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Putin makes key appointment to lead Ukraine forces after failure in Kyiv: report (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning

No problem. Ukraine has some specialists ready to welcome the new general. 'Charcoal' for example.
🇺🇦 Why do they need a new general , when the "Special operation" is going as planned (accoring Moscow trolls and RT.ru) ?
"A world power or no Muscovy " Which is the epitome of a self fulfilling prophecy...
Assad’s butcher will be well-received by the gop hard right and tulsi.

No problem. Ukraine has some specialists ready to welcome the new general. 'Charcoal' for example.
🇺🇦 Why do they need a new general , when the "Special operation" is going as planned (accoring Moscow trolls and RT.ru) ?
"A world power or no Muscovy " Which is the epitome of a self fulfilling prophecy...

RT disappeared just as the invasion started.

No problem. Ukraine has some specialists ready to welcome the new general. 'Charcoal' for example.
🇺🇦 Why do they need a new general , when the "Special operation" is going as planned (accoring Moscow trolls and RT.ru) ?
"A world power or no Muscovy " Which is the epitome of a self fulfilling prophecy...

Wouldn't it be a scream if the new general decided to oust the Butcher and become the new dictator?
Wouldn't it be a scream if the new general decided to oust the Butcher and become the new dictator?
maybe, but I think the next - last tsar will be Chubais or kadyrov , one for sure Moscow has lost this war already , nothing works for moscow


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