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Putin wanted to make Russia great again and return it to a golden past- Russians are learning it wasn’t that great. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 18, 2016
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Political Leaning
One of Putin’s goals in attacking Ukraine was to return Russia to the world order that existed before the fall of the Berlin wall and the capitulation of the Soviet Union.

Now, multiple international companies have seized doing business in Russia, for visa and MasterCard to TikTok and BMW. People are waiting in huge lines to get on the subway, food prices are going through the roof, and everything from basic hygiene items to luxury goods are getting scarce.

All this nostalgia and thinking that things were so great in some golden past is really very toxic.
All this nostalgia and thinking that things were so great in some golden past is really very toxic.

It's one of many con jobs that get people to vote for someone who wants to dominate them and take their money. 'Your religion is being attacked', 'your country is being invaded by immigrants', 'make the country great again', it's a long list of con jobs all to get power for the interests the con artists serve.
One of Putin’s goals in attacking Ukraine was to return Russia to the world order that existed before the fall of the Berlin wall and the capitulation of the Soviet Union.

Now, multiple international companies have seized doing business in Russia, for visa and MasterCard to TikTok and BMW. People are waiting in huge lines to get on the subway, food prices are going through the roof, and everything from basic hygiene items to luxury goods are getting scarce.

All this nostalgia and thinking that things were so great in some golden past is really very toxic.
Kind of reminds me of a coward that came up with the slogan "Make America great again". I forget his name, but he was a draft dodger during the Vietnam war. Claimed he had flat feet....Led us into a horrible recession. Killed millions of people with his stupid theories, lies and actions. Tried to stage a coup against democratic values. You know that guy....friends with Putin.

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