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Putin nominated for Nobel Peace Prize (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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“The nomination was reportedly sent to the five-person committee in Norway earlier this year.
However, the reason for the nomination has not yet been reported.”

Chemistry? 🤷

“The nomination was reportedly sent to the five-person committee in Norway earlier this year.
However, the reason for the nomination has not yet been reported.”

Chemistry? 🤷

Or bringing Peace to Syria?

Now trump is REALLY gonna want to be nominated ..........
Or bringing Peace to Syria?

Now trump is REALLY gonna want to be nominated ..........

Trump has already gotten at least one nomination. It seems that Putin’s nemesis, Navalny, is on the list as well; could make for an awkward ceremony!

“Putin rival Alexey Navalny, who this week left a Berlin hospital where he was recovering from an alleged assassination attempt utilizing the Soviet-era poison novichok, was also reportedly nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by professors in Russia.“
Now trump is REALLY gonna want to be nominated ..........

Trump was already nominated, twice, by some right wing radical in Europe. You know who else had been nominated? Hitler was. So was Stalin, twice. None of them won however.
I know Trump really wants this, but do you think he'll ask to withdraw now that his boss has been nominated?
Trump was already nominated, twice, by some right wing radical in Europe. You know who else had been nominated? Hitler was. So was Stalin, twice. None of them won however.
It is just a Joke now.
Trump was already nominated, twice, by some right wing radical in Europe.

Trump was nominated by one individual named John Barron and another individual named David Dennison. /s
“The nomination was reportedly sent to the five-person committee in Norway earlier this year.
However, the reason for the nomination has not yet been reported.”

Chemistry? 🤷

Norway was involved with Trump’s nom too
The Nobel Peace Prize should be given jointly to Putin and Trump. Or maybe a three-way with...
Your rationale?

Putin deserves it as much as Trump. He's bringing peace to Syria, defending his close ally and rightful leader, Assad. Much like Trump bringing peace to the ME by
sale of F-35 jets to UAE as part of their "recognizing" Israel. Yeah, that'll work. (Heavy snark)

Heavy snark.

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