, like you, seems not to understand that the BLM movement is not about black-on-black crime

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