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Putin claims to have "liberated" Mariupol (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 23, 2018
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Political Leaning
Well I guess if you mean liberating people from their earthly trials and tribulations and their possessions and their homes and their spouses and children and their own municipal government then you have liberated them Vlad. Other than that NOT SO MUCH.

The Russian people have been alarmingly consistent throughout history. They will allow this public pronouncements from their leaders, believing this swill as long as their lives don't appear to be getting worse than they are already as woeful as they are already. Eventually and I do mean eventually, they might rise up en masse as they have in the past. But at that point they are so riled up that the whole thing ends up a circular firing squad with those left alive declaring that in itself a victory and the whole damned process starts all over again.
Well I guess if you mean liberating people from their earthly trials and tribulations and their possessions and their homes and their spouses and children and their own municipal government then you have liberated them Vlad. Other than that NOT SO MUCH.

The Russian people have been alarmingly consistent throughout history. They will allow this public pronouncements from their leaders, believing this swill as long as their lives don't appear to be getting worse than they are already as woeful as they are already. Eventually and I do mean eventually, they might rise up en masse as they have in the past. But at that point they are so riled up that the whole thing ends up a circular firing squad with those left alive declaring that in itself a victory and the whole damned process starts all over again.
The report I heard, was that Putin doesn’t want a black-eye trying to finish the defenders off. If they cannot deliver a resounding victory with the accompanying casualties to the Russian aggressors, he will starve them out. I think he has an eye on the calendar, as well. 9MAY is a big deal in Red Square since 1946.

One has to wonder at what point is enough, enough…..
The report I heard, was that Putin doesn’t want a black-eye trying to finish the defenders off. If they cannot deliver a resounding victory with the accompanying casualties to the Russian aggressors, he will starve them out. I think he has an eye on the calendar, as well. 9MAY is a big deal in Red Square since 1946.

One has to wonder at what point is enough, enough…..
True about Putin's military intentions in Mariupol but the statement he made about having liberated Mariupol was more a political statement about the whole wacko denazification thing etc etc etc. Putin's whole panoply of arguments has been BS from day one. Now he is stuck doubling and tripling down on the BS.

In contrast as much as I hated our own dishonest as hell public rational for Iraq2, I don't remember Cheney or Bolton or Rumsfeld doubling down. I remember them skulking off into the background and leaving IDIOT Bush 43 to his "mission accomplished" nonsense and leaving Presidents to be named later to clean up the mess for their playtime in the ME.
What the hell else is he going to say?
The report I heard, was that Putin doesn’t want a black-eye trying to finish the defenders off. If they cannot deliver a resounding victory with the accompanying casualties to the Russian aggressors, he will starve them out. I think he has an eye on the calendar, as well. 9MAY is a big deal in Red Square since 1946.

One has to wonder at what point is enough, enough…..

Putin is proving that the maxim "might makes right" really does make a lot of sense after all...

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