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Racism and an expensive cover-up in Clark (1 Viewer)


MAGA Free Since 2016
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Mar 30, 2021
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I'm Standing Here Beside Myself
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Fun in my neck of the woods.

The mayor of Clark, Sal Bonaccorso, and its police chief, Pedro Matos, were caught on tape allegedly using racial slurs — yes, even that one — and joking about lynching.

And that’s not all. When the cop who secretly made the recordings came forward with them, the town didn’t take any steps to rectify the situation, according to the article. Instead, the council quietly approved a $400,000 payment to keep the whistleblower quiet and to remain on the payroll without working until retiring with a full pension.

This happened two years ago. Bonaccorso is still mayor. The Union County Prosecutor’s Office took control of the town’s police department a few months after the payment, but a promised report on the situation from the state attorney general has not materialized. Meanwhile, Matos and two other cops have spent the last two years on paid administrative leave.

The article and I use the word “allegedly” because it’s hard to prove 100 percent that those tapes are their voices and haven’t been altered. But let’s be real: If you look at all the circumstances around it as laid out in the article, it’s hard to imagine they’re faked.

But this is not a racist country. Not if you're white, I guess.
Fun in my neck of the woods.

The mayor of Clark, Sal Bonaccorso, and its police chief, Pedro Matos, were caught on tape allegedly using racial slurs — yes, even that one — and joking about lynching.

And that’s not all. When the cop who secretly made the recordings came forward with them, the town didn’t take any steps to rectify the situation, according to the article. Instead, the council quietly approved a $400,000 payment to keep the whistleblower quiet and to remain on the payroll without working until retiring with a full pension.

This happened two years ago. Bonaccorso is still mayor. The Union County Prosecutor’s Office took control of the town’s police department a few months after the payment, but a promised report on the situation from the state attorney general has not materialized. Meanwhile, Matos and two other cops have spent the last two years on paid administrative leave.

The article and I use the word “allegedly” because it’s hard to prove 100 percent that those tapes are their voices and haven’t been altered. But let’s be real: If you look at all the circumstances around it as laid out in the article, it’s hard to imagine they’re faked.

But this is not a racist country. Not if you're white, I guess.
Politico? That racist rag? 'Nuff said.
Police unions (Not your average police officers) are probably amongst the most corrupt institutions in the United States.

In my opinion, they are the reason for bad apples, racist apples, call them whatever you want -> staying on the force. If you look at every major case that caused racial uproar in the US, all of them were cops with prior disciplinary records. If the unions were efficient and put principles to serve the public first -> then they would have done their job and fired them.

A state within a state.
Fun in my neck of the woods.

The mayor of Clark, Sal Bonaccorso, and its police chief, Pedro Matos, were caught on tape allegedly using racial slurs — yes, even that one — and joking about lynching.

And that’s not all. When the cop who secretly made the recordings came forward with them, the town didn’t take any steps to rectify the situation, according to the article. Instead, the council quietly approved a $400,000 payment to keep the whistleblower quiet and to remain on the payroll without working until retiring with a full pension.

This happened two years ago. Bonaccorso is still mayor. The Union County Prosecutor’s Office took control of the town’s police department a few months after the payment, but a promised report on the situation from the state attorney general has not materialized. Meanwhile, Matos and two other cops have spent the last two years on paid administrative leave.

The article and I use the word “allegedly” because it’s hard to prove 100 percent that those tapes are their voices and haven’t been altered. But let’s be real: If you look at all the circumstances around it as laid out in the article, it’s hard to imagine they’re faked.

But this is not a racist country. Not if you're white, I guess.
Without proof it was them on the recording nothing should have happened. Modern technology makes it very simple to fake a recording. Nobody should have their life ruined because of something that could be 100% fake.
Every day in big cities we see racial hate crimes. Like white people shoving old Asian women off of subway platforms or following them home and mugging them them in their apartment elevators. When is law enforcement ever going to address this issue?
Without proof it was them on the recording nothing should have happened. Modern technology makes it very simple to fake a recording. Nobody should have their life ruined because of something that could be 100% fake.
Right. They paid $400,000 because it wasn't them.
Looks like Clark is 0.84% Black. Articles like this are encouraging, since the "racism" is about someone saying something about lynching, and not about Clark being a nearly Black-free zone.
Yet he didn’t lose his job. Because the whole world is racist

Well, the powers at be are at least, in a town that is 95% white
Well, the powers at be are at least, in a town that is 95% white
Possibly. But back to my original comment, he shouldn’t have lost his position without any proof he said it.
Possibly. But back to my original comment, he shouldn’t have lost his position without any proof he said it.
A recording is proof.
Every day in big cities we see racial hate crimes. Like white people shoving old Asian women off of subway platforms or following them home and mugging them them in their apartment elevators. When is law enforcement ever going to address this issue?
I ****ing hate whataboutism...
****ing weak...
Here have some Will Smith apologizing for his thuggish behavior at the 2022 Oscars, Hopefully this will be the last time they have their self congratulatory awards ceremony in public.

Fun in my neck of the woods.
The mayor of Clark, Sal Bonaccorso, and its police chief, Pedro Matos, were caught on tape allegedly using racial slurs — yes, even that one — and joking about lynching.
And that’s not all. When the cop who secretly made the recordings...

But this is not a racist country. Not if you're white, I guess.
So that makes this a racist country? How? You are a racist because of this?
Police unions (Not your average police officers) are probably amongst the most corrupt institutions in the United States.

In my opinion, they are the reason for bad apples, racist apples, call them whatever you want -> staying on the force. If you look at every major case that caused racial uproar in the US, all of them were cops with prior disciplinary records. If the unions were efficient and put principles to serve the public first -> then they would have done their job and fired them.

A state within a state.
They paid off the whistleblower to keep quiet?
Let me guess...Italians?

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