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Protecting Civil Liberties (1 Viewer)


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Sep 9, 2005
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Liberty is a security. It is the most important liberty because you can't have any others unless you are secure as a person.

The terrorists threaten security the basic fundamental to civil liberty. The only way to protect civil liberties is to protect security therefor the war on terror protects civil liberties rather then threaten them. It is essential that we have laws agansit terror.
kennedy74 said:
Liberty is a security. It is the most important liberty because you can't have any others unless you are secure as a person.

The terrorists threaten security the basic fundamental to civil liberty. The only way to protect civil liberties is to protect security therefor the war on terror protects civil liberties rather then threaten them. It is essential that we have laws agansit terror.

Agree somewhat......but......you have to be very careful. Laws are not made to protect the guilty....they are made to protect the innocent. By protecting the rights of our enemies we make sure ours are protected as well.
The issue that resides in the crux of the bisuit is the electorate's protection from corrupt officials.

Eveyone wants the bad guys to be caught and dealt with. People don't weep that the bad guy lost his protection against search and seizure. The issue is that even if you believe that every single politician and official who currently hold a position of public trust has Sir Galahad type integrity, one day, there may well come be such a creature as a dishonest politician or corrupt official.
If the govt is given extraordinary powers, then this hypothetical corrupt politician/ corrupt official has those extraordinary powers to us to satisfy their cupidity. What protects the electorate from the abuse of the powers we grant to the gov?

Currently, Americans can be thrown into prison for years w/o any hope of appeal or release w/o even the necessity of being charged w/ an offense.

Some folks may say, "Yeah, but that's just terrorists who'll be deprived of their American birthrights." As long as politicians are honest and officials not corrupt, this may well be true. However, as I stated, there is the potential w/in human nature for dishonesty and corruption. One day one of the sterling individuals who come to a position of public trust may yeild to the their more venal nature in some way that creates a dishonest politician or a corrupt official. Hard to believe, I know, but it is possible that one day a public servant could put himself or herself before his or her duties.
If a corrupt individual came to wield such a power that was not subject to appropriate checks and balances how would we know, and what could be done about it? There would be no trial, nor even a charge made against the imprisoned American.
The American would be thrown into prison for soem unknown and indefinite time w/o appeal or means of redress.
Seems somewhat at odds w/ the American way, IMHO. I'm sure there's some version of the American way that allows for the summary imprisonment of Americans despite the protections of the Bill of Rights, but it's not my version.
Originally posted by kennedy74:
The terrorists threaten security the basic fundamental to civil liberty. The only way to protect civil liberties is to protect security therefor the war on terror protects civil liberties rather then threaten them. It is essential that we have laws agansit terror.
I'm not willing to give up one civil right to fight this bullshit war on terror. The Patriot Act sucks! And this current Administration is hell bent on destroying the Constitution. I like my Constitution just the way it is.

As far as this war on terror, you cannot have a war against an Ideology! There is no clear enemy and no predictable end. This is just another stupid buzzword that has been served up on the public. Just like war on drugs, war on criminals, war on illegal immigrants, war on .....whatever.

We are in a perpetual state of war with no ending.
Billo_Really said:
I'm not willing to give up one civil right to fight this bullshit war on terror. The Patriot Act sucks! And this current Administration is hell bent on destroying the Constitution. I like my Constitution just the way it is.

As far as this war on terror, you cannot have a war against an Ideology! There is no clear enemy and no predictable end. This is just another stupid buzzword that has been served up on the public. Just like war on drugs, war on criminals, war on illegal immigrants, war on .....whatever.

We are in a perpetual state of war with no ending.

So youw ould keep all your precious liberties even it meant countless terrorist attacks on this country...Make no mistake about it that is what the PA prevents.........
Originally posted by Navy Pride:
So youw ould keep all your precious liberties even it meant countless terrorist attacks on this country...Make no mistake about it that is what the PA prevents.........
PA doesn't prevent jack-shite! It is an assault on the Constitution as well as being a war on Americans. No, I'm not willing to give up my civil rights. Fight the bullshit war some other way. Giving up our rights, what made this country in the first place, gives the terrorists one in the win column.
Billo_Really said:
PA doesn't prevent jack-shite! It is an assault on the Constitution as well as being a war on Americans. No, I'm not willing to give up my civil rights. Fight the bullshit war some other way. Giving up our rights, what made this country in the first place, gives the terrorists one in the win column.

What is the matter Billo? you got something to hide? Well lets hope the next terrorist attack doesn't take your ass out...........
Originally posted by Navy Pride:
What is the matter Billo? you got something to hide?
Is that it? Being against the Patriot Act and for the Constitution means I got something to hide? Your funny.

Originally posted by Navy Pride:
Well lets hope the next terrorist attack doesn't take your ass out...........
I bet you do...
Navy Pride said:
So youw ould keep all your precious liberties even it meant countless terrorist attacks on this country...Make no mistake about it that is what the PA prevents.........

:rofl That's a good one. You and jamesrage should get a stand-up comedy routine going! :rofl

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