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Putin is Readying his Troops (1 Viewer)

Are you going to end up a bunch of pansies sitting around?

  • We're going to end up a bunch of pansies sitting around.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Let Ukraine fall to Putin.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Jun 16, 2014
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Putin is Readying his Troops:

And will put the experience to training his next generation of soldiers for further conquest.

In WWII Hitler sent mercenaries to North Africa to engage in fighting to prepare them for his conquests.

So, we'd best as get our hands dirty.
Try to make sure you can form a coherent sentence before you post again. Thanks.
I'd appreciate it.
Try to make sure you can form a coherent sentence before you post again. Thanks.
I'd appreciate it.
Russia's troops haven't had any action in decades, they're fresh and untrained.

The Russian command is shuffleing their deployments, so that everybody gets some time on the battlefield.

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