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Putin threatening to end diplomatic relations with US over Biden calling him a war criminal; first time Russia has threatened this (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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I'm not sure how important it would be; it is an escalation, it would hamper communications. But those are prices worth paying. More important are the questions it raises about Putin's intentions toward military escalation.

Good. Hopefully this means that their global internet access can be cut if they choose to do so.
Bidens right. Anyone who bombs a maternity ward and apartment buildings is a war criminal!

How about a wedding procession?

What I hate to see on this is when partisan politics is made the priority over good policy. When if Biden HAD had good reasons to hold off saying that, Republicans would be thrilled to pounce making it a political attack he's 'weak' creating political pressure for him to say it - the way they ran around demanding Obama say "radical Islamic terrorism".
Bidens right. Anyone who bombs a maternity ward and apartment buildings is a war criminal!

How about drone strikes that kill civilians?

In fact, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, US drone strikes have killed 1,551 civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen since 2004. Some of these deaths appear to have been unlawful, and may even amount to extrajudicial executions or war crimes.

How about a wedding procession?

Also terrible. Not just the act, but the behavior around it: the deceptions, the lack of investigation and standards, the official indifference to the civilian harm, the apparently corrupt motivations for the violence. The persecution and abuse of the criminal justice systems in multiple countries against Julian Assange for publishing information about issues like this.
How about a wedding procession?

How about false equivalency? There are honest mistakes, and then there is indiscriminate negligence, use of banned weapons like cluster bombs, and bombing residential areas that are miles away from any legitimate military target.
How about false equivalency? There are honest mistakes, and then there is indiscriminate negligence, use of banned weapons like cluster bombs, and bombing residential areas that are miles away from any legitimate military target.

You gotta love right-libertarians for massive government violence.

"Oops, we dropped cluster bombs."

The last US use of cluster munitions was during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, with the exception of a single attack in Yemen in December 2009.

US Embraces Cluster Munitions​

Reverses Course on Internationally Banned, Reviled Weapons

I'm so hurt! This is sad. We should just give them Ukraine to save our glorious relationship.


The only drawback to this is the sense of desperation I smell in Putin. They have nukes, chem, and probably bio weapons. A dangerous losing Putin who loses control of the Russian narrative is dangerous indeed.
Go ahead Putin, make America's day!!

Evil Empire, same old Russia
How about false equivalency? There are honest mistakes, and then there is indiscriminate negligence, use of banned weapons like cluster bombs, and bombing residential areas that are miles away from any legitimate military target.
Criticizing two things doesn't mean they're criticized equally. All the things I mentioned around the attack - lying about it, not investigating it properly, not treating it as a real problem and so on, are not accidents, they are policies.
Putin is worse than the later USSR, if not all of the USSR depending how you weigh Stalin killing Russians.
Putin is on the record stating that the dissolution of the USSR was the worst geopolitical disaster of the last century. That statement alone tells us lots of Comrade Putins mindset.
You gotta love right-libertarians for massive government violence.

"Oops, we dropped cluster bombs."

The last US use of cluster munitions was during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, with the exception of a single attack in Yemen in December 2009.

US Embraces Cluster Munitions​

Reverses Course on Internationally Banned, Reviled Weapons

The lack of responses to your rather brilliant post speaks volumes imo Anti.
How about drone strikes that kill civilians?

In fact, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, US drone strikes have killed 1,551 civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen since 2004. Some of these deaths appear to have been unlawful, and may even amount to extrajudicial executions or war crimes.

Those folks were liberated.
They now enjoy mucho FrEeDuMbZ$™.
Bidens right. Anyone who bombs a maternity ward and apartment buildings is a war criminal!
True if it really happened as advertised
I'm not sure how important it would be; it is an escalation, it would hamper communications. But those are prices worth paying. More important are the questions it raises about Putin's intentions toward military escalation.

The countries will find a way to communicate when they want and need to. You just won't hear about it publically. Putin can either 'escalate' against Ukrainians by showing he REALLY knows to kill efficiently if he wants to. Or he can try to widen the conflict and involve more of his neighbors. One tactic not discussed enough is letting the Ukrainain refugees turn into a total flood and putting extraordinary humanitarian pressure on Poland, Moldavia, etc which their allies are not prepared to help or take in in mass numbers. The refugees become an economic weapon themselves in the economic war.
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You gotta love right-libertarians for massive government violence.

"Oops, we dropped cluster bombs."

The last US use of cluster munitions was during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, with the exception of a single attack in Yemen in December 2009.

US Embraces Cluster Munitions​

Reverses Course on Internationally Banned, Reviled Weapons

George W. Bush was a war criminal too.

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