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Rallying to Stop Execution of Tookie Williams (1 Viewer)

Should Tookie Williams be executed?

  • Yes - I believe in the death penalty

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Yes - I do NOT believe in the death penalty

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • No - I believe in the death penalty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - I do NOT believe in the death penalty

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
First, read this article for the background information.

Here is my take on this. Even though Tookie Williams was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, and that he has made a difference in the lives of many young people, the following facts remain:

1) That he shot a man in cold blood, after making him get on his knees and beg for his life.

2) That, instead of apologizing and showing remorse, he only states that he made a mistake. Some mistake.

3) Officials of the State of California prison system state that Williams still runs the Crips from inside prison.

Now I have some points to make:

First, and foremost, I am against the death penalty, but not for the reasons most are. I am only against it in general because innocent people are sometimes executed. In this case, Williams admits his crime, and since he is clearly guilty of the crime, the sentence is clearly just, no matter how I feel about the death penalty.

Secondly, the death penalty discussion in California is a state issue, and the Federal government and Supreme Court should stay out of it.

Finally, how can Williams' punishment be cruel and unusual in light of the way he killed his victim? Again, my only objection against the death penalty is that sometimes innocent people are executed. For tlhose who are guilty of their crimes, I dont buy into this so-called "cruel and unusual punishment" BS. Pull the switch on the scumbag.
He deserves his punishment, and it shouldn’t of taking them so many years to give it to him. His winning of the Nobel peace prize just shows how ridiculous that prize really is.
LiberalNation said:
He deserves his punishment, and it shouldn’t of taking them so many years to give it to him. His winning of the Nobel peace prize just shows how ridiculous that prize really is.

Actually, he didnt win it. He was nominated, and there is a big difference. Anyone can be nominated, if enough members of certain groups do the nominating. Winning is determined by the Nobel Prize Committee.

And dont denigrate the Nobel Peace Prize. Not long ago, a Persian woman named Ebadi won the prize for standing up to the Islamic government in Iran. She did this by quoting parts of the Quran back at the radical Islamic judges who run the country's legal system, and did this to their faces in open court. She could have been executed for this, but instead, she actually shamed them to the point that they gave in to her. I have personal knowlege of this. I work for an Iranian-owned contracting company here in Houston. The daughter of the president of the company went to Iran to teach women after she got her degree, which was a very dangerous thing to do. Educating women in Iran is regarded as a capital crime by most Islamic extremists who practice sharia. Without Ebadi's work there, she most likely would have been executed herself. She now teaches at the University of Montreal, and is, at this time, writing a book about her experience.
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Yasser Arafat also one the Nobel peace prize, a real peace loving man he was.:roll:
danarhea said:
First, read this article for the background information.

Here is my take on this. Even though Tookie Williams was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, and that he has made a difference in the lives of many young people, the following facts remain:

1) That he shot a man in cold blood, after making him get on his knees and beg for his life.

2) That, instead of apologizing and showing remorse, he only states that he made a mistake. Some mistake.

3) Officials of the State of California prison system state that Williams still runs the Crips from inside prison.

Now I have some points to make:

First, and foremost, I am against the death penalty, but not for the reasons most are. I am only against it in general because innocent people are sometimes executed. In this case, Williams admits his crime, and since he is clearly guilty of the crime, the sentence is clearly just, no matter how I feel about the death penalty.

Secondly, the death penalty discussion in California is a state issue, and the Federal government and Supreme Court should stay out of it.

Finally, how can Williams' punishment be cruel and unusual in light of the way he killed his victim? Again, my only objection against the death penalty is that sometimes innocent people are executed. For tlhose who are guilty of their crimes, I dont buy into this so-called "cruel and unusual punishment" BS. Pull the switch on the scumbag.

He's a cold blooded killer through his acts he has caused the suffering of untold thousands by forming the violent criminal gang known as the crips, no amount of false acts of redemption which are only intended to save his own life now can make up for his actions which have ruined the lives of hundreds and thousands of innocent people who have been sweeped up into his lawless inhuman acts of greed, violence, and murder. Simply put fry the ****er!
Now comes an article that Arnold Schwartzeneggar is agonizing over whether to give him clemency. What is there to agonize about? Williams committed at least 4 shotgun murders in cold blood, was involved in many violent incidents while in prison, has never apologized or shown remorse for his crimes, referring to them as youthful indiscretions, and according to California authorities, still runs the Crips from inside the walls.

During the recall election that ousted Gray Davis, the Republican Party could have won the governorship with Bozo the Clown if they had wanted to, and they had a winner in Tom McClintock, a solid Conservative. Instead, they chose Arnold. Well, Arnold is out when the next election happens, and I hope McClintock runs again. As much as Californians are pissed at Schwartzeneggar, they still dont trust Democrats either. Maybe Conservatism will finally win in that state.
Kill em and get it over with.

How about we put him on his knees and beat him to death with the Nobel Peace Prize.
Fry him. He deserves it. If you want somebody to pull the switch or fire the bullet, call me.:2razz:

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