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Putin Dead (1 Viewer)


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Jun 16, 2014
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Putin Dead:


I'm more afraid of him dead than alive.
More like Putin playing head games with western media. Sheesh!
The Beast of Russia dies of a heart attack.

And I thought it would be the Antichrist Kim Jong Un.

No, the False Prophet?
Hmmm.... I am a little skeptical. People have been saying stuff like this on and off since forever. I guess we will see...
More like Putin playing head games with western media. Sheesh!
I would be so disappointed, but you're probably right, tell them I'm dead.

Otherwise why would they be showing his double?
I doubt that the oligarchs would allow an understudy to keep ****ing up the country. If there actually is an understudy, he had better hope that putin lives to be 120.
Even if it is false, it shows the political chaos surrounding Vladimir Putin. As propaganda, it suggests weakness. It may be an attack by his opponents to undermine his authority and credibility as a leader.
If this is true it won't take too long for it to be verified. Something like a stand-in body double posing as a leader can only be faked for so long. At some point there would be a power struggle and a shake up.
It's still speculation at this point. I think I'll wait for the Russian government to confirm it officially.
I don't believe he's dead, but it is interesting how long this rumor has been going on.
It's still speculation at this point. I think I'll wait for the Russian government to confirm it officially.
What’s a good outlet for that?

Even if it is false, it shows the political chaos surrounding Vladimir Putin. As propaganda, it suggests weakness. It may be an attack by his opponents to undermine his authority and credibility as a leader.
There is political chaos somewhere else in the world?
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I'd take this with a massive grain of salt.
Putin Dead:


I'm more afraid of him dead than alive.
coming more and more info , every hour ....

our next step :
Putin Dead:


I'm more afraid of him dead than alive.
At this point should this not be in the conspiracy forum?
Not this crap again.

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