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Question 5 for Christians (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2005
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Southern California
Political Leaning
Some people believe God has answered their prayers. Yet many people have prayed and not gotten relief of some bad situation. Does God pick and choose whose prayers to answer? Why?
alphamale said:
Some people believe God has answered their prayers. Yet many people have prayed and not gotten relief of some bad situation. Does God pick and choose whose prayers to answer? Why?

Here again it is not for us to know the mind of God...but christ said "consider the lily in the field...does it not have its every need met." I believe God provides for each person, but that often times it is in a more profound way than we realize. What you may think of as being unable to live without, God may know is really a problem in your life. Faith takes away the burden of worry and leaves you open to actually seeing the possibilities.
jallman said:
Here again it is not for us to know the mind of God...but christ said "consider the lily in the field...does it not have its every need met." I believe God provides for each person, but that often times it is in a more profound way than we realize. What you may think of as being unable to live without, God may know is really a problem in your life. Faith takes away the burden of worry and leaves you open to actually seeing the possibilities.

Get real. Tell the "lily" quote to parents of a child dying of leukemia. Why DOESN'T He meet every need? Can you come with a better answer to all these questions than we don't know the mind of God?
jallman said:
Here again it is not for us to know the mind of God...but christ said "consider the lily in the field...does it not have its every need met." I believe God provides for each person, but that often times it is in a more profound way than we realize. What you may think of as being unable to live without, God may know is really a problem in your life. Faith takes away the burden of worry and leaves you open to actually seeing the possibilities.
This is so true jallman. Also true is that I have found an answer to prayer is often co-related to our obedience.
And what they say... "He is never late, but always right on time." Man... Have I lived that'n!
alphamale said:
Get real. Tell the "lily" quote to parents of a child dying of leukemia. Why DOESN'T He meet every need? Can you come with a better answer to all these questions than we don't know the mind of God?

Its not necessary to be so aggressive...you asked the question and I gave you the answer from a Christian perspective. Are you suffering something right now that is inspiring your need for answers? If so, it might be better to talk about it more directly.

And we dont know the mind of God and never will. We cant even comprehend the mind of the opposite gender. Why do you find it necessary to torment yourself with attempts at knowing what is truly unknowable?
jallman said:
Its not necessary to be so aggressive...you asked the question and I gave you the answer from a Christian perspective. Are you suffering something right now that is inspiring your need for answers? If so, it might be better to talk about it more directly.

And we dont know the mind of God and never will. We cant even comprehend the mind of the opposite gender. Why do you find it necessary to torment yourself with attempts at knowing what is truly unknowable?

I want some answers to the many contradictions, puzzles, and baffling ideas from Christianity. You may be giving answers from a christian perspective, but you are not making a lot of sense, even sense internal to your doctrines, from the perspective of an agnostic.
alphamale said:
I want some answers to the many contradictions, puzzles, and baffling ideas from Christianity. You may be giving answers from a christian perspective, but you are not making a lot of sense, even sense internal to your doctrines, from the perspective of an agnostic.

I see nothing that goes directly against anything God has asked. If it is necessary for my faith for me not to try to quantify God and limit his glory to what my human mind can comprehend, then I can say I am going to guard my faith first and not try. As I said before, God is much greater than image or personage...and He is far more vast than the majesty of His own church. You cannot fall into the trap of trying to humanize God, because then you open the door to bringing God down to your level. I think God deserves more than that.
alphamale said:
I want some answers to the many contradictions, puzzles, and baffling ideas from Christianity. You may be giving answers from a christian perspective, but you are not making a lot of sense, even sense internal to your doctrines, from the perspective of an agnostic.
The answer is Christ... He is but one heartfelt prayer away... From then follow the signs, though often subtle, they are certain. Know this: What the devil meant for evil, God will turn to the good.
jallman said:
Here again it is not for us to know the mind of God...but christ said "consider the lily in the field...does it not have its every need met."

if we were not meant to know the mind of god, what purpose does the bible serve?
star2589 said:
if we were not meant to know the mind of god, what purpose does the bible serve?

Is the complexity of your mind apparent in even your most heartfelt writings? Do you always explain your reasoning to a child?
jallman said:
Is the complexity of your mind apparent in even your most heartfelt writings? Do you always explain your reasoning to a child?

no, but he could have been much more clear without going over our heads.
star2589 said:
no, but he could have been much more clear without going over our heads.

But then where would our devotion come from if we had all the answers. Like I said, it is not necessary to know the mind of God to faith in his goodness.
jallman said:
But then where would our devotion come from if we had all the answers. Like I said, it is not necessary to know the mind of God to faith in his goodness.

if we're capible of understanding the answers why not just give them? why demand devotion without answers? why trust something that does so?
star2589 said:
if we're capible of understanding the answers why not just give them? why demand devotion without answers? why trust something that does so?

I cant answer that for God or for you. I can only give you my reasoning. I just dont think its necessary nor is it my desire to have all the answers. I look at the complexity of this world and the complexities within my own being and know that SOMETHING has to be behind it. I know my own heart and the faith I have in the world and it is pure logic to me at that point that the something behind it has to be inherently good. Thats enough for me to want to get closer to it.
First off there are many questions we as Christians ask that we never get a satisfactory answer to. I do not know the answer to this and I admit this in humility.... So this might not help at all but I'll try to answer it to the best of my ability.

Jesus modeled his own words throughout his life and ministry when He said in prayer, "YOUR will be done" (Matthew 6:10) He taught this to his disciples. It was not their will........but YOUR meaning Gods will. We must all pray in this way.

When we pray, "Your will be done," we recognize the sovereignty of God over every aspect in our lives. And quite frankly I think if God answered all our prayers we might really be in trouble. Because sometimes we do not know what is best for us or anyone else for that matter. His perspective is perfect, ours is not. He sees the whole picture, we do not. When we pray this....we acknowledge that our wills MUST be submitted to His will. We should walk according to His word instead of trying to control or command Him according to what we want....we must give Him control.

When we pray as Christ prayed, "Nevertheless, not my will but they will be done," we can rest assured that even in sickness and tragedy "all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
God will not spare us from trial and tribulation. Do you remember Job? He endured more tragedy in a single day than most people experience in a lifetime. Yet in Jobs darkest hour he said the ultimate words of faith. "Though He slay me, yet I will trust in Him." (Job 13:15)

I believe God uses the tribulations in our lives to bring us closer to Him, so that we will seek shelter and comfort in His arms.

I wrote this down and it's in my Bible, I have no idea who said it, but I think its so true.

"Prayer is a means of bringing us into conformity with Gods will, not a magic mantra that ensures Gods conformity to ours."

One other thing...

Turn your Bible to Isaiah and read Chapter 59:1-2. It says,
"1 Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save,
nor his ear too dull to hear.
2 But your iniquities have separated
you from your God;
your sins have hidden his face from you,
so that he will not hear.

What this verse says is this. Sometimes when sinners say that they pray and don't think God hears them, they may be right. If I am aware of sin in my heart, the Bible says that the Lord will not hear me. Sin separates us from God. Why should He listen to us asking for things over and over when we are not living according to HIS will.

Example... Say I am married and I have a family. I am also having an adulterous affair with a neighbor. I ask God to bless my marriage...but I continue doing what God says is wrong. Why would God want to answer my prayers....Why should he listen to me at all? Why would He want to bless me in any way?

Psalm 66:18 says the same thing. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the LORD WILL NOT HEAR ME."
jallman said:
I cant answer that for God or for you. I can only give you my reasoning. I just dont think its necessary nor is it my desire to have all the answers. I look at the complexity of this world and the complexities within my own being and know that SOMETHING has to be behind it. I know my own heart and the faith I have in the world and it is pure logic to me at that point that the something behind it has to be inherently good. Thats enough for me to want to get closer to it.

while I can understand that, I dont understand how a vague concept such as that, leads to something as specific as christianity.
star2589 said:
while I can understand that, I dont understand how a vague concept such as that, leads to something as specific as christianity.

I dont understand how my church cherry picked the books of the bible either, but hey...whatever. I am not the most devout of christians in the churchy sense. I am roman catholic, but I admit that some of my beliefs are heretical when you test them against the doctrine of the church. One reason the priesthood was not a place I belonged. But, I hold true to my faith in God and his ever-lasting love and commitment to mankind...I acknowledge the pact he made with us and I have a deep appreciation for his gift. There is nothing to rebel against God for...I save all my rebellion for the Church. ;)
alphamale said:
Some people believe God has answered their prayers. Yet many people have prayed and not gotten relief of some bad situation. Does God pick and choose whose prayers to answer? Why?

God answers all prayers all the time. He answers either "yes", "no," or "wait." God has a purpose for everything He does, and I suppose His answers depend on how it will fit into his overall plan.
alphamale said:
Good question. Answers?

The bible was written and compiled by man, although divinely inspired. It is not meant to be a manual of directions, but rather a book of fables, letters, histories, and legal codes that illustrate, not only our own evolution of spirit, but remind us of God's interactions, pacts, and promises. Use it to inspire reflection, but never take it literally, because then you are following man and not the God who dwells in your heart.
alphamale said:
Some people believe God has answered their prayers. Yet many people have prayed and not gotten relief of some bad situation. Does God pick and choose whose prayers to answer? Why?
It is imposable to give a specific answer about some unspecific person's prayer.

In general, if one is faced with a challenge, one is suppose to pray for guidance, strength, etc, to overcome that challenge; not try to whine their way out of it. It is my experience that when one prays to get out of a situation, the situation becomes worse. However, when that same person stops trying to get out of that situation and prays for the appropriate support or ability to deal with and overcome that challenge, they get it.

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