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Putin allows "russian" airlines to fly $10 billion worth of foreign-owned planes domestically (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning
Dear me. It just gets worse. Why they need this is baffling. They cant fly anywhere apart from the more obscure shitholes in the Siberian Tundra. Muscovite horde is becoming the Somalia of Asia and will suffer until the last days of this pathetic empire (ulus)

Putin allows Muscovite airlines to fly $10 billion worth of foreign-owned planes domestically


Dear me. It just gets worse. Why they need this is baffling. They cant fly anywhere apart from the more obscure shitholes in the Siberian Tundra. Muscovite horde is becoming the Somalia of Asia and will suffer until the last days of this pathetic empire (ulus)

Putin allows Muscovite airlines to fly $10 billion worth of foreign-owned planes domestically


Symbolic looting. They might scavenge them for parts or sell them off but I doubt they'll be flying much. There's nowhere for them to go.
One more horrific blunder by the west .

Almost another Afghanistan .

P.S. Lots of reports that the Taliban sold off all the American surplus left in Afghanistan to best bids after they re-armed themselves .Some of the surplus now seen in Ukraine .

The US goes from blunder of the century to whatever is even worse .Dragging the little doggy called EU behind it .

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